14-BILET 1-MY INSTITUTE My name is Alexey Ushakov. I’m 18 years old. I would like to say some words about my university.
The territory of the institute has an area of 19100 m2, which includes the main building with 1500 seats, a new training and laboratory building with 1000 seats, a gym and 2 mini football fields, a large football field, tennis, athletics fields.
ABOUT USThe institute has 7 faculties and 22 departments with 23 undergraduate specialties, 6 masters in specialties, 6 correspondence courses and 4 doctoral students in 4 specialties. At the Institute, highly qualified professors and teachers conduct classes andeducate future specialists. Currently, 4969 bachelors, 41 masters and 275 correspondence students study at the institute.
STUDENT LODGING AND RECREATION In recent years, the building of the institute has been reconstructed again. There is a student dormitory for 400 people, an industrial park, an information and resource center, 3 dining rooms, buffets and phytobars, which today serve the benefit of the educational and scientific activities of students and the faculty of the institute. I had to study hard to become a student of this university. At the moment, I’m also a member of Student Union Committee and I take active part in everyday student life. Our Committee is responsible for the improvement of student facilities, coordinating such student events as concerts, sport events, fund-raising activities, volunteer work, etc.
TARJIMASI-MENING INSTITUTIM Mening ismim --------. Men 18 yoshdaman. Men universitetim haqida bir necha so'z aytmoqchiman. Institut hududi 19100 m2 boʻlib, 1500 oʻrinli bosh korpus, 1000 oʻrinli yangi oʻquv-laboratoriya binosi, sport zali va 2 ta mini futbol maydonchasi, katta futbol maydoni, tennis, yengil atletika maydonchalari mavjud. BIZ HAQIMIZDA Institutda 23 ta bakalavriat mutaxassisligi bo'yicha 7 ta fakultet va 22 ta kafedra, ixtisoslik bo'yicha 6 ta magistratura, 6 ta sirtqi bo'lim va 4 ta mutaxassislik bo'yicha 4 ta doktorant mavjud. Institutda yuqori malakali professor-o‘qituvchilar dars o‘tib, bo‘lajak mutaxassislarni tarbiyalamoqda. Ayni paytda institutda 4969 nafar bakalavr, 41 nafar magistratura va 275 nafar sirtqi yo‘nalishda tahsil olmoqda. Talabalar turar joyi va dam olishi So‘nggi yillarda institut binosi yana rekonstruksiya qilindi. Bu yerda 400 o‘rinli talabalar turar joyi, sanoat parki, axborot-resurs markazi, 3 ta oshxona, bufet va fitobarlar bugungi kunda institut talabalari va professor-o‘qituvchilarining o‘quv va ilmiy faoliyatiga xizmat qilmoqda. Shu universitet talabasi bo‘lish uchun qattiq o‘qishim kerak edi. Ayni paytda men ham Talabalar ittifoqi qo'mitasi a'zosiman va kundalik talabalar hayotida faol ishtirok etaman. Qo'mitamiz talabalarning moddiy-texnik bazasini yaxshilash, kontsertlar, sport tadbirlari, mablag' yig'ish, ko'ngillilar faoliyati kabi talabalar tadbirlarini muvofiqlashtirish uchun javobgardir. 2-SAVOL TO HAVE Have yoki have gotbor bo’lmoq, ega bo’lmoq degan ma’nolarni anglatadi.
Masalan: I have a book. Yoki I have got a book. Biz III shaxs birlik uchun (he, she, it) has ishlatamiz, qolgan barcha shaxslarga have ishlatiladi.
Masalan: She has got a pen.He has apples. Have gotdan inkor yasalganda, have va got orasiga not yuklamasi qo’yiladi.
Masalan: I have not got a pen. Menda ruchka yo’q
They have not got a dog in their house. Ularning uyida it yo’q.
Have got = ‘ve got
Has got = ‘s got
Have not got = haven’t got
Has not got = hasn’t got
Savol shaklini yasash uchun esa have yoki has egadan oldinga qo’yiladi.
Masalan: Have you got a pen? Ruchkangiz bormi?
Has Lily got a brother? Lilyning akasi bormi?