> To maintain - to keep something in good condition/ preserve
Example: It is government’s responsibility to maintain historic sites
> Represent - to show or describe something or someone:
Example: This new report represents the current situation in our schools
> To fund - C1 to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or
Example: The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia.
> To make investments into - the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into
something to make a profit or get an advantage
Example: There's been a significant investment of time and energy in order to make
the project a success.
> To repurpose something - to use something for a different purpose to the one
for which it was originally intended:
Example: Cities have repurposed their former downtown and industrial areas as
entertainment districts.
> Incorporate - C2. to include something as part of something larger:
Example: This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.
> A thing of the past - idiom something that no longer happens:
Example: Giving up your seat to an older person seems to be a thing of the past.
> A virtual visit - online visits
Example: Virtual visits to museums have been popular over the last decade
To try someone’s hand at - to try doing something for the first time:
Example: He decided to try his hand at knitting and discovered he was good at it.
Historic means ‘important or likely to be important in history’
I feel that this is a historic moment for our country.
Historical means ‘related to the study of things from the past’