There is
a lamp on the table.
Stolda chiroq bor.
There are
some (two, three)
lamps on the table.
Stolda bir nechta (ikkita, uchta)
chiroq bor.
There is birikmasidan keyin aniq artikl bilan kelgan otlar,
that, these, those, my, his va boshqa olmoshlar bilan kelgan otlar
There is are birikmasidagi
to be turli zamonlarda ishlatilishi mum kin:
There are very many French
books in this library.
Bu kutubxonada ko‘p fransuzcha
kitoblar bor.
There was a meeting at the
club yesterday.
Kecha klubda majlis bo‘ldi.
There will be a good wheat
crop this year.
Bu yil bug‘doyning hosili yaxshi
There hasn’t been any
rain for some days.
Bir necha kun yomg‘ir bo‘lmadi.
5. So‘roq shakli
to be fe’lining shaklini yoki undan oldin yordamchi fe’l
kelgan bo‘lsa birinchi yordamchi fe’lni
therening oldiga o‘tkazish bilan
Is there a telephone in your room?
Sizning xonangizda telefon bormi.
Was there a meeting at the Institute
Institutda kecha majlis bo‘ldimi?
Will there be many people there?
U yerda ko‘p odam bo‘ladimi?
So‘roq gaplarga qisqa javob
yes yoki
no va
there is (are) birikmasi ning
bo‘lishli yoki bo‘lishsiz shaklidan iborat bo‘ladi:
Is there a telephone in your room?
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