I gave him my exercises so that, he might correct them. MUST Must modal fe'li ma'lim bir kuch ta'sirida ma'suliyat, burch, zaruriylik,
majburiylik, qa'tiy buyruq va ishonch aralash taxminni ifodalaydi. Must modal fe'lining
xuddi shunday ma'noga ega bo'lgan ekvivalentlari to have to va to be obliged to lar
mavjud. Va ular must modal fe'lini qo'llash mumkin bo'lmagan zamonlarda ishlatiladi.
Baring, because of the type of work in which he was engaged, had been obliged to forget making friends. I felt that I had to have the air. 1. Must - kerak deb tarjima qilinib, hozirgi va kelasi zamondagi ish - harakatni
I must do it now. I must go there tomorrow. 2. Ma'lum bir kuch ta'siridagi zaruratni have + to + V ham ifodalaydi, lekin bu
birikma buyruq va maslahatni ifodalash uchun ishlatilmaydi.
I must do it now = I have to do it now. He must go there tomorrow = He has to go there tomorrow. 3. O'tgan zamondagi zaruratni ifodalashda had + to + V, kelasi zamonda
ko'pincha shall / will have + to + V ishlatiladi:
I had to go there. I shall have to do it. 4. Must gapiruvchi to'g'ri deb o'ylagan taxminni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.
You must take it when shop assistant gave you. 5. Hozirgi zamondagi taxminni ifodalash uchun must + V, o'tgan zamondagi
taxminni ifodalash uchun must + have + P.P. ishlatiladi.
He must know her address. They must have forgotten to send us a copy of the telegram with their letter. OUGHT TO 1. Ought to + V hozirgi va kelasi zamondagi ahloqiy burch yoki maslahatni
He ought to help his friend. You ought to be more careful. 2. Ought to + have + P.P. otgan zamonga taluqli bo'lib, biror kishi burchini
bajarmaganda yoki nomunosib xatti - harakat qilganda unga nisbatan tanbeh va ta'na
ma'nosida ishlatiladi: