affermeth to hem eny governaunce being contrarie to her witt or pleasaunce,
though it ligge
ful open and ful sureli in doom of resoun, and ther fore
sureli in moral lawe of kinde, which is lawe of God forto be doon, yit thei
anoon asken, “Where groundist thou it in the Newe Testament?” or “Where
groundist thou it in Holi Scripture in such place which is not bi the Newe
Testament revokid?” And if thei heere not where so in Holi Scripture it is
witnessid, thei it dispisen and not receyven as a governaunce of Goddis
service and of Goddis moral lawe . . .
The secunde trowing or opinyoun is this: That what ever Cristen man or
womman be meke in spirit and willi forto undirstonde treuli and dewli Holi
Scripture, schal without fail and defaut fynde the trewe undirstonding of
Holi Scripture in what ever place he or sche schal rede and studie though it
be in the Apolcalips or oughwhere ellis, and the more meke he or sche be,
the sooner he or sche schal come into the verry trewe and dew undirstonding
of it, which in Holi Scripture he or sche redith and studieth . . .
The third trowing or opinioun is this: Whanne evere a persoon hath founde
the undirstonding of Holi Scripture into which he schal come bi the wey now
bifore seid of the second opinioun, he or sche oughte bowe away her heering,
her reeding, and her undirstonding fro al resonyng and fro al arguyng or
provyng which eny clerk can or wole or mai make bi eny maner evydence of
resoun or of Scripture, and namelich of resoun into the contrarie, though the
mater be such that it passith not the boondis neither the capacite of resoun
forto entermete
therwith and forto juge and geve kunnyng ther upon . . .
[Pecock says he will state thirteen “principal conclusiouns” against the first
[T]he firste is this: It longith not to Holi Scripture, neither it is his office
into which God hath him ordeyned, neither it is his part forto grounde eny
governaunce or deede or service of God, or eny lawe of God, or eny trouthe
which mannis resoun bi nature may fynde, leerne, and knowe.
[He then provides six arguments, a corollary, and proofs for this first
conclusion, of which two arguments and a corollary follow.]
The second principal argument into the first bifore sett and spoken
conclusioun or trouthe is this: Thilk thing is the ground of a governaunce,
be concerned.
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