centuries, the Ganja complex Imamzade
was a hotbed of charity, providing disinterested help to the
needy and defenseless.
In the period from 1930 to 1944 the buildings of the complex were adapted for an orphanage.
This sacred corner sheltered young children of different nationalities who suffered during the war.
And today, supporters of different religious beliefs with a sense of gratitude come here to pay homage
to this holy place. [9, p. 17].
In the Republic of Azerbaijan, tolerance and multiculturalism have deep historical roots and are a
way of life of the people. Preservation
of various religious, cultural and historical monuments is one of
the main priorities of state policy.
Imamzade complex in Ganja was reconstructed; construction work
in the traditional Ganja
architectural style was carried out at a high level. Two minarets with a height of 40 meters were
erected in the main sanctuary, separate prayer halls for men and women were built. The complex has
built rooms for guests with 90 beds and rooms for namaz. The renewed majestic
complex Imamzade is
one of the sacred places of the Islamic world, the pearl of the shrines of the East, and today is a place
of pilgrimage not only for the local population, but also for many pilgrims from foreign countries.
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