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İDMANÇININ TAKTİKİ HAZIRLIĞI Quliyeva Səmayə Akif qızı Müəllim
Azərbaycan Dövlət Bədən Tərbiyəsi və İdman Akademiyası
Orcid id: 0000-0002-2942-0944
Abstract: Tactical preparation occupies an important place in the athlete's general preparation and is
related to the athlete's theoretical, physical, technical, psychological and intellectual preparation. A high level
of tactical preparation helps the athlete to plan the course of the game and gain an advantage. When tactical
preparation is combined with technical preparation, the result is positive. The results of the impact of the
athlete's tactical preparation on both physical and psychological preparation are reflected in the research work
with concrete examples. The concepts of strategy and tactics have also been clarified. A description of the
tactical possibilities of the athlete keeping his opponent under psychological pressure, often attacking, cold-
blooded, self-confident, stubbornly forcing his opponent to compete on his own terms is given. Tactical tools
such as quick perception, assessing the situation of the competition, making decisions according to the situation
and the level of preparation, being able to analyze and predicting the actions of opponents, which affect the