Portuguese: Uzbequistão, Usbequistão, República f do Uzbequistão m(formal)
Russian: Республика Узбекистан (formal)
Spanish: Uzbekistán
Swedish: Uzbekistan
Turkish: Özbekistan, Özbekistan Cumhuriyeti (formal)
Uzbek: Ozbekiston Respublikasy (formal)
Origin of name: land of the Uzbeks, from Turkish uz: free, bek: completely
Primary subdivisions: Uzbekistan is divided into twelve wiloyatlar (sing. wiloyat: regions), one respublikasi (autonomous republic), and one shahar (autonomous city). Postal codes: Uzbekistan appears still to be using Soviet-era postal codes, six-digit numbers always beginning with '7'.
Further subdivisions: See the Districts of Uzbekistan page.
Territorial extent: Farg`ona includes five exclaves within Batken province of Kyrgyzstan. The largest is around Sokh; the next-largest contains Iordan and Shakhimardan; and the other three are negligibly small.
The UN LOCODE page for Uzbekistan lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.
Origins of names: Buxoro: possibly from Sanskrit vihara: monastery
Karakalpakstan: after the inhabitants, from Turkic kara: black, kalpak: hat