Properties of the soya flour the summary

Nutritional value of soya flour

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Nutritional value of soya flour. Soya flour – the product received from 
processed seeds of soya (soybeans), an oil cake and pressed mass. Special popularity 
of a dish from soya flour use in regions of East Asia 
Fig. A kind of soya flour
Depending on a grade and a way of manufacturing the soya flour can have 
various shades: from purely white, cream, light yellow to bright orange. 
Manufacturing of soya flour is carried out so: soya grains are dried and roughly 
crushed, deleting covers and promoting fast rancidification of torments germs of 
seeds. After end of preparatory operations the high milling of soybeans on grinding 
or stone mills is carried out more. The soya flour which is the least cleared product 
from all products from soya, consumed by the person, is a source of cellulose
clearing intestines of the person from toxins. It contains to 54 % of fiber thanks to 
what it is capable to replace with itself fibers of fish, meat, a bird and milk, leading to 
reduction of price of an end-product [1, 2, 3] 
The covers (peel) which have remained after technological process are used as a 
source of nutritious dietary fibers in baking manufactures, and also as a forage for 
Application of the flour received from soya cereals, grown up as a result of 
research in soil-environmental conditions of Bukhara area. Technology of 
preparation of foodstuff from the soya flour received as a result of research. The soya 
flour is widely used in the food-processing industry: it reduces requirement for 
additional raw materials and by that, reduces production cost price; in the course of 

thermal processing in corresponding degree keeps quality of production, and reduces 
loss of weight [4]. 
Fig. Production of wheat flour with addition of various samples (%) of soya 
5 % of soya flour is added to the wheat 
flour of 1-grade
10 % of soya flour is added to the wheat 
flour of 1-grade
The bakeries of a product prepared from various samples of soya flour. 
In sanitary-hygiene laboratory physical and chemical indicators of a bakery of 
production prepared from soya flour on the basis of GOST 26932-86, 26930-86, 
26933-86, 26927-86, 26931-86, 26934-86
have been defined. Laboratory experiments 
have been carried out at temperature Т-20.0
С and humidity W-55 % [6, 7] 

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