К ИСТОРИИ ИЗДАНИЯ И ПЕРЕВОДОВ «КАЛИЛЫ И ДИМНЫ» У РАЗЛИЧНЫХ НАРОДОВ МИРА Тулеубаева Самал Абаевна доктор филологических наук, доцент, и.о. профессора кафедры востоковедения
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Казахстан
Orcid id: 0000-0003-0002-8401
Abstract: The article attempts to present an analysis of the editions and translations of the collection
"Kalila and Dimna". Particular attention is paid to Arabic editions and translations into the eastern languages
of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
The book "Kalila and Dimna", a creation of Indian didactic literature, has spread throughout the world
through translations and transcriptions into various languages. Initially, translations were made into the Pahlavi
and Old Syriac languages. From the Pahlavi, the Persian Ibn al-Mukaffa (Ruzbih, a Persian by origin)
translated the book into Arabic. It was the Arabic version that served as the basis for translations into other
languages (Old Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, etc.). From the latter they were translated into the modern languages
of the West. As the researchers note, many translations were of a free nature, often performed in a poetic form.
As for the editions of the book, the translation of "Kalila and Dimna" became one of the first printed
books throughout Europe. The first edition in Arabic, prepared by S. de Sacy (1758-1838), also appeared in
Paris in 1816. Editions were made from it in the Arab countries (Egypt and Lebanon). In 1941, a new critical
edition of the book was published in Cairo (A. Azzam and T. Hussein).
Key words: Arabic, fables, Kalila and Dimna, Panchatantra, manuscripts, Sanskrit, medieval
Средневековый сборник «Калила и Димна» – перевод санскритского сочинения апологической
литературы «Панчатантра», которое является предтечей всех басен мира, сначала был переведен на
пехлевийский язык около 570 г. придворным ученым и врачом Борзуем во время правления
сасанидского царя Хосрова I и затем с него на арабский Ибн аль-Мукаффой в VIII в. (750 г.). В стиле