Топлу Азярбайъан Республикасы Президенти йанында

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1.  Гусейнзаде  Г.Д.  Обучение  речевой  коммуникации  на  иностранном  языке. 

Баку, 2001 

2.  Исмаилова  Д.А.  Методика  обучения  диалогической  речи  современного 

английского языка на начальных курсах вузов. Баку. 2002. 

3.  Саломатов  К.А.  Проблема  обучения  диалогическим  единством // 

Инострaнные языки в школе. 1967 

4.  Littlewood W. Teaching Oral Communication. Oxford. 1992 



Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2015 









The article deals with the problem of teaching dialogical speech to language 

students. Radical changes Should be brought into the process of teaching dialogical 

speech. Dialogical speech in the main form of verbal communication. The process of 

teaching English should be based on the communicative – functional approach to 

teaching languages. The whole process of teaching dialogical speech should be goal-

oriented systematic. It will make the process of teaching dialogical speech more 









В  данной  статье  рассматриваются  вопросы  обучения  диалогической  речи. 

На  английском  языке  в  условиях  языкового  вуза.  Здесь  говорится  о 

необходимости  внесения  радикальных  изменений  в  существующую  систему 

обучения диалогической речи на иностранном языке. Процесс английскому языку 

в  целом  и  процесс  обучения  диалогической  речи  должен  базироватьвся  на 

коммуникативно – функциональном  принципе.  Обучением  диалогической  речи 

должно  носить  целенаправленный,  системный,  поэтапный  характер,  что  будет 

содействовать повышению еффективности данного процесса. 


Rəyçi: fil.f.d. Əliyeva Nuriyyə 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2016 




ADİU “Xarici dillər-1” kafedrası 

seva_o@ mail.ru 




Açar sözlər: 


ünsiyyət vasitəsi - means of communication- средства связи 

                      dil qabiliyyətləri - language skills- языковые навыки 

işgüzar dil - business language – деловой язык 

qabaqcadan görmək - to anticipate –предвидеть  

bəşəriyyətin mədəni zənginləşdirilməsi - cultural enrichment of humanity 

- культурное обогащение человечества 

dərslik – textbook –учебник 



mühüm  ̶   crucial  ̶ решающий  

doğma dil – native language – родной язык 


Language is a means of communication between people. It is an ocean of 

knowledge. Language is primarily verbal because it is part of the grammatical machine 

in humans that uses sound, phonology, to express ideas and emotions. Produced by the 

organs of speech, this vocal language helps in the communication of ideas between 

individuals. In some ways, language is one of the oldest topics in human history, 

fascinating everyone from ancient philosophers to modern computer programmers. 

Language is used by millions of people every minute. It is used in two ways: 

1) For learning a foreign language. Another important point is how the person’s 

native language functions. The other important point is that the teacher must translate 

each detail into the pupil’s mother tongue and compare the two languages. 2) If pupils 

make good progress in language skills they become interested in learning the language. 

They must always hear the language spoken, speak, write and read. 

A major source of content in the classroom is the students themselves. They have 

had experiences of life; they have opinions and ideas of their own. Before teaching a 

foreign language one must develop pupils’ habits and skills in hearing, speaking, 

reading and writing. For developing them the psychology of habit, skills should be 

taken into account. Effective learning depends on memory, so teacher must find the 

most useful ways to make pupils remember materials. The pupils should try to fix the 

material in their memory through numerous repetitions. Among all ways of teaching the 

language aims are the most important considerations.  

 Generally when the teacher starts to explain materials to pupils, she must know 

what her pupils want to achieve. It is very important to know why they have chosen 

particularly this aspect (subject) and what abilities they have. 

  While teaching a foreign language many problems will be met. For choosing 

methods of foreign language teaching attention should be paid on aims of teaching a 

foreign language. Each professional has to know all general problems of foreign 

language teaching. Nowadays foreign languages are taught at schools, nursery-schools 

and in other educational institutions. And the teacher must know what to teach and how 

to teach to provide learners with simple and available information. In discussions of 

language and education, language is usually defined as a shared set of verbal codes, 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2015 



such as English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, etc.  But language can also be defined as a 

generic, communicative phenomenon, especially in descriptions of instruction. Teachers 

and students use spoken and written language to communicate with each other–to 

present tasks, engage in learning processes, present academic content, assess learning

display knowledge and skill, and build classroom life. In addition, much of what 

students learn is language. They learn to read and write (academic written language), 

and they learn the discourse of academic disciplines (sometimes called academic 

languages and literacies). Both definitions of language are important to understanding 

the relationship between language and education. 

  English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in Anglo-Saxon 

England in the early Middle Ages. Learning another language opens new doors in life. 

It’s true that it’s taught as a foreign language, but it is now a global language of 

business and trades, as many international organizations are making it as a common 

corporate language. Bilingual individuals have access to new movies, music, literature 

and other forms of communication. It is now the most widely used language in the 

world.  This foreign language firstly are taught at Azerbaijan schools. From the fifth or 

at some schools from the first grade  the pupils learn the secrets of the English language. 

It includes different texts, grammar and vocabulary exercises. 

As known this international foreign language has being taught at Azerbaijan 

universities for many years. A bright example of it is UNEC. For about 9 years ago 

future economists of Azerbaijan could learn Business English for three years at the 


What is the difference between general and business English? The truth is, there 

are probably more similarities than differences. They both require the development of 

core skills in fluency, reading, writing and listening, the application of linguistic 

principles and, of course, plenty of hard work.  It is important to have a good basis of 

General English to be able to communicate effectively.  However, Business English 

courses focus on particular vocabulary, topics and skills that are applicable to the 

workplace and enable you to communicate accurately. Here are some examples: 

making phone/conference calls 

doing presentations  

taking part in meetings 

being involved in negotiations 

writing emails/reports 

You will also be able to concentrate on topics that are relevant to your industry or 

company, which could include law, finance, medicine, IT, Marketing or Human 

Resources, while simultaneously enhancing your General English skills. By studying 

Business English the students can improve their overall English language ability while 

targeting areas that will help them achieve their goals at work. These could be anything 

from starting on their career path, looking for a promotion, pushing for a pay rise or 

simply feeling more confident in their role. Whatever your reasons may be, learning 

Business English can contribute to your professional progress, not to mention being 

rewarding and enjoyable. In order to meet the demands of modern employers, everyone 

from university graduates to senior managers must be able use English for work. 

Effective internal and external communication is essential to the success of any 

business, but professionals who need to communicate with each other as non-native 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2016 



English speakers can greatly benefit from learning Business English. It’s used in 

business related issues rather than conversations that are made in general. It is used by 

the business people and the employees who need to use it in connection with their daily 

business or job related activities. 

English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity 

for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. Research from all 

over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often 

conducted in English. Its importance in the global market place therefore cannot be 

understated, learning English really can change our life. There are five tips to get your 

business English teaching off to a good start: 

1. Find out what students really want to achieve 

2. Get a clear idea about the contexts in which learners use English 

3. Be businesslike but keep energy levels high 

4. Choose your materials wisely 

5. Be flexible and try to anticipate problems  

To make the right impression, it's important to teach in a business-like way. This 

affects not only what you say and how you behave, but also what you wear. If you’re 

going to work in company, then punctuality, professionalism and competence are 


Learning English for about three years gave good  opportunities to the students of 

the eleven faculties of the university.  The textbook taken by the university teachers was 

“English for businessmen” in six volumes by I. F. Jdanova, O. E. Kudryacheva, N.S. 

Popova and others. Each volumes of the textbook had different texts, vocabulary and 

exercises on them, writing abilities of business letters. The aim of the book was helping 

the students in the field of foreign trade, training of oral speech on the basis of  

development of automated speech skills. In the opinion of the teachers taken this 

textbook, an advantage of  “English for businessmen”  was a wide vocabulary.  “For 

precise and expressive speech of the students, the main task is widening and enriching 

their vocabulary by quality and quantity” [1, p68]. Using antonyms, synonyms, 

figurative speech and expressions the students could convey their thoughts to the 

teacher and other people exactly and clear.  There were not only the words of economic 

and financial field and also the words of everyday life, cultural words, etc. Most of the 

exercises included translation of the business articles and translation of  literary texts. 

“Translation of literary texts has a great significance in the cultural enrichment of 

humanity as the people of one country get acquainted with life and culture of the other 

one by means of translated literature” [ 2, p.60].   

The other textbook taught to the students of UNEC was again called “English for 

businessmen”. But the author of the textbook was O.I.Antonov and it was published in 

Moscow in 1999. This book was translated to the native language by N.Nabiyev and R. 

Rustamova in 2009. The textbook provided the readers of business English with small 

but interesting texts.  There were only fifteen texts in it, with the titles like “ 

Partnerships”, “Corporations”, “Retailing”, “Pricing”, “International Business”, etc. 

The exercises of that book were of different character. These were comprehension 

questions, vocabulary practice, vocabulary exercises and translations. With a wide range 

of exercises the students could easily apply their language knowledge.  But this 

textbook had a poor  content and didnt have in common with that time. For the students 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2015 



possessing the language well it was not enough to learn business English  only with this 


As in the general English classroom, learners will expect you to bring materials to 

class. There are lots of books and online resources available, but it's important to choose 

materials that create 'authentic' situations in the classroom. Probably the most important 

resource is the learners themselves. They can provide you with real materials from their 

working lives - the things they need to read and understand or perhaps even create and 

present. These could be leaflets, emails, PowerPoint presentations or reports. Learners 

will probably expect you to take some of these resources and create your own 

worksheets from them. This shouldn’t be a harrowing experience though! Don’t forget: 

concentrate on goals and needs. Find out why these resources are important and what 

your learners want to take away from the lesson. Then come to an agreement with them 

about how to meet these needs. As you see if the teachers want their lessons to be 

interesting and interactive, they should use presentations relating with the lessons and 

hold team work constantly.  But a new problem arises: “Is interactivity limited by usage 

of modern technological means?” No. Interactivity includes presenting interviews, mini 

lectures,  case study,  showing participants photos, video, pictures, participating in 

group work, lab sessions, etc. So each of us can see that interactivity is not only 

interaction of  science and technology, this is working together with students, being 

close to each other. Interactivity is initiative of teachers to build a new atmosphere of 


We couldnt really speak about real interactivity in UNEC of those days. But of 

course there were some exceptions. There was shortage of good textbooks, language 

studies of high quality then.  Print of new and better books was of great importance.  

And both foreign departments managed it. These were two books, one of which was 

“Business English” by A. Abbasova for the first term, another was “English on 

economics”  by N. Nabiyev and A.Jafarova  for the second term.  

The textbook written for the first term “Business English” had eighteen lessons 

and a very wide vocabulary.  The author stated that the submitted manual was intended 

for the students studying for economy and finance and for a wide readership that had a 

practice in finance.  And also the book was for the people with 2000 – 2005 lexical 

units base [3, p.5]. The book was very interesting and made a deep impression on the 

teachers and economists. Because there were such texts there that promoted 

understanding of unknown economic and financial terms.  

 In the book titled “English on economics” it was stated by the author that the 

textbook consisted of six parts. “The first part informs a reader about the role of the 

English language in modern life. The texts submitted to the readers in the second part 

are dedicated to Adam Smith‘s role in the formation of economy as a science and to the 

main features of macroeconomics and microeconomics” [4, p.3]. If we have a look at 

the textbook, we can come across different texts about market economy, advertisement 

and its role in modern life. It informs the students about international financial 

institutions, like International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc. An advantage of the 

textbooks was that in previous books we couldn’t see materials about Azerbaijan 

economy, development of oil and gas industry of Azerbaijan.  But this book had it.  

How is the situation of today’s English teaching in UNEC? The teachers of the 

university use two books at the lessons. These are “Market Leader” pre-intermediate 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2016 



level by D. Cotton, D. Falvey and S.Kent and “Business English” intermediate level by 

Bill Mascull.  In the introduction of the first textbook the authors write about the book: 

“Market Leader is a multi-level business English course for businesspeople and students 

of business English. It has been developed an association with the Financial Times, one 

of the leading sources of business information in the world. It consists of 12 units based 

on topics of great interest to everyone involved in international business” [5, p.4]. The 

book is rich with materials of different character. What is in each unit? There are 

starting up, vocabulary, reading, listening, language review, case study in a new 

textbook. It creates favorable conditions for the students to deepen their language 


“Business Vocabulary in Use” Intermediate is full of different economic terms. 

The book is designed to help learners of business English to improve their business 

vocabulary and to develop their business communication skills. The context and the 

topics of the textbook are different. The book has 66 two-page units. The first 46 pages 

look at the vocabulary of business areas such as people, organizations, production, 

marketing and finance. The other 20 units focus on the language of skills needed in 

business, such as those for presentations, meetings, telephoning and negotiations. All of 

these units are on the left-hand page. But the right-hand page is full of the different 

vocabulary and some grammar exercises. 

The teachers of the university also use some additional materials: newspaper 

materials, PowerPoint presentations at the lesson to make the teaching process more 

interesting and assimilated. 

So we witness that the history of English teaching at UNEC has been complex and 

long. Foreign language teaching initiators of the university have done their best to 

improve foreign language skills of future economists and to see them in the world 

economic arena.  



1.  Seyidov F. Texniki vasitələrin köməyi ilə şifahi nitqin inkişaf yolları. Bakı: Maarif, 


2.  Orujova I. Teaching translation of figures of speech / Xarici dillərin tədrisinin 

aktual problemləri Respublika elmi-praktik konfransının materialları, Bakı: 

Mütərcim, 2014, p.60-62  

3.  Abbasova A. Business English. Bakı: «İqtisad Universiteti » nəşriyyatı, 2011 

4.  N.H.Nəbiyev, A.B.Cəfərova. English on Economics. Bakı: “Çıraq”, 2011 

5.  D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. Marker Leader. Pre-intermidiate. Pearson, 2015 






Bu məqalədə Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universitetində İngilis dilinin tədrisi və 

onun keçdiyi inkişaf yolu haqqında məlumat verilir. Həmçinin məqalədə tədris zamanı 

istifadə olunmuş və hal – hazırda istifadə olunan dərsliklərdən söz açılır. Gördüyümüz 

kimi, Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universitetində ingilis dilinin tədrisi zamanı bir sıra 

müxtəlif səpkidə dərsliklərdən istifadə edilmişdir. Bu kitablar tələbələrin gələcəkdə 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2015 



dünya iqtisadi arenasına çıxmasına şərait yaradıb. Hal-hazırda da istifadə edilən hər iki 

dərslik öz rəngarəngliyi və müasirliyi ilə seçilir.  Həmçinin bu dərsliklər xarici 

müəlliflər tərəfindən yazılıb. 







В этом статье дается информация о  преподавание английского языка и о его 

пути  развития  в  Азербайджанском    Государственном    Экономическом  Универ-

ситете.  Также  в  статье  упоминается  об  учебниках    использованным  в  процессе 

обучение  и  еще    используемых  в  настоящее  время.  Как  мы  видим  в  Азербайд-

жанском  Государственном  Экономическом  Университете  в  процессе  преподава-

ния  английского  языка  была  использована  ряд  несколько  книг.  Эти  книги 

помогли  в  дальнейшем  студентам  выйти  на  мировой  экономической  арену.  В 

настоящее время оба учебники  

отличаются  со  своими  современностями.  Также  эти  учебники  написаны 

иностранными авторами. 


Rəyçi: dos.Nacaf Nabiyev 

Filologiya  məsələləri – №02, 2016 



             MAYA  MUSAYEVA 







Açar sözlər:  Folklor, mifologiya, onomastika, toponim, mifoloji toponimlər, 

kosmoqonik miflər, ay, günəş, göy 

Ключевые  слова:  Фольклор,  мифология, oномастика,  топонимика,  мифологи-

ческие топонимы, космогонические мифы, луна, солнце, небо 

Key words: Folklore, mythology, onomastics, toponymy, mythological places, cos-

mogonic myths, the moon, the sun, the sky 


Azərbaycan xalqı zəngin folklora sahibdir. Tarix boyu xalqımız müxtəlif janrlarda 

yüzlərlə  dərin məzmunlu  əsərlər yaratmışdır. Elə  həmin  əsərlərdə, xüsusilə 

Azərbaycanın dastan, nağıl və digər folklor nümunələrində külli miqdarda xüsusi ad 

mövcuddur. Məhz bu baxımdan folklor nümunələrimiz hər zaman onomastik tədqiqatın 

diqqət mərkəzindədir. 

İstənilən xalqın folklorundan bəhs edərkən onun mifoloji dünyagörüşündən və 

folklorda qoyduğu izlərdən bəhs etməmək qeyri-mümkündür. Çünkü hər bir xalqın ilk 

söz sənəti olan folklor nümunələrimizdə insanın mifoloji baxışı daha çox özünə yer 

edibdir. Və bu özünü mifoloji toponim yaradıcılığında da saxlamışdır. Bu da o dövrdə 

yaşayan və fəaliyyət göstərən insanların təbiətə mifoloji baxışından irəli gəlirdi. Belə ki 

təbiətdə baş verən hər hansı bir hadisənin mifoloji izahı bunu tələb edirdi. Bütün bunlar 

obyektiv aləmin mifoloji dərki  əsasında yaranırdı.  İnsanlar ta ki təbiətdə baş verən 

hadisələrin mahiyyətini olduğu kimi dərk edənə, onun baş vermə  səbəbini öyrənənə 

qədər yaranan əsərlərdə xalqın fantaziyasının süzgəcindən keçirdi. 

Italyan filosofu Cambatista Viko yazırdı "...Uşaqlar çox vaxt cansız əşyaları əlinə 

alır, onları az qala insan kimi danışdırır,  əyləndirir.  İbtidai insanlar da uşaqlar kimi 

təsəvvürlərə uyğun söz cilasını yaratmaqla heyrətamiz bir iş görmüşlər" [19, s.5]. 

Onomastik vahidlərin bir yarımşöbəsi olan toponimlərin mifoloji nümunələrinin 

izlərinə  məhz folklorumuzun ən qədim qatlarında, insanın  ətraf aləm və dünyanı  dərk 

etdiyi, naməlum qalan məqamlara mifik don geydirdiyi ərəfələrdə yaratdığı janrlarda 

rast gəlmək mümkündür. Folklorumuzda qorunan bu onomastik vahidlərin mifoloji 

toponim qolu onun tərkibində birlikdə el-el, oba-oba gəzərək ağızdan-ağıza düşüdükcə 

kollektiv tərəfindən cilalanır, səlisləşir,  əlavə  və  dəyişikliyə  uğrayaraq, dilin 

özünəməxsus tələffüz  şəklinə düşərək müəyyən yer tutur. Əlbəttə bu yaradıcılıq 

məhsulu göründüyü kimi bütün keyfiyyət və xüsusiyyətləri ilə günümüzə  qədər gəlib 

çıxmamışdır. Hətta elə mifoloji toponimlər var ki, onları aydınlaşdırmaq üçün çox 

məqamlara əlaqəli yanaşaraq, düzgün izahı ortaya çıxarmağı tələb edir. 

Mifoloji toponimlərə  nəzər yetirdikdə onların müəyyən hissəsinin kosmoqonik, 

bir qisminin zoomorfik və mifoloji inamlar əsasında yarandığı məlum olur. Məlumdur 

ki, miflərin  əksəriyyəti kosmos sistemində birləşən hissələrin-günəş, ay, göy mifoloji 

obrazlarının yer aldığı toponimlərlə  zəngindir. Türk xalqlarının mifologiyasında Yer 

tanrı, Göy tanrı, Ay Tanrı, Kün tanrısı kimi ifadələr tez-tez rast gəlinir. Bu tipli mifoloji 

toponimlər kainatın və dünyanın yaranmasının təsvirini özündə təcəssüm etdirir. 

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