2. Vergul tasvirlovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplarni bosh gapdan ajratadi,
ajratuvchi va tasnifl ovchi aniqlovchi ergash gaplar ajratilmaydi:
We went to the lake, which was very
stormy that day.
I spoke to the manager, who pro-
mised to ship the goods at once.
He did not see the letters which were
lying on the table.
A letter which is written in pencil is
diffi cult to read.
Biz o‘sha kuni juda dovulli
bo‘lgan ko‘lga bordik.
Men tovarlarni zudlik bilan
yuklashga va’da bergan mene-
jer bilan gaplashdim.
U stol ustida yotgan xatlarni
Qalamda yozilgan xatni o‘qish
3. Hol ergash gaplar bosh gapdan oldin kelsa, vergul bilan ajrati ladi:
If I see, I shall tell him about it.
After the goods had been exa mined,
we left the custom-house.
Agar uni ko‘rsam, bu haqda
unga aytaman.
Tovarlar tekshirilgandan keyin
biz bojxonadan chiqdik.
Ergash gap bosh gapdan keyin kelsa, vergul bilan ajratilmaydi:
I shall tell him about it if I see him.
We left the custom-house after the goods had been examined.
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