who reported normal root dimensions for three age
groups (
Figure 3
The upper limit of normal aortic diameter has been defined as 2
SDs greater than the mean predicted diameter. The Z score (the num-
ber of SDs above or below the predicted mean normal diameter) is a
useful way to quantify aortic dilatation. Among normal subjects,
95.4% have Z scores between
À2 and 2. Therefore, an aortic diam-
eter can be considered dilated when the Z score is
$2. Using the Z
score allows comparison of a given patient’s aortic size at different
time points, accounting for the effects of advancing age and increasing
Figure 2
Transthoracic echocardiogram in the parasternal
long-axis view (zoomed on aortic root and ascending aorta) illus-
trating measurement of the aortic root diameter at sinus of
Valsalva level at end-diastole using the leading edge–to–leadin-
g-edge method. asc Ao, Ascending aorta; LVOT, left ventricular
outflow tract.
Figure 1
CT reconstruction of a normal aorta illustrating its
segmentation as follows: segment I = aortic root; segment II =
tubular ascending aorta (subdivided into IIa [STJ to the pulmo-
nary artery level] and IIb [from the pulmonary artery level to the
brachiocephalic artery]); segment III = aortic arch; segment
IV = descending thoracic aorta (subdivided into IVa [from the
left subclavian artery to the level of the pulmonary artery] and
IVb [from the level of the pulmonary artery to the diaphragm]);
and segment V = abdominal aorta (subdivided into Va [upper
abdominal aorta from the diaphragm to the renal arteries] and
Vb [from the renal arteries to the iliac bifurcation]).
122 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
body size, thus distinguishing normal from pathologic growth. The Z
score is therefore particularly useful for evaluating growing children.
It should be mentioned that aortic root dimensions may be
increased by the hemodynamic effects of both endurance and
strength exercise training in competitive athletes.
This aortic
root enlargement appears to be greater at the sinuses of Valsalva
than at the aortic annulus or STJ. However, it should be
emphasized that the effects of exercise training on aortic diameters
are relatively small and that marked enlargement should suggest a
pathologic process.
Recently, making use of a database consisting of a multiethnic pop-
ulation of 1,207 apparently normal adolescents and adults
$15 years
of age, investigators devised equations to predict mean normal aortic
root diameter and its upper limit by age, body size (BSA or height),
and gender
Table 1
for men and
Table 2
for women). These equa-
tions have been used graphically to depict the upper limits of the 95%
confidence interval for normal aortic root diameter using surfaces to
depict the interacting effects of age and body size (see
Figure 4
men and
Figure 5
for women).
A noncontrast gated cardiac computed tomographic study,
including 4,039 adult patients, showed age, BSA, gender, and hyper-
tension to be directly associated with thoracic aortic diameters
perpendicular to the long axis of the aorta. These associations are
concordant with those from echocardiographic studies. In another
recent large study using similar methodology, the mean value of the
diameters of the ascending aorta was 1.8
6 0.2 cm/m
and of the de-
scending thoracic aorta was 1.4
6 0.2 cm/m
, with the upper limits of
normal being 2.1 and 1.8 cm/m
, respectively.
However, more ac-
curate normal values of thoracic aortic diameters may be obtained by
anatomically correct double-oblique short-axis images using electro-
cardiographically gated multidetector CT or by MRI of axially ori-
ented aortic segments. The upper limits of normal are 3.7 cm for
the aortic root at the sinuses, 3.6 cm for the ascending aorta and
2.5 cm for the descending thoracic aorta by CT,
and 2.5 cm for
the descending thoracic aorta and 2.0 cm for the upper abdominal
aorta by MRI.
As with echocardiography, aortic root and ascending
aortic diameters increase significantly with age and BSA on CT and
MRI. Aortic root diameters increase 0.9 mm per decade in men
and 0.7 mm per decade in women.
The establishment of normative values and reference ranges, tak-
ing into account aging and gender, is of great importance for diag-
nosis, prognosis, serial monitoring, and determining the optimal
timing for surgical intervention. Normal values and proximal aortic di-
ameters have been reported using different imaging techniques, from
the pioneer studies based on M-mode and 2D echocardiography
to more recent studies obtained using CT
and MRI.
Despite differences in image acquisition methods, temporal and
spatial resolution, and signal-to-noise ratios, CT, MRI, TTE, and trans-
esophageal echocardiography (TEE) have evolved as near equal stan-
dards for assessing aortic root size. Each of these modalities has
Table 2
Normal aortic root diameter by age for women with
BSA of 1.7 m
Age (y)
Mean normal (cm)
Upper limit of normal
Add 0.5 mm per 0.1 m
BSA above 1.7 m
or subtract 0.5 mm per
0.1 m
BSA below 1.7 m
Figure 3
Aortic root diameter (vertical axis) in relation to BSA (horizontal axis) in apparently normal individuals aged 1 to 15 (left panel,
blue), 20 to 39 ( center panel, green), and
$40 (right panel, pink) years. For example, an individual between the ages of 20 and 39 years
(center panel, green) who has a BSA of 2.0 m
(vertical green line) has a normal root diameter range (2 SDs) between 2.75 and 3.65 cm,
as indicated by the intersections of the two horizontal green lines with the green-shaded parallelogram.
Table 1
Normal aortic root diameter by age for men with BSA
of 2.0 m
Age (y)
Mean normal (cm)
Upper limit of normal
(cm) (95% CI)
Add 0.5 mm per 0.1 m
BSA above 2.0 m
or subtract 0.5 mm per
0.1 m
BSA below 2.0 m
CI, Confidence interval.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 123
advantages and disadvantages, which have been discussed. It should
be emphasized that normal aortic diameters vary systematically by
age, gender, and body size, and reference values indexed to those pa-
rameters have been provided. Last, it is critically important to empha-
size not only methodologic variance but also inter- and intraobserver
variability. In several studies, variability of measurement of proximal
aortic diameters ranges from 1.6 to 5 mm.
Given this
degree of variability, apparent small changes in proximal aortic
diameters on serial computed tomographic examinations may be
within the range of measurement error. Accordingly, for all imaging
#3 mm by
#5 mm without
electrocardiographic gating be viewed with caution and skepticism.
B. How to Measure the Aorta
Accurate and reproducible measurements of aortic dimensions are
necessary for the detection and classification of aortic disease and
for guiding therapeutic decisions. Modern imaging modalities enable
one to make measurements far more accurately than did invasive
contrast angiography, the only tool originally available.
Echocardiography, CT, and MRI each has particular strengths and
limitations but can be adapted for the acquisition of views that allow
measurement of the diameter or cross-sectional area of different seg-
ments of the aorta (
Figure 1
The American Society of Echocardiography
(ASE) proposed standards for measurement of the aortic root in
The ASE recommended measurement at end-diastole from
the leading edge of the anterior root wall to the leading edge of the
posterior aortic root wall. This technique was believed to minimize
the impact of ‘‘blooming’’ of bright reflectors on this measurement.
The ASE-recommended method was followed in many important
clinical and epidemiologic studies
that have reported normal
limits for individuals of differing body size and age, and these
normal limits have been incorporated into multiple guidelines for
imaging in adults (
Figures 4 and 5
As a consequence, much
of the available data on normal aortic root size as well as on the
prevalence and prognostic significance of aortic dilatation in adults
have emerged from echocardiography.
Societal guidelines for measurement by CT or MRI are not
currently available. Consequently, uniformity in measurement
methods is lacking. Many research and clinical studies using these mo-
dalities have reported aortic measurements made from inner edge to
inner edge on electrocardiographically gated or nongated images. The
2010 guidelines for the diagnosis and management of thoracic aortic
disease took the opposite approach, recommending measurement of
aortic diameter between external surfaces to avoid confounding by
intraaortic thrombus or atheroma, as is commonly found in the
abdominal but not in the ascending aorta.
Furthermore, there is no
standardized ‘‘trigger time’’ (end-systole vs end-diastole) for image
acquisition. Thus, the use of multiple imaging modalities such as
CT, MRI, and 2D and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography
has led to nonuniformity in measurement techniques. Moreover,
there is currently no standardized approach for reconciling aortic
measurements across imaging modalities (echocardiography, CT,
MRI, aortography) by trigger time (end-systole vs end-diastole) or
by edge selection (leading edge, inner-inner, outer-outer). This writing
committee had hoped to recommend a uniform and consistent mea-
surement technique to minimize differences among these various im-
aging modalities. However, after much consideration, the group
recommends that echocardiographic measurements continue to be
made in the standard fashion from leading edge to leading edge, at
end-diastole, and perpendicular to the long axis of the aorta. The
advantages of end-diastolic measurements include greater reproduc-
ibility (because aortic pressure is most stable in late diastole) and the
ease of identification of end-diastole by the onset of the QRS
Figure 5
Surfaces representing aortic diameters 1.96 Z score
(95% confidence interval) above the predicted mean value of
aortic diameter for age and BSA in female subjects
$15 years
of age. (Adapted from Devereux et al.
Figure 4
Surfaces representing aortic diameters at a 1.96 Z
score (95% confidence interval) above the predicted mean for
age and BSA in male subjects
$15 years of age. (Adapted
from Devereux et al.
124 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
Figure 6
Models of the thoracic aorta showing the cut planes of the aortic annulus for each applied imaging modality. (A) Angiog-
raphy in the 90
left anterior oblique (LAO) projection with an orange arrow indicating the sagittal annulus diameter (left) and in the
posteroanterior (p.a.) projection with a blue arrow indicating the coronal annulus diameter (right). (B) TTE (left) and 2D TEE (right)
left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) view of the aortic annulus. The cut planes slightly differ because parasternal and midesophageal
acoustic are not quite comparable. Both the transthoracic and 2D transesophageal echocardiographic LVOT views resemble a
sagittal view (bright and dark yellow arrows, respectively). The direction of the arrows in the aortic arch model and the echocardio-
graphic images indicate the scanning direction. Individual adjustments in scan plane direction are shown in the model. (C)
Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic cropped images of a sagittal (left) and coronal (right) view with the corre-
sponding diameters (orange and blue arrows). The sagittal and coronal cut planes are depicted in the aortic arch model and the
anatomic short-axis view (middle). (D) Dual-source computed tomographic (DSCT) reconstructed images of a sagittal (left) and cor-
onal (right) view with the corresponding diameters (orange and blue arrows). The sagittal and coronal cut planes are depicted in the
aortic arch model and the anatomic short-axis view (middle). AO, Ascending aorta; LA, left atrium. (From Altiok et al.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 125
complex. Although other techniques use the inner edge–to–inner
edge approach, there are currently insufficient data to warrant a
change for echocardiography. Available data suggest that the echocar-
diographic leading edge–to–leading edge approach produces values
comparable with those produced by the inner edge–to–inner edge
approach on CT and MRI, is reproducible, and links to a large body
of historical and prognostic data that have long guided clinical deci-
sion making.
For all modalities, it is desirable, whenever possible, to specify the
locations of measurements, by referencing them to a given landmark.
For example, with TEE, a measurement of the maximal diameter of
the ascending aorta may be reported by its distance from the STJ.
In the descending thoracic aorta, reference to the location of a mea-
surement or abnormality is usually made by its distance from the in-
cisors. Similar attempts should be made for measurements and
findings with CT and MRI.
2. Geometry of Different Aortic Segments: Impact on
Accurate and reproducible measurement of aortic
diameter or cross-sectional area in a given segment requires three
measurements of its diameter perpendicular to the long axis. In
most cases, the largest correctly oriented measurement is reported.
a. Aortic Annulus.–Although the aortic annulus is approximately cir-
cular in children and young adults, it may become elliptical in older
adults. Thus, 3D imaging by CT or echocardiography or 2D imaging
in multiple planes (e.g., long-axis or sagittal and coronal planes) is
required to measure a diameter that is accurate enough to be used
when selecting patients for transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Figure 6
b. Sinuses of Valsalva and STJ.–Aortic root diameter can be
measured perpendicular to its long axis by 2D echocardiography or
in analogous nontrue coronal and sagittal plane by MRI or CT. The
variability in this measurement resulting from the orientation of the
aortic root is overcome by choosing the largest diameter measured
from the right coronary sinus of Valsalva to the posterior (usually non-
coronary) sinus, parallel to the aortic annulus and perpendicular to the
long axis of the proximal aorta in several slightly differently oriented
long-axis views. Failure to search for the largest correctly oriented
measurement can lead to underestimation of aortic root diameter.
Aortic root diameter is commonly measured by CT or MRI between
the inner edges from commissure to opposite sinus (
Figure 7
Diameters measured using the sinus-to-sinus method are generally a
mean of 2 mm larger than those measured by the sinus-to-
commissure method
Figure 8
). However, using the sinus-to-sinus
method has several advantages, including the ease of detecting cusp
margins in computed tomographic or MRI transverse planes, close
agreement with echocardiographic measurements, and greater feasi-
bility in bicuspid valves. Thus, for aortic measurements by CT and
MRI, it is recommended to average the three sinus-to-sinus measure-
ments in end-diastole in the sinus-of-Valsalva plane. When the sinuses
are unusually asymmetric, it may be preferable to report the three
measurements individually.
c. Ascending Aorta and More Distal Segments.–The same basic
principles apply to obtaining correct measurements of the other aortic
segments. Conventional imaging by all modalities and techniques can
be used to measure the diameter of aortic segments that are oriented
along the long axis of the body. However, the necessity to avoid ob-
lique imaging that can overestimate the aortic diameter applies to the
Figure 7
Aortic root measurements by CT. The aortic root diameter is commonly measured between the inner edges from one
commissure to opposite sinus (yellow line) or from one sinus to another sinus (red line), as shown in the large image (left), which is
a zoomed cross-sectional view of the aortic root at the sinus of Valsalva level using a double oblique image for orientation (shown
in the right panel).
126 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
aortic arch and to portions of the descending thoracic and abdominal
aorta that may take a tortuous course (
Figure 9
We emphasize that there is no standardized method for measuring
the aorta across imaging modalities (echocardiography, CT, MRI,
aortography). Although one of the major goals of this writing commit-
tee was to provide a uniform and universally accepted method to
minimize differences among these various imaging modalities, no
consensus could be reached. After much consideration, it is recom-
mended that echocardiographic measurements continue to be
made from leading edge to leading edge. Although other techniques
use inner edge–to–inner edge or outer edge–to–outer edge
approaches, there are currently insufficient data to warrant a change
for echocardiography. Available data suggest that the echocardio-
graphic leading edge–to–leading edge approach gives larger measure-
ments compared with the inner edge–to–inner edge approach on CT
(average difference, 2 mm), and the leading edge–to–leading edge
method links to a large body of historical and, more important, prog-
nostic data that influence decision making.
Out of concern that pa-
tient management might be adversely affected (i.e., intervention
might be delayed, leading to a catastrophic complication such as
rupture or dissection) by switching to a new protocol that would
lead to a smaller measurement, it was decided to continue to recom-
mend the leading edge–to–leading edge approach.
C. Aortic Physiology and Function
The aorta functions as both a conduit and a reservoir. Its elastic prop-
erties allow it to expand in systole and recoil during diastole. Thus,
under normal conditions, a large proportion (up to 50%) of the left
ventricular stroke volume is stored in the aorta (mainly in the
ascending aorta) at end-systole, and the stored blood is then propelled
forward during diastole into the peripheral circulation. This reservoir
function is important for maintaining blood flow and arterial pressure
throughout the cardiac cycle. The thoracic aorta is more distensible
than the abdominal aorta because its media contains more elastin.
Aortic distensibility declines with age and as a result of premature
degeneration in elastin and collagen associated with some disease
During left ventricular systole, this loss of aortic wall compli-
ance results in increased systolic pressure and pulse pressure and, in
turn, aortic dilatation and lengthening. The compliance of the aortic
wall may be estimated by assessing change in aortic volume in relation
to the simultaneous change in aortic pressure. This may be assessed
locally by diameter or area change through the cardiac cycle in rela-
tion to pressure change (e.g., distensibility) or regionally by determina-
tion of the velocity of the pulse wave.
1. Local Indices of Aortic Function.
Techniques that provide
accurate definition of the aortic diameter or volume in systole and
diastole can be used to evaluate the elastic properties of the aorta.
The most commonly applied indices for clinical purposes are aortic
distensibility and the stiffness index, which is less dependent on
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