ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali 2021/4-son
"That night, Oliver's pillow was
straightened by
kind hands, and before he
fell asleep, it fluttered under the image of
beauty and generosity. He was calm and
happy, ready to die without a hitch”
The work not only evoked feelings of
warmth in the hearts of the upper classes,
but also testifies to the fact that the
government itself took into account the
education of orphans by allocating special
funds from the state economy.
The central concept
of cognitive
linguistics is the concept of moralty. In the
worldview of every writer, the elements are
contained in concepts such as "ideology",
"morality / ethics", "aesthetics", which are
the most important concepts that build the
linguistic picture of the world of any author
of artistic works.
The introduction of the concept of
"conceptosphere" in linguistics is very
important due to
the fact that the concepts
themselves, such as the concepts of
"morality / ethics "are very broad and can be
considered as the core a whole sphere of
concepts related to one degree or another
in their proximity to the main concept ("the
core of the concept sphere").
Giving a definition of the concept
of "conceptual sphere", academician
D.S.Likhachev focuses on understanding
the conceptual sphere from national
. Z.D. Popova and I.A. Sternin at
the same time clearly
distinguish the core
of the concept sphere, the closest Abstract
concepts and peripheral (more specific) its
“The conceptual sphere,” Z.D. Popova,
I.A.Sterning, - exists independently of the
language and in this capacity is the subject
of cognitive research”
V.A.Vinogradov, we find: “Being
dissolved in the lexicology, it [the concept]
loses the significance of
a purely cognitive
approach to reconstructions of cultural
meanings, for the conceptual sphere of
6 Mirabidov Erkin, Translated from Russian into Uzbek. Charles Dickens. Experiences of Oliver Twist. From Russian. (1984) Tashkent Gafur Gulam Publishing House of Literature and Art.
P. 50.
7 Likhachev D.S. The concept of the Russian language // Izvestiya Rossiyskiy Academy of Sciences. Ser. lit. and lang. M., 1993. T. 52. No. 1. P. 3–9.
8 Romanova T.V. Modality as a text-forming category in modern Memoir literature: Diss. ... doct. philol. sciences. SPb., 2004. P. 28-100. URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/modalnost-
kak-tekstoobrazuyushchaya- kategoriya-v-sovremennoi-memuarnoi-literature.
9 Hochman Baruch and Ilja Watchs. (1999) Dickens: The Orphan Condition. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, P. 6-8.
10 Ahrorkulov A, Rahmonkulov A. (2012) Representatives of world children's literature. Fergana, P. 92.
11 Dzhioeva A.A. STIFF UPPER LIP concept and correlated concept tosphere: integral analysis // Vestn. Moscow un-that. Ser. 19. Lingui stick and intercultural communication. 2017. No. 1.
P. 158–167.
culture cannot consist of two hundred
thousand components"
it is impossible not to
agree with the idea that the concept
of “conceptotosphere" is sufficiently
competent, and if the concept sphere and
cannot be displayed completely, it has its
own structure the tour mentioned above.
So, the broad concept of "morality" far from
unambiguous and certainly should have its
characteristics, defining it mainly by
other, narrower Abstract concepts.
Morality is a key concept in
philosophical ethics, from the Greek. “Éthos”
is the science of morality. "Aristotle coined
the term "ethical" to highlight a special
class of human qualities - the qualities of
his charater such as moderation, courage,
generosity and others who significantly
differ from both the quality of the mind
(for example, memory) and from qualities
of affective manifestations of
the bodily
nature (for example, rage)"
. Further,
we find in the same place the concept
of "morality", which "form mirrored in
philosophical reflection with the aim of
generalizing those ron of human life, which
were designated by the concepts of “good
(good) and evil","virtue and vice","justice
and willfulness","right and wrong", as well
as "character warehouse", "Norms and
principles of behavior", "dignity", etc
Morality manifests itself in its two
main aspects, reflection which we find
in literary texts: 1) character traits, 2)
the behavioral characteristics of the
characters. In the novel by C. Dickens
"Oliver Twist", the character
traits of the
main the hero is most often manifested
in behavioral features, which is reflects
the difficult situations Oliver finds himself
in during descriptions of his difficult
life. "Comprehensive
consideration of
emotional, plot-compositional, thematic
and other levels text allows us to talk
about modal concepts as prototypical
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