Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Fakultə: Kafedra: İxtisas

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Kurs İşi - Nümunə 1


Pore ​​coefficients are measured in percentage or in parts of the unit volume. Different types of collector pores range from a few units to 30-35%. The collector properties of pore-type rocks are influenced by pore size, especially pore size. Pores are divided into high capillaries, capillaries and sub-capillaries and very fine microwaves.

- Since the capillary pores are more than 0.508mm in diameter, the fluid in the pores is active and can move freely.

- Capillary pore diameter varies between 0.508-0,0002 mm. In this case, the movement of fluid and gas in the capillaries is possible.

- Subpapillar pores are less than 0.0002mm in diameter. The effect of the molecular force is so great that in such pores it is impossible to move the fluid under pressure pressure.

- Very fine microwaves are 0.000002 mm. They have been recorded in some natural seolites.

The porosity of carbonate collectors varies widely (from 3% to 50%).

Confusion is a type of collector gaps. The most important characteristic of conflict is its openness. According to most researchers, the most likely estimate of the openness of the layers is not more than 50-100 µm.

Another major feature of the collector is the conductivity.

The pressure of the rocks is called the permeability of rocks to the ability of rocks to absorb liquids, gas and their mixtures.

Conductivity is physical (absolute), phase (effective) and relative.

The physical conductivity is called the fluid or gas conduction properties of the rocks.

The increase in the permeability of the rocks is often due to increased porosity. Even very small porous rocks, such as dense carbonate rocks, are highly permeable at the expense of porosity and cavernity, and fine porous porous rocks may be small permeability.

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