What story are you reading?
Siz qanday hikoya o‘qiyapsiz?
How many books did you buy?
Siz nechta kitob sotib oldingiz?
MAXSUS SO‘ROQ GAPLARNING JAVOBLARI 1. Maxsus so‘roq gaplarga ma’no tomonidan zarur bo‘lgan barcha gap
bo‘laklarini takrorlash bilan toliq javob beriladi. Bunda, odatda, otdan
yasalgan gap bo‘laklari olmoshlar bilan almashtiriladi:
When did the teacher read an inte-
resting story to the students?
He read it to them yesterday.
To whom did the teacher read an in-
teresting story yesterday?
He read it to the students.
What did the teacher read to the stu-
dents yesterday?
He read an interesting story to
the students (yesteraday).
What did the teacher do yester-
He read an interesting story to
the students (yesterday).
2. Ingliz tilida ham o‘zbek tilidagidek qaysi gap bo‘lagiga savol berilgan
bo‘lsa, o‘sha gap bo‘lagining o‘zi bilan ham javob berish mumkin:
When did the teacher read an inte-
resting story to the students?
To whome did the teacher read an
interesting story yesterday?
To the students.
GAPNING EGASIGA VA EGANING ANIQLOVCHISIGA BERILADIGAN SAVOLLAR 1. Egaga beriladigan so‘roq gaplar Who? Kim? va What?Nima? ol-
moshlari bilan boshlanadi va ular so‘roq gapning egasi bo‘lib keladi.
Boshqa maxsus so‘roq gaplardan farq qilib, egaga berilgan so‘roq
gaplarda darak gaplarning so‘z tartibi qo‘llaniladi. So‘roq gapda ega bo‘-
lib kelgan who, what olmoshlaridan keyin fe’l uchinchi shaxs birlikda
ish latiladi:
Ega Kesim To‘ldiruvchi
Who is reading
a book
at the window?
What is lying
on the table?
Who gives
English lessons?