Kalit so'zlar:
AKT, kompyuter, texnologiyalar, xorijiy tillar, internet, materiallar, o'qituvchi,
Ключевые слова:
ИКТ, компьютер, технологии, иностранные языки, интернет,
материалы, учитель, ученик.
Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203
Orazbayev J.J.
Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh
This article highlights ideas and proposals for radically improving the activities
of the Kengashes of People's Deputies, further increasing the role and place of each deputy in these
Kengashes, as well as the requirement of a strict and responsible approach to their work of elected
People, deputies, executive authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial
divisions, mechanisms, state bodies, ministries, departments, cooperation.
Currently, the Councils of People's Deputies are becoming an integral part of the state
power, which occupies an important place in the socio-political life of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In this process, a more responsible approach of these councils to their activities, of course, serves to
effectively establish parliamentary control over the implementation of the Constitution and laws
adopted in our country.
This should be done due to the fact that the elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of
Uzbekistan and local Kengashes of People's deputies, held on December 22, 2019 and January 5,
2020, preceded the elections, as well as the emergence of real competition between the political
parties participating in them, as well as debate meetings between political parties held before these
elections, on election days. we can also see from the fact that heated discussions were held in
connection with their course.
Indeed, these elections are significant not only by the fact that residents of our state, that is,
voters, actively participated in the elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, local
Kengashes of people's deputies, but also by the fact that these elections were held by reputable
political organizations in the international arena on the basis of positive and truly democratic
In particular, for not identifying the winners of the first round in 25 electoral districts
holding elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in
accordance with the resolution of the Central Election Commission of December 25, 2019, that is,
since none of the five candidates of political parties nominated in these districts could get more than
50% of the votes of the voters who participated in the voting, repeated voting between the
candidates from the two who received the largest number of votes of the voters who participated in
the voting in these districts, it was scheduled for January 5, 2020.
On January 5, 2020, a repeat vote was held at 1,730 polling stations in 25 electoral districts
holding elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan[1].
It should be noted that the conduct of these elections on democratic principles to a certain
extent indicates that the Republic of Uzbekistan has ensured a certain efficiency in achieving the
priority of the Constitution and laws in this area. After all, it was noted that the elections were held
openly and transparently, that the debates in pre-election campaigning and campaigning aimed at a
deeper analysis of how laws affecting all spheres are applied in public life gave a good result, that
in comparison with previous elections, the reliability and reliability of the results of these electoral
processes increased somewhat, how much increased the burden of high responsibility towards
deputies after the elections. also we can see.