Extensive Definition. Motherland is a term that may refer to a mother country, i.e. the place of ones birth, the place of origin of an ethnic group .or immigrant, or a metropole in contrast to its colonies'. This usage is sometimes seen in English, maybe more often in the social sciences. Motherland is synonymous with the concept of fatherland, although perhaps carrying different psychological and cultural associations from the earliest of times in the Earth, thereby the land, usually was depicted as a mother. Among the earliest of human records ,the Ancient Egyptians began the tradition of describing their country as a motherland & even today ,often the imagery or personification of a country depicts the gender of the concept for each, for example , Australia, Britannia, Colombia, Espana, Germania, America, India and many more. Languages usually display the gender differences of the concept in most countries.
The term “Motherland” is very often applied to Russia,' & many Russians around the world refer to Russia as their Motherland.
In Spanish -speaking counties Madre patria can refer to the speakers own home country ,or be understood as a general reference to Spain (Madre Patria) The term ,motherland especially has the connotation of ones country of birth& growing up ,with the county respectfully being rewied as a being mother, nurturing the citizens as her children.
Mother Earth may refer to:
. Motherland Nature, a common metaphorical expression for the Earth & its biosphere as the giver & sustainer of life.
. Mother Earth (deity) a Slavic deity
. Gaia (Mythology) the greek mythological goddess personifying the earth.
. Terra (Mythology) the roman mythological goddess personifying the ground.
. Mother goddess , the Earth mother .
. Mother Earth (novelette) a science fiction short story by Isaak Asimov.
Tadqiqotimiz davomida, hamma uchun birdek qiziq bo’lgan bir savolni javobini topishga ham urunib ko’rdik. Sir emaski, biz hammamiz juda yaxshi biladigan, dunyoga mashxur, o’zining osmono’par binolari va zamonaviy hayot tarziga ega bo’lgan jahonning gigant davlatlaridan biri hisoblangan Aqsh o’zining tub aholisiga ega emas. Qo’shma shtatlarda ingliz muhiti ufurib turgani bois, bizda quyidagi savol tug’ildi: Xo’sh, amerikaliklar Britaniyani o’z ona vatani sifatida ko’radimi? Bu savolga javob olish uchun, okean ortida yashovchi oddiy aholining fikrlari bilan qiziqib ko’rdik. O’rganilgan ma’lumotlarga ko’ra bu masalaga ikki tomonlama yondoshish mumkin, birinchisi, aqliy jihatdan aniq faktlarni hisobga olgan yondashuv, ikkinchisi esa ruhiy. Savolga birinchi yondashuv bo’yicha javob beradigan bo’lsak, Buyuk Britaniyaning amerikaliklar uchun ona vatan ekanligini inkor qilish qiyin albatta. Amerika qonun tizimining tuzilishi ingliz umumiy qonunlariga asoslangan, va shuningdek, hokimiyatning ko’plab asosiy qismlari Britan manbalaridan o’zlashtirilgan. Amerika madaniyatining asosiy qismining ildizlari, ayniqsa biznesga bog’liq bo’lgani Britaniyada desak adolatdan bo’ladi. Qo’shma shtatlar mustamlakaga aylangan vaqtda Britan imperiyasida shiddatli o’zgarishlar sodir bo’layotgan edi. Amerikaning o’sayotgan imperiya jamiyatiga tezkor moslashishga qurbi yetdi, iqtisodiy imkoniyatlar tufayli tez fursatda bunga erishdi. Ikkinchisi esa ruhiy yondashuv, bunda ‘Motherland – Ona Vatan’ konsepti yaxshi ta’riflangan. Amerikalik fuqoro, George Von Seelen bu haqida shunday deydi: ‘Mening familyamga tezkor nazar solish orqali siz mening oilam asli etnik germaniyalik ekanligini bilib olishingiz mumkin. Bu sodir bo’lgani kabi, men nemislarning Amerika bo’ylab eng keng tarqalgan millat ekanligiga ishonaman (Vikipediyaga ko’ra 14.7%). Nima bo’lganda ham, inson o’z vatanini qanday ifodalashi bu uning shaxsiy qarori hisoblanadi. O’z tajribamdan kelib chiqqan holda, shuni aytishim mumkinki, men o’zimni nemis deb hisoblamayman. Men Amerikada tug’ildim va shubhasiz madaniyat jihatdan amerikalikman – hech qanday sof nemis meni o’z vatandoshlaridan biri bilan adashtirolmaydi. Ba’zi amerikaliklar o’zini Buyuk Britaniya farzandi deb hisoblaydi, lekin men hali ularni uchratmadim’. Bundan quyidagicha xulosa qilish mumkin, demak, inson etnik jihatdan boshqa millat vakili bo’lsada, lekin u tug’ilib o’sgan va katta bo’lgan joyini vatan sifatida ko’proq ardoqlar ekan.
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