Vol 2 No. 2 https://literature.academicjournal.io
ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 2 No: 2 for the month of February-2022
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uncle”, uncle “maternal uncle”, aunt “paternal aunt”, aunt “maternal aunt”, niece!/nephew
“paternal nephew//niece”, niece!/nephew “maternal nephew//niece”. The meaning of kinship can
be considered as an independent component of individual functional-semantic microsystems.
The names of kinship relations between people are expressed by independent words and phrases.
They occupy an intermediate zone between a word and a term in its scientific understanding. A
term in the scientific sense is a word that has a scientific concept that serves the professional and
labor needs of people.
In Uzbek and English, some words are used in speech in the function of kinship terms, which
zot (direct meaning: “genus”, “origin”),
urug (direct dictionary meaning “seeds”),
tomir (direct meaning: “root”), phraseologies combination of
arqonning bir uchi (one side of the rope).
In English origin (direct meaning: “genus”, “origin”), root (direct meaning: “root”), phraseologies
combination “one side of the tightrope” (“one side of the rope”).
These lexemes are used in relation to persons whose family ties with the speakers are at the stage
of forgetting.
A difference of a special nature between the Uzbek and English observed when addressing, where
separate terms of kinship are used in the function of the address-word. In Uzbek,
aka (“elder
opa (“elder sister”),
xola (“maternal aunt”),
amaki (“father’s uncle”),
tog’a (“maternal
uncle”) are widely used in English the words Mr. Mrs. Miss, Madam to any acquaintance and
stranger. These words are used in relation to persons older than the speaker – the addressee.
For example, according to the presence and absence of the sign of blood kinship in the semantic
structure, the term
father// ota is divided into two groups