8.5.4 Surface order As for enclitics, the surface order is inverted in respect of the proclitical situation, so that a
lexical rule "np-pp-inversion" (a general lexical rule dealing with the free argument order for
ditransitive verbs) is needed (and enough) to deal with such a “clitic-chain order” inversion.
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8.6. Interactions between auxiliary selection, agreement and cliticization 8.6.1 Examples: a)
reflexives (accusative and dative)
(i) “Giovanni ha ucciso il gatto”
(John killed the cat)
(ii) “Giovanni SI è ucciso”
(John HIMSELF killed)
(iii) “Ho regalato un libro a Giovanni”
(I gave-as-a-present a book to John)
(iv) “MI sono regalato un libro”
(TO-MYSELF I gave-as-a-present a book)
(v) “GLI ho regalato un libro”
(TO-HIM I gave-as-a-present a book)
“SI” (impersonal / subject)
(vi) “Gli amici sono arrivati”
(Friends have arrived)
(vii) “SI è arrivati”
(ALL-OF-US have arrived)
(viii) “Giovanni ha discusso di politica”
(John has talked about policy)
(ix) “SI è discusso di politica”
(IT has been talked about policy)
inherent/pseudo-reflexive (x) “MI sono innamorato”
(I felt in love)
(xi) “MI sono voluto innamorare”
(I wanted to fall in love)
(xii) “Ho voluto innamorarMI”
(I wanted to fall in love)
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