G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

please. Iltimos, ozroq non uzatib yubo- ring. Bring the milk

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xorijiy t

Iltimos, ozroq non uzatib yubo-
Bring the milk from the kitchen. 
Oshxonadan sutni olib keling. (Osh-
xonadagi hamma sutni).
Taqqoslash: Bring me some milk 
from the kitchen.
Oshxonadan menga ozroq sut olib 
The meat was quite cold.
Go‘sht juda sovuq edi.
We shall ship the ore next week.
Biz rudani kelasi hafta yuklaymiz.
The news caused some excite-
Yangilik ozroq hayajonga sabab 
4. Oldin gapirilgan ot qayta takrorlanganda aniq artikl bilan ishla-
When I entered the room, I saw a 
man standing at the window. The 
man was very old.
Xonaga kirganimda men deraza ol-
dida turgan bir kishini ko‘rdim.
U kishi juda qari edi.
Once there lived an old doctor in a 
small town. The doctor was known 
to everybody in the town as a very 
kind man. 
Bir vaqtlar bir kichkina shaharchada 
bir qari doktor yashagan ekan. Dok-
tor shaharchadagi hammaga (saxiy 
kishi) ochiq ko‘ngil kishi sifatida 
tanilgan ekan. 
I bought some cheese and some 
butter. The cheese was not very 
good, but the butter was excellent.
Men pishloq va sariyog‘ sotib ol dim. 
Pishloq yaxshi emas ekan, ammo sa-
riyog‘ juda a’lo darajada edi.
The waiter brought me some tea 
and some milk. I drank the tea but 
did not drink the milk.
Ofi tsiant menga choy va sut olib 
keldi. Men choyni ichdim, lekin 
sutni ichmadim.
5. Dunyoda yoki ushbu vaziyatda yagona bo‘lgan shaxs yoki buyum 
oldida aniq artikl ishlatiladi:
The earth is millions of kilometres 
from the sun. 
Yer quyoshdan millionlab kilo-
metr uzoqlikda. 
When the goods have been loaded 
on a ship, the captain signs a re-
ciept called a bill of lading. 
Mollar kemaga yuklangandan 
in kapitan konosament deb 
ata luvchi tilxatga imzo chekadi. 
6. Dunyodagi yoki biror vaziyatdagi barcha shaxs yoki buyumlarni 
ifodalagan ko‘plikdagi ot oldida aniq artikl ishlatiladi:
Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the 

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