Dialogue communicative structures 77
portant question to be answered. A number of researchers solves this prob-
lem relying upon the concept of intentionality. Intentionality in grammar
means the relation between the semantic functions of grammatical forms
and the intentions of a speaker with a communicative aim of an utterance
and a text, the grammatical form capability of becoming one of the ele-
ments actualizing the general idea of verbal and cogitative activity. The
determination of intentions in grammar implies the consideration of com-
plex interaction of many contextual and sociolinguistic factors. In such
case only the most frequent for them grammatical means can be specified.
However, the recognition of this fact does not eliminate the question con-
cerning grammatical ways of explicating dialogical strategies and tactics.
The most important thing in this line of grammatical studies lies in the fact
that grammatical forms allow (within bounds) for variation capable to
translate speaker's intentions, which allows identifying the character of
strategies applied by a speaker.
The analysis of the existing concepts of communicative strategies al-
lows drawing a conclusion that communication strategies not being a factor
directly designating an option of a dialogical structure, nevertheless, exert a
great influence over it. Therefore, communication strategies can be used in
the process of creating new systems of conditionally communicative strate-
gic exercises for teaching dialogue grammar as a means allowing speeding
up the process of forming not only communicative competence as a whole,
but also flexible grammar and dialogical speech skills due to the improve-
ment of the effectiveness of exercises being used.
A task for identifying and using different ranges of communicative
strategies in the process of teaching a foreign language given to research
teachers causes arguments and discussions related to the pendency of ques-
tions of the forms of implementing different strategies in different language
structures. The question of the criteria of selecting strategical dialogue units
and of using them when creating strategical exercises, as well as of the char-
acter of such exercises and forms and ways of consideration of individual
strategies in the process of teaching dialogical speech is not solved.
The comprehension of a dialogue as the most common oral speech
phenomenon reflecting all the regularities of the communication process as a
whole is typical for present-day studies and researches. The consideration of
communication as the interaction of subjects performed by means of sign
vehicles and targeted at significant change of the condition, behaviour, and
personal and semantic formations of partners defines the main goal of dia-
logical speech as exercising some or other influence over a dialogue partner.
“Utterances of a dialogue at the psychological and relatively easy-to-observe
level are oriented against each other. They correlate as a stimulus and reac-
tion” [9: 305]. If a communicant upsets the right correlation, he/she causes
relevant reaction of the other dialogue partner. The high significance of