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Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma
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Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
Specific Causes of Structural Coma
Epidural Hematoma
Subdural Hematoma
Epidural Abscess/Empyema
Dural and Subdural Tumors
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Subarachnoid Tumors
Subarachnoid Infection
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Intracerebral Tumors
Brain Abscess and Granuloma
Epidural Hematoma
Epidural Abscess
Dural and Epidural Tumors
Subdural Empyema
Subdural Tumors
Cerebellar Hemorrhage
Cerebellar Infarction
Cerebellar Abscess
Cerebellar Tumor
Pontine Hemorrhage
Carotid Ischemic Lesions
Distal Basilar Occlusion
Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Viral Encephalitis
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
Mechanism of Brain Injury During Closed
Head Trauma
Mechanism of Loss of Consciousness
in Concussion
Delayed Encephalopathy After
Head Injury
Brainstem Hemorrhage
Basilar Migraine
Posterior Reversible Leukoencephalopathy
The previous chapter divided structural lesions
causing coma into compressive and destruc-
tive lesions. It further indicated that lesions
could be supratentorial, compressing or destroy-
ing the diencephalon and upper midbrain, or
infratentorial, directly affecting the pons and
cerebellum. A physician attempting to deter-
mine the cause of coma resulting from a struc-
tural lesion must establish first the site of the
lesion, determining whether the lesion is supra-
tentorial or infratentorial, and second whether
the lesion is causing its symptoms by compres-
sion or destruction or both. Those considera-
tions were the focus of Chapter 3. This chapter
discusses, in turn, the specific causes of supra-
tentorial and infratentorial compressive and de-
structive lesions that cause coma.
Although these designations are useful for
rapid bedside diagnosis, it is of course possible
for a lesion such as an intracerebral hemor-
rhage both to destroy and to compress normal
tissues. Extracerebral mass lesions can also
cause sufficient compression to lead to infarc-
tion (i.e., tissue destruction). Thus, in some
instances, the division is arbitrary. However,
the types of conditions that cause the com-
pression versus destruction of neural tissue
tend to be distinct, and often they have distinct
clinical presentations as well. The guide pro-
vided in this chapter, while not exhaustive, is
meant to cover the most commonly encoun-
tered causes and ones where understanding
their pathophysiology can influence diagnosis
and treatment (Table 4–1).
When any structural process impairs con-
sciousness, the physician must find a way to
halt the progression promptly or the patient
will run the risk of irreversible brain damage or
death. Beyond that generality, different struc-
tural lesions have distinct clinical properties
that govern the rate of progression, hint at the
diagnosis, and may dictate the treatment.
Structural causes of unconsciousness often
cause focal signs that help localize the lesion,
particularly when the lesion develops acutely.
However, if the lesion has developed slowly,
over a period of many weeks or even months,
it may attain a remarkably large size without
causing focal neurologic signs. In those cases,
the first evidence of a space-occupying lesion
may be signs of increased intracranial pressure
(e.g., headache, nausea) or even herniation
itself (see Patient 3–2).
The supratentorial compartments are domi-
nated by the cerebral hemispheres. However,
many of the most dangerous and difficult le-
sions to diagnose involve the overlying me-
ninges. Within the hemisphere, a compressive
lesion may originate in the gray matter or the
white matter of the hemisphere, and it may di-
rectly compress the diencephalon from above
or laterally (central herniation) or compress the
midbrain by herniation of the temporal lobe
through the tentorial notch (uncal herniation).
In addition, there are a number of compressive
lesions that affect mainly the diencephalon.
Tumors, infections, and hematomas can oc-
cupy the epidural, dural, and subdural spaces
to eventually cause herniation. Most epidural
tumors result from extensions of skull lesions
that grow into the epidural space. Their growth
is relatively slow; they mostly occur in patients
with known cancer and are usually discovered
long before they affect consciousness. Dural tu-
mors, by contrast, are usually primary tumors
of the meninges, or occasionally metastases.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
Epidural or subdural hematomas, on the other
hand, may develop acutely or subacutely and
can be a diagnostic problem.
Epidural Hematoma
Because the external leaf of the dura mater
forms the periosteum of the inner table of the
skull, the space between the dura and the skull
is a potential space that accumulates blood only
when there has been an injury to the skull itself.
Epidural hematomas typically result from head
trauma with a skull fracture that crosses a groove
in the bone containing a meningeal vessel (see
Figure 4–1). The ruptured vessel may be either
arterial or venous; venous bleeding usually de-
velops slowly and often is self-limiting, having a
course more similar to subdural hematomas,
which are discussed below. On rare occasions,
epidural hematomas may result from bleeding
into skull lesions such as eosinophilic granulo-
metastatic skull or dural tumors,
or cra-
niofacial infections such as sinusitis.
Arterial bleeding is usually under high pres-
sure with the result that the vessel may not seal
and blood continues to accumulate. Thus, in-
stead of causing symptoms that develop slowly
or wax and wane over days or weeks, a patient
with an epidural hematoma may pass from hav-
ing only a headache to impairment of con-
sciousness and signs of herniation within a few
hours after the initial trauma.
Although epidural hematomas can occur
frontally, occipitally, at the vertex,
or even on
the side opposite the side of trauma (contre-
the most common site is in the lateral
temporal area as a result of laceration of the
middle meningeal artery. Trauma sufficient
to cause such a fracture may also fracture the
skull base. For this reason, it is necessary for
the examiner to be alert to signs of basal skull
fracture on examination, such as blood behind
the tympanic membrane or ecchymosis of the
skin behind the ear (Battle’s sign) or around
the eyes (raccoon eyes). The epidural hemor-
rhage pushes the brain medially, and in so do-
ing stretches and tears pain-sensitive menin-
ges and blood vessels at the base of the middle
fossa, causing headache. However, the head-
ache is often attributed to the original head
injury, and unless the lesion causes sufficiently
increased intracranial pressure (ICP) to pro-
duce nausea and vomiting, the condition may
Table 4–1 Examples of Structural Causes of Coma
Compressive Lesions
Destructive Lesions
Cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral hemispheres
Epidural and subdural hematomas, tumors,
and abscesses
Subarachnoid hemorrhages,
infections (meningitis), and tumors
(leptomeningeal neoplasms)*
Intracerebral hemorrhages, infarcts, tumors,
and abscesses
Prion diseases
Progressive multifocal
Basal ganglia hemorrhages, tumors,
infarcts, and abscesses*
Pituitary tumor
Pineal tumor
Thalamic infarct
Fatal familial insomnia
Paraneoplastic syndrome
Cerebellar tumor
Cerebellar hemorrhage
Cerebellar abscess
*Both compressive and destructive.
Specific Causes of Structural Coma
not be recognized. Subsequently, the hema-
toma compresses the adjacent temporal lobe
and causes uncal herniation with gradual im-
pairment of consciousness. Early dilation of
the ipsilateral pupil is often seen followed by
complete ophthalmoparesis and then impair-
ment of the opposite third nerve as the herni-
ation progresses.
Motor signs often occur late
in such cases.
In many patients the degree of head trauma
is less than one might expect to cause a frac-
ture. In Jamieson and Yelland’s series, for exam-
ple, of 167 patients with epidural hematoma,
nearly one-half had no initial loss of con-
and in Gallagher and Browder’s
equally large series, two-thirds of such patients
had an initial injury too mild to command
hospital attention.
This is particularly true in
children, one-half of whom have suffered a fall
of less than one-half meter, and many of whom
complained of nonspecific symptoms.
15% to 20% of patients had the ‘‘classic’’ his-
tory of traumatic loss of consciousness, fol-
lowed by a lucid interval and then a relapse into
coma (patients who ‘‘talk and die’’).
even though most epidural hematomas are
identified by computed tomography (CT) scans
performed acutely in emergency departments
on trauma patients by using current evidence-
based decision paradigms,
the examiner
must remain alert to the possibility of an epi-
dural hematoma that develops or rapidly en-
larges after an apparently negative CT. It is
therefore important to review the CT scan
of trauma patients with attention directed to
whether there is a skull fracture that crosses
the middle meningeal groove. The hematoma
appears as a hyperdense, lens-shaped mass be-
tween the skull and the brain (i.e., the hema-
toma is convex on both surfaces; subdural he-
matomas, by comparison, are concave on the
surface facing the brain; see Figure 4–1). A
vertex hematoma may be missed on a routine
axial CT scan,
but a coronal reconstruction
should identify the lesion.
A magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) scan is not required for
evaluation of an epidural hematoma, but may
be necessary to evaluate contusions and edema
in the underlying brain. In addition, mass le-
sions outside the brain may cause hyperdensity
Figure 4–1. A pair of computed tomography scans showing an epidural hematoma. The image in (A) shows the lens-
shaped (biconvex), bright mass along the inner surface of the skull. In (B), the skull is imaged with bone windows, showing
a fracture at the white arrow, crossing the middle meningeal groove.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
of subarachnoid cisterns that may be mistaken
for subarachnoid hemorrhage on CT, but is
probably an artifact of partial volume averag-
In these instances, MRI helps rule out
subarachnoid hemorrhage.
In those circumstances where CT scan is not
readily available, a plain skull film can often
identify the fracture. Certainly, all patients with
head trauma should be cautioned that it is im-
portant to remain under the supervision of a
family member or friend for at least 24 hours;
the patient must be returned to the hospital
immediately if a lapse of consciousness occurs.
Careful follow-up is required even in patients
in whom the original CT was negative, as oc-
casionally the development of the hematoma is
In comatose patients with epidural hemato-
mas, the treatment is surgical evacuation. The
surgery is an emergency, as the duration from
time of injury to treatment is an important
determinant of the prognosis.
Other factors
in determining outcome are age, depth of coma,
degree of midline shift, and size of the hema-
Most patients operated on promptly
recover, even those whose pupils are dilated
and fixed before surgery.
Rarely, acute epi-
dural hematomas resolve spontaneously, prob-
ably a result of tamponade of the bleeding
vessel by underlying edematous brain.
Subdural Hematoma
The unique anatomy of the subdural space also
can produce much slower, chronic subdural
hematomas in patients in whom the history of
head trauma is remote or trivial. The potential
space between the inner leaf of the dura mater
and the arachnoid membrane (subdural space)
is traversed by numerous small draining veins
that bring venous blood from the brain to the
dural sinus system that runs between the two
leaves of the dura. These veins can be dam-
aged with minimal head trauma, particularly
in elderly individuals with cerebral atrophy in
whom the veins are subject to considerable
movement of the hemisphere that may occur
with acceleration-deceleration injury. When
focal signs are absent, these cases can be quite
difficult to diagnose. A useful rule when faced
with a comatose patient is that ‘‘it could always
be a subdural,’’ and hence imaging is needed
even in cases where focal signs are absent.
Subdural bleeding is usually under low pres-
sure, and it typically tamponades early unless
there is a defect in coagulation. Acute subdural
bleeding is particularly dangerous in patients
who take anticoagulants for vascular throm-
botic disease. Continued venous leakage over
several hours can cause a mass large enough to
produce herniation. Warfarin inhibits the syn-
thesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
II, VII, IX, and X and the anticoagulant pro-
teins C and S. The conventional treatment in-
cludes administering fresh frozen plasma and
vitamin K. However, these measures take hours
to days to become effective and are too slow
to stop subdural bleeding. Hence, in the case
of a subdural (or epidural) bleed in a patient on
warfarin, it is important to administer pooled
cryoprecipitate of factors II, VII, IX, and X
immediately. Recombinant factor VII has also
been used,
but data are lacking as to its ef-
Acute subdural hematomas, which are usu- Dostları ilə paylaş: |