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Describe a person who inspired you

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Describe a person who inspired you
Having a person who you can draw inspiration from is a blessing I’d say, because depending on who your inspiration is you can always push yourself to become a better version of yourself. And when you feel down, they are the ones who motivate you either directly or most of the times indirectly.
There are probably 10s of people that inspire me and among them are some big names such as Elon Musk who inspires me with how industrious he is and Jordan Peterson, a well-known psychiatrist and I’m inspired by him because he’s very well-educated and well spoken. But above all, my ultimate source of inspiration is no other than Cristiano Ronaldo who is a household name among people of different ages. Actually, he’s the reason I’m interested in sports especially football. I remember when I was still a kid, I used to watch a lot of football and I used to wish to be like him. SO basically, I grew up watching him play football. While he was just a 19 year old kid who played football, over years he became more than that. Now he is a public figure, philanthropist, record breaker and of course an example for many people like me.
What sets him apart from other football players is, in my opinion, his determination. I mean even after becoming one of the best, if not the best, football players of all time, he never seems to slow down. He still works hard and he’s still as hungry as he ever was. He’s a source of inspiration for me because whenever I struggle and feel like giving up, I just picture him in my head as if he’s giving me advice and it just works every time.

Describe a movie you want to watch again
Watching movies is in my opinion one of the best ways to unwind but as I’m more than busy these days, I don’t really have time to watch one. And to be honest, I cannot even remember the last time I watched a movie, probably it was last summer. Anyway, I’m interested in watching movies of different genres ranging from dramas to documentaries. But my all time favorite movie type is science fiction. And the reason for that is on top of being entertaining, this particular type of movie is very educational.
Actually, I learned about science more from watching movies and reaction videos on the internet than I have in science lessons at school. So you can imagine how crazy I am about watching sci-fi. So naturally now I’ll talk about one of my favorite movies, which is also a sci-fi movie. The name of the movie is ‘Interstellar’ and God knows how many times I have watched this movie. What really like about it is the fact that no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to amaze me because there is always something new that I have to learn. So, the movie is about the future of humanity, it depicts how in the future, people will deplete all the resources on earth and then a team of scientist through NASA’s secret project send people to a dozen of newly discovered planets to look for the most habitable one. Also, the movie talks about one of the most complicated theories and concepts in physics such as wormholes, blackholes and gravity and many more. Of course when people watch it once, I don’t think they will able to grasp everything unless they have some scientific background. And the same thing happened with me when I watched it for the first time. So it actually makes sense to watch it several times.

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