Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 304
The basis for the loan agreement concluded on February 25, 2021, for a period of 36
months, with a payment of 28 percent per annum, 64 450,000 soums of credit funds were allocated,
a Cobalt car belonging to defendant XXX was mortgaged as collateral for repayment of the loan,
and a surety agreement was concluded with defendants XXX and XXX.
In accordance with the loan agreement, the borrower undertakes to repay the loan and the
interest accrued on it on time and in installments on time, but the obligations assumed by him are
not fulfilled properly, payments are not made on time. The overdue loan debt of the borrower to the
bank as of March 2021 amounted to 2,322,295 soums.
The court of first instance, based on the requirements of this law and based on the
circumstances of the case, came to the correct conclusion about the satisfaction of the claim.
Thus, when considering cases of this category, judges are guided by the requirements of the
Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Code of Civil Procedure and other laws (laws of the
Republic of Uzbekistan "On pledge", "on the register of pledges", "on mortgage", legislation on
banks and banking activities, as well as other legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan).,"on
some issues arising in judicial practice in the application of the Civil Code”and "on some issues of
the application of civil legislation on the enforcement of obligations, arising from credit
agreements", in compliance with the instructions established by the decisions of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Plenum of the Supreme Economic Court.
References: 1. The Department of Civil Law of Tashkent State Law University was approved at the 1st meeting held
on August 28, 2014. Topic 19.
2. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг «Гаров тўғрисида»ги қонуни
Rezyume: Mazkur maqolada garov tushunchalari, umumiy qoyidalari, uning turlari, o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, fuqarolik munosabatlarda tutgan o‘rni, undiruvni garovga qo‘yilgan mol-mulkka qaratish asoslari va tartiblariga hamda muommolariga doir fikr-mulohazalar, amaliyot materiallari bilan yoritilgan. Резюме: В данной статье освещены понятия залога, общие положения, его виды, особенности, роль в гражданских отношениях, обоснования и процедуры обращения взыскания на заложенное имущество, а также материалы практики. Kalit so’zlar: Fuqarolik Kodeksi, qonunlar, garov, garovga oliuvchi, kreditor, qimmatli qog‘oz, majburiyat, manbalar, vazifalar. Ключевые слова: Гражданский кодекс, законы, залог, залогодержатель, кредитор, ценная бумага, обязательство, ресурсы, обязанности.