www. kokanduni.uz of development, as well as 2019 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-4391
dated July 11, 2015 "Management of the system of higher and secondary special education in
connection with the implementation of the decision on measures to introduce new principles
The quality of education is traditionally the highest quality of teaching and scientific
research a natural element at the level and an integral part of the professional activity of
scientists is considered Nowadays, improving the quality of higher education is education all
over the world remains one of the most important and basic issues in the system. that is why
there is also a need to research approaches to evaluating the quality of higher education.
Accordingly, ensuring the quality of higher education has various consequences and
characteristics will have. Various researchers in the field of higher education ensure the
quality of education they always rely on best practices when developing an adequate
(suitable) system.
Ensuring the quality of education can be interpreted as "rules of engagement". will have
clear consequences. At the same time intensive external control on the transparency of the
quality of educational services that reduce the need There are also "unwritten rules. By way of
conclusion, so far in terms of ensuring the quality of higher education the existing national
and foreign experiences show that at present Reforms and innovations carried out separately
and unsystematically in HEIs ineffective, which often undermines the overall effectiveness of
higher education delivers.
Therefore, the quality of higher education has not yet been improved exchange the
accumulated foreign experiences with the achievements of the national education system
harmonizing only in a complex, systematic and whole way there is no doubt that the increase
will raise the quality of higher education in our country to a new level. In all spheres of mental
development, personal social relations change. In this process, the leading role of educational
activity is at the junior school age does not exclude the active participation of the student in
other activities, during it the child's new achievements are improved and strengthened. L.S.
Vygotsky noted that the characteristic feature of primary school age is that the goals of the
activity are mainly determined by adults for children.
Reforms in the field of higher education in the new Uzbekistan are currently in their
infancy in terms of relevance and practical importance than reforms in other areas will not
stay. These reforms are already showing results today. Above The information presented
shows positive results in our educational system in this area a sign of the ongoing reforms on
a wider scale will give.
References: 1. Sh.M. Mirziyoyevning O
qituvchi va murabbiylar kuniga bag
ishlangan tantanali
marosimdagi nutqidan.
2. https://www.unicef.org
3. https://daryo.uz
4. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim tizimini 2030
-yilgacha rivojlantirish konsepsiyasi.