Keywords : system, educational standards, individuality, gap, personal qualities,
intellectual development, inability, efficiency, skill, psychological world, indicator, success,
quarter, didactic, method, task educational material, cooperative work, educational processes,
educational results, general potentials, final control, encouragement, positive motivation,
Introduction : After our country gained independence, great importance was attached
to the fundamental reform of the education system. The 20th century of human history has
passed and we have entered the 21st century. The positive change that took place in the last
century was that the development of science rose to higher levels, great success was achieved
in the field of education, every aspect of the education field It is no exaggeration to say that
the major changes taking place in one direction have become an important factor and
opportunity for reaching higher positions not only for the society, but also for the state. Many
years of experience show that it is necessary for everyone, that is, all members of society, to
be involved in education. In this regard, the words of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, should always become a slogan: On the basis of the action
strategy, large-scale changes are being implemented in all areas. The success of these reforms,
our country's rightful place among the developed and modern countries in the world, is first
of all linked to the development of science and education, and our ability to compete on a
global scale in this regard..."
In fact, improving the quality of education and ensuring the harmonization of education
with the international assessment systems of the modern era is the most pressing issue facing
pedagogues today. For this purpose, pedagogues working in educational institutions,
especially elementary school teachers, attach great importance to the development of
students' knowledge and their worldview in accordance with the times by bringing the spirit
of the new age and a new breath to the lessons.
The implementation of innovations such as the international evaluation system "PIRLS",
it is important for pedagogues to exchange experience and work together on the application
of new pedagogical innovative technologies. The knowledge gained in the primary class
serves as a foundation for the next level. At this time, whatever subject the child is interested
in, it will be easy for him to learn this subject. The role of primary education and the subjects
in it is also important in choosing a profession of the child in the future. Getting the student