Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz Department of English language and literature Sarsenbaeva Umitxan
Abstract: This article explores the effectiveness of incorporating authentic material in promoting spoken English skills among language learners. The importance of authentic material in language instruction has gained significant attention in recent years, emphasizing the need to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-life language use. By providing learners with exposure to authentic language resources such as native speakers' conversations, TV shows, podcasts, and real-world communication samples, learners can develop their communicative competence and adapt their language use to different contexts. This article reviews existing research on the impact of authentic material on spoken English proficiency, highlighting the positive outcomes observed in learners' fluency, accuracy, and overall communicative abilities.
Kálit so'zlar:Nutqiy ingliz tili, haqiqiy material, samaradorlik, nutqiy ingliz tilini rivojlantirish, kommunikatsiya ko'nikmalari, til o'rganish, haqiqiy muhitlar.
Ключевые слова: Разговорный английский, Аутентичный материал, Эффективность, Повышение разговорного английского, Уровень владения языком, Навыки коммуникации, Обучение языку, Реальные контексты.
Keywords:Spoken English, Authentic material, Effectiveness, Promoting Spoken English, Language proficiency, Communication skills, Language learning, Real-life contexts.
Promoting effective spoken English skills is crucial in today's globalized world where English is widely used as a lingua franca. Proficiency in spoken English enhances communication, facilitates social integration, and opens up opportunities for academic and professional success. However, traditional language teaching approaches often fall short in preparing learners for real-life language use, particularly in spoken interactions.
Authentic material, in this context, refers to real-life language resources such as videos, audio recordings, newspapers, magazines, podcasts, and online content that are created for native speakers of the language. Unlike contrived or simplified language materials, authentic materials reflect the natural use of language in its original context, including colloquial expressions, cultural nuances, and varying registers.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using authentic material in promoting spoken English skills among language learners. By utilizing authentic materials in language instruction, learners are exposed to real-life language use and develop the ability to understand and produce English in authentic contexts.