D3.3 Very basic grammar for I Revision 0.1
DeepThought IST-2000-30161 Page 27 (of 55)
8.5.3. Specific schemata 2
A specific schema is devoted to manage the impersonal "SI"(subj)
:= head-final & head-valence-phrase &
COMPS #comps,
CLT-COMPS + ] ],
NON-HEAD-DTR.SYNSEM #1 & [ LOCAL [CAT.HEAD noun & [CASE nominative,
CLT + ],
CONT.INDEX.PNG #png ] ],
COMPS #comps & olist ] ],
AGR.PNG #png & 3sing,
CONT.INDEX [E.MOOD finite, E.DIATH active] ] ].
The impersonal "SI" plays the role of a subject of the host verb. Nevertheless, the "base-clt-
nominative" cannot inherit form the head-subj-phrase in the Matrix because an empty
COMPS list cannot be a correct general constraint in this case. Actually, when other clitics
are present, the impersonal "SI" is the latter in the clitics chain ("e.g.: "ME LO SI dice spesso"
(TO-ME IT ONE says often)), so that when the SI attaches to the host verb, its COMPS list is
really not empty.
The COMPS list of the Head-dtr is constrained to be "olist", so that optional not realized
complements don't block the rule application (e.g. "SI ama" (ONE loves)).
The base-clt-nominative removes the element from the SUBJ list, coindexed with the clitic.
The host verb has to be singular, finite, active.
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