(was) his son.
U uni xuddi o‘z o‘g‘lidek sevardi.
He looked in the direction
of the enterance door as if he were (was) waiting for somebody.
U xuddi birovni kutayotgandek, ki-
rish eshigiga qarardi.
6. Bosh gapdagi ish-harakat qaysi zamonda bo‘lishidan qat’i nazar, ergash
gapdagi ish-harakat bosh gapdagi ish-harakatdan oldin sodir bo‘l gan bo‘lsa,
ergash gapda Past Perfect ishlatiladi:
Sub. + verb (istagan zamon, past) + as if, as though +
+subject + had + PP I remember the story as if (as though) I had just read it. Men hikoyani xuddi hozir o‘qi-
gandek eslayman.
He described the town as if (as though) he had seen it himself.
U shaharni xuddi o‘zi ko‘rib
kelgandek tasvirladi.
Betty talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize.
(She didn’t win the grand prize.)
Betti musobaqa haqida xuddi
katta mukofotni yutgandek ga-
Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost.
(He didn’t see aghost.)
Jef xuddi arvohni ko‘rgandek
ko‘ rinadi.
He looked as though he had run ten miles. (He didn’t run ten miles.)
U xuddi o‘n mil chopgandek
Izoh: Yuqoridagi ikkita qoida as ifyoki as thoughhaqiqatga teskari voqelikni ko‘rsatganda
ishlatiladi. Ba’zi vaqtlarda ularda bunday ma’no bo‘lmasdan quyidagi zamon lar bilan kelishi
He looks as if he has fi nished the
test. (Perhaps he has fi nished.)
U xuddi testni tugatgandek ko‘-
ri nadi. (Balki tugatgandir.)
He looked as though he was lea ving.
(Perhaps he was leaving.)
U xuddi jo‘nayotgandek ko‘ri-
nar di. (Ehtimol jo‘nayotgandir.)