Leaf Arrangement Phyllotaxy refers to the arrangement of leaves on a stem. A plant's species will determine the
number and arrangement of its leaves, with each species having a distinctive leaf arrangement. The
three types of leaves are alternate, spiral, and opposite. Plants with only one leaf per node are said to
have alternate or spiral leaves, which are arranged in a spiral pattern along the stem and alternate on
each side of the stem in a flat plane. In an opposite leaf arrangement, two leaves arise at the same
point, with the leaves connecting opposite each other along the branch. If there are three or more
leaves connected at a node, the leaf arrangement is classified as
whorled .
Leaf Form Leaves may be simple or compound (Figure 109). In a
simple leaf , the blade is either
completely undivided—as in the banana leaf—or it has lobes, but the separation does not reach the
midrib, as in the maple leaf. In a
compound leaf , the leaf blade is completely divided, forming
leaflets, as in the locust tree. Each leaflet may have its own stalk but is attached to the rachis. A
palmately compound leaf resembles the palm of a hand, with leaflets radiating outwards from one
point. Examples include the leaves of poison ivy, the buckeye tree, or the familiar houseplant
Schefflera sp. (common name “umbrella plant”).
Pinnately compound leaves take their name from
their feather-like appearance; the leaflets are arranged along the midrib, as in rose leaves (
Rosa sp.),
or the leaves of hickory, pecan, ash, or walnut trees
credit a photo: modification of work by “Drewboy64”/Wikimedia Commons; credit b photo: modification of work by
Roger Griffith; credit c photo: modification of work by "geishaboy500"/Flickr; credit abc illustrations: modification of
work by Agnieszka Kwiecień)
Clark, M., Choi, J. & Douglas, M. (2020)
Biology 2e , Chapter 30, -Pp. 843-844, OpenStax,