blood pressure. Aortic distensibility and the stiffness index can be
determined from the changes in the aortic diameter from systole
to diastole and from changes in the arterial pressure using the
following formula:
$mm Hg
À Area
$Pulse pressure
$1; 000:
For these calculations, the pulse pressure should be measured
ideally at the same level of the aorta at which the aortic diameter is
Figure 9
Diagram illustrating the potential pitfall of obtaining an
oblique cut resulting in an ‘‘ellipsoid’’ cross-section that overes-
timates the true diameter. This is especially a problem when the
descending aorta is tortuous.
Figure 8
Computed tomographic scan image of aortic root illus-
trates that the mean difference of the aortic root diameter is
about 2 mm larger measured by the anteroposterior diameter
(sinus-sinus) shown by red arrow than by the sinus-
commissure diameter (black arrow).
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 127
measured. In clinical practice, however, brachial artery pressure can
be used, even though the pulse pressure obtained from the brachial
artery may be slightly higher than that obtained from the aorta
because of the amplification phenomenon, which is more apparent
in young individuals.
2. Regional Indices of Aortic Stiffness: Pulsewave Velocity
PWV is defined as the longitudinal speed of the pulsewave
in the aorta. PWV is inversely related to aortic elasticity. Hence, a
stiffer aorta will conduct the pulsewave faster than a more
compliant aorta. Central pressure, at the level of the ascending
aorta, is produced as a combination of the antegrade wave from
the left ventricle and the retrograde ‘‘reflective’’ waves from the pe-
riphery. In young individuals, because the aorta is more elastic, the
pulsewave speed is low, so the retrograde flow arrives in the prox-
imal aorta during diastole. As a result of aortic stiffening, the PWV
increases, and the retrograde flow arrives in the proximal aorta
earlier in systole, leading to a greater LV afterload and decreased
diastolic pressure.
Reported normal values for invasively determined PWV measure-
ments in middle-aged humans are 4.4
6 0.4 m/sec in the aortic root,
6 0.2 m/sec in the proximal descending thoracic aorta,
6 0.4 m/sec in the distal thoracic descending aorta,
6 0.4 m/sec in the suprarenal abdominal aorta, and
6 0.5 m/sec in the infrarenal aorta.
Carotid-femoral PWV is considered to be the gold-standard
measure of arterial stiffness, especially because it is simple to obtain
and because multiple epidemiologic studies have demonstrated its
predictive value for cardiovascular events. However, the ability of a
given individual’s PWV value to predict aortic events has not been
previously evaluated.
A recent expert consensus adjusted this
threshold value to 10 m/sec by using the direct carotid-to-femoral dis-
The main limitation of PWV interpretation is that it is signif-
icantly influenced by arterial blood pressure. Multimodality imaging
techniques provide a unique opportunity to assess aortic PWV by
the formula:
Aortic PWV
ðm=secÞ ¼
ð mmÞ
Transit time
Echocardiography can accurately estimate the transit time be-
tween aortic levels by the subtraction of the time between a fixed
reference in the QRS complex and the beginning of the flow at
the two levels studied. Distance can be grossly estimated externally
with a tape.
MRI can measure the PWV using the transit time of the flow curves
from a phase-contrast acquisition. Transit time can be calculated by
the upslope approach, which has been described previously and cor-
relates more with age and aortic stiffness indices than point-to-point
approaches such as foot-to-foot and half-maximum methods.
Distance can accurately be measured at the centerline of the aorta
between aortic levels studied.
A normal-size aorta may be functionally abnormal. Thus, determi-
nation of aortic function may help define the nature of the underly-
ing disease and give prognostic information in some diseases. This
was emphasized by Vriz et al.,
who stated that aortic stiffness should
be taken into account when increases in aortic diameter are de-
In summary, aortic biophysical properties can be easily and reli-
ably assessed by imaging techniques, particularly Doppler echocardi-
ography and phase-contrast MRI. This evaluation may provide
Table 3
Plain CXR findings in aortic dissection
1. Mediastinal widening
2. Abnormalities in region of aortic knob
1. Enlargement (expansion of aortic diameter)
2. Presence of double density (due to enlargement of false
3. Irregular contour
4. Blurred aortic knob (indistinct aortic margin)
3. Displacement of intimal calcium
4. Discrepancy in diameters of ascending and descending aorta
5. Displacement of trachea, left main bronchus, or esophagus
6. Pleural effusion (more common on the left)
Figure 10
Sites for measurements of the aortic root and
ascending aorta. This diagram illustrates the four sites at which
measurements are recommended: 1 = aortic valve annulus
(hinge point of aortic leaflets), 2 = aortic root at sinuses of Val-
salva (maximal diameter, usually midpoint), 3 = STJ, 4 = prox-
imal tubular portion of the ascending aorta. Ao, Aorta; LA, left
atrium; LV, left ventricle.
Figure 11
Transthoracic echocardiographic suprasternal notch
view of the distal ascending aorta (Asc Ao), aortic arch, supra-
aortic vessels (arrows), and proximal descending thoracic aorta
(Desc Ao).
128 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
important pathophysiologic and prognostic information that may
have clinical implications both in disease states and in the general
A. Chest X-Ray (CXR)
Most articles describing the use of imaging to evaluate patients with
suspected AAS have focused on the role of CT, MRI, echocardiog-
raphy, and aortography. Although routine CXR rarely provides a
definitive diagnosis, it can provide several important diagnostic clues
to aortic diseases that prompt further evaluation.
Table 3
lists some
of the common and uncommon plain CXR findings of aortic
Moreover, in cases of asymptomatic or chronic aortic diseases,
CXRs may actually provide the first clue to aortic pathology.
Importantly, CXR can identify other chest disorders that may
contribute to a patient’s illness (e.g., pneumonia, pneumothorax, rib
fracture). Nevertheless, although CXR may be valuable, it is neither
sensitive nor specific for AAS.
Moreover, normal results on
CXR with respect to the aorta should never prevent or delay the
further diagnostic evaluation of a patient with a suspected AAS.
In summary, although useful in drawing attention to the possibility
of aortic disease, its low sensitivity, specificity, and interobserver
agreement limit the role of the CXR.
The thoracic aorta should be routinely evaluated by TTE,
provides good images of the aortic root, adequate images of the
ascending aorta and aortic arch in most patients, adequate images
of the descending thoracic aorta in some patients, and good images
of the proximal abdominal aorta. New advances in imaging quality
and harmonic imaging have significantly improved the assessment
of the aorta by TTE.
The aortic root and proximal ascending aorta are best imaged in
the left parasternal long-axis view. The left lung and sternum often
limit imaging of the more distal portion of the ascending aorta
from this transducer position. In some patients, especially those
with aortic dilatation, the right parasternal long-axis view can provide
supplemental information. The ascending aorta may also be visual-
ized in the apical long-axis (apical three-chamber) and apical five-
chamber views and (especially in children) in modified subcostal
There is usually no clear echocardiographic delineation between
the sinus and tubular portion of the ascending aorta, but occasion-
ally a fibrotic or sclerotic ridge, located at the STJ, is imaged. This
ridge may be prominent and should not be confused with vegeta-
tion, abscess, mass, atherosclerotic plaque, dissection flap, or supra-
aortic stenosis. The maximum diameter of the aorta is normally in
the root (sinus portion), which is immediately distal to the aortic
Echocardiographic measurements of the aortic root will vary in an
individual patient at different levels (
Figure 10
The aortic
diameter is smallest at the annulus and largest at the mid–sinuses of
Valsalva. The tubular portion of the ascending aorta is typically
about 10% smaller than the diameter at the sinus level.
The aortic
arch is usually easily visualized from the suprasternal view. Portions
of the ascending and descending aorta can be visualized simulta-
neously. One or more of the three arch branches can usually be
imaged: the left carotid and left subclavian arteries are identified in
>90% of cases and the brachiocephalic (inniminate) artery in up to
90% (
Figure 11
). Just distal to the left subclavian artery is the level
of the ligamentum arteriosum, which is a common site of atheroscle-
rosis, and a shelf or indentation (a ductus diverticulum) is sometimes
imaged in this region.
The descending thoracic aorta is often incompletely imaged by
TTE. A cross-sectional view of the descending thoracic aorta may
be seen in the parasternal long-axis view, as it passes posteriorly to
the left atrium near the atrioventricular groove. It can also be seen
in short axis in the apical four-chamber view. By rotating the trans-
ducer 90
, a long-axis view of the midportion of the descending
thoracic aorta may be obtained. A portion of the descending thoracic
aorta can also be imaged from a suprasternal view. In patients with
left pleural effusion, scanning from the back may also provide satis-
factory views of the descending thoracic aorta. However, the distal
descending thoracic aorta frequently cannot be imaged clearly
because of reduced resolution in the far field. Moreover, physical
characteristics of some patients exceed the limit of ultrasound pene-
The normal descending thoracic aorta is smaller than both the
aortic root and ascending aorta. As it descends, its diameter progres-
sively narrows from 2.5 to 2.0 cm. Larger dimensions are reported in
patients with hypertension, aortic valve disease, and coronary athero-
The aorta is consistently about 2 mm smaller in female
than it is in male subjects.
A substantial portion of the upper abdominal aorta can be easily
imaged in subcostal views, to the left of the inferior vena cava. This
should be routinely performed as a part of a 2D echocardiographic
Often the proximal celiac axis and the superior mesenteric
artery can also be imaged. When present, aneurysmal dilatation,
external compression, intra-aortic thrombi, protruding atheromas,
and dissection flaps can be imaged, and flow patterns in the abdom-
inal aorta can be assessed. The infrarenal abdominal aorta is best
imaged as part of an abdominal ultrasound examination by use of a
linear array probe.
In summary, to reliably evaluate patients with suspected aortic dis-
ease, the entire thoracic aorta must be imaged well. This is possible in
some, but not all, patients on systematic TTE. TTE is particularly useful
Figure 12
Transesophageal echocardiographic deep transgas-
tric view, which illustrates the aortic root (Ao R), the entire
ascending aorta (AA), and the proximal arch (not labeled). The
left coronary artery is also imaged (black arrow).
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 129
for evaluating the aortic root, and the ascending aorta and arch may
also be adequately visualized in patients with good acoustic windows.
TTE is less helpful for evaluating the descending thoracic aorta.
However, TTE is an excellent screening tool for detecting aneurysms
of the upper abdominal aorta.
TEE, introduced clinically in the late 1980s, has had a major impact on
the evaluation of numerous diseases involving the aorta. TEE has two
main advantages over TTE. First, superior image quality can be
obtained from the use of higher frequency transducers than are
possible with TTE. Second, because of the close proximity of the
esophagus to the thoracic aorta, TEE provides high-quality imaging
of nearly all of the ascending and descending thoracic aorta.
TEE incorporates all the functionality of TTE, including 3D imaging,
which can reliably interrogate cardiovascular anatomy, function,
hemodynamics, and blood flow. The current multiplane TEE
transducer consists of a single array of crystals that can be rotated
electronically or mechanically around the long axis of the
ultrasound beam in an arc of 180
. With rotation of the transducer
array, multiplane TEE produces a continuum of transverse and
longitudinal image planes.
1. Imaging of the Aorta.
As mentioned, the anatomic proximity of
the thoracic aorta and the esophagus allows superb visualization of
the aorta using TEE. The multiplane transesophageal echocardio-
graphic examination of the aorta is conducted as follows
: with the
tip of the transesophageal echocardiographic probe in the esophagus,
the ascending aorta is best visualized from a 100
to 140
view: the
image is analogous to the transthoracic echocardiographic parasternal
long-axis view (but ‘‘flipped’’ upside down if the transesophageal
echocardiographic probe ‘‘bang’’ is at the top). This view can be opti-
mized by carefully rotating the transducer between 100
and 140
Short-axis views of the aortic root and ascending aorta can be
obtained from the 45
to 60
angle, usually with an anteflexed probe.
From the midesophagus at 0
, the probe needs to be rotated posteri-
orly to obtain short-axis images of the descending thoracic aorta.
Figure 13
IVUS documentation of an IMH evolving to full dissection on (left) with corresponding contrast aortogram showing only
luminal compression (right).
Figure 14
IVUS evaluation of an aortic dissection extending across the level of the left renal artery (left frame, arrow); the IVUS in the
true lumen identifies the renal artery ostium and the reentry point (right frame, arrow) at the orifice level. FL, False lumen; TL, true
130 Goldstein et al
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
February 2015
While keeping the thoracic aorta in view, the probe can be withdrawn
to image upper thoracic levels of the descending aorta or advanced to
sequentially image the lower thoracic and upper abdominal aorta.
With the transducer array at 90
, a longitudinal view of the aorta
can be obtained.
By advancing the probe into the stomach, the proximal portion of
the abdominal aorta and the celiac trunk can be seen. The mid and
distal abdominal aorta are usually not seen because of difficulty main-
taining good contact with the mucosa of the stomach. To obtain
images of the arch, the transesophageal echocardiographic probe
needs to be facing posteriorly and withdrawn from the midesopha-
gus. With the transducer array at 90
, a short-axis view of the trans-
verse arch can be obtained. It is usually possible to visualize the
takeoff of the left subclavian artery, but the left common carotid
and brachiocephalic arteries can be difficult or impossible to image
and usually require careful clockwise rotation of the probe. A portion
of the distal ascending aorta and proximal aortic arch may not be
visible because of interposition of the trachea. This ‘‘blind spot’’ can
be partially resolved with longitudinal views. An additional view,
the deep transgastric view, can sometimes image the entire ascending
aorta and often the proximal arch (
Figure 12
D. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography
Real-time 3D TEE, a relatively new technology, appears to offer some
advantages over 2D TEE in a growing number of clinical applica-
However, as of this writing, there is limited information
regarding the clinical application of this novel technology to the
thoracic aorta.
Moreover, 3D TEE has some limitations. Like 2D TEE, it often fails
to adequately visualize the distal ascending aorta and the aortic arch
and its branches, because of interposition of the trachea. In addition,
spatial imaging of the thoracic aorta is limited because of the 90
age sector, which is too narrow to include long segments of the
thoracic aorta and therefore limits topographic orientation. In sum-
mary, recent advances in 3D TEE provide an opportunity to recon-
sider the role of TEE for diagnosing and monitoring patients with
aortic diseases. Future experience will be required to verify its benefits
and establish its value relative to CT and MRI.
E. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)
IVUS is performed by introducing a miniature, high-frequency
(10–30 MHz) ultrasound transducer mounted on the tip of a
disposable catheter, through a large arterial (usually femoral)
sheath, and advanced over conventional guidewires using fluoro-
scopic guidance. Less commonly, the IVUS imaging catheter can
be inserted into the femoral vein, navigated into the inferior
vena cava, and aimed at the adjacent aorta. IVUS produces an axial
view that is a 360
real-time image. Consecutive axial images can
be obtained during a ‘‘pullback’’ of the ultrasound catheter. This
procedure can be safely performed in a few minutes.
Because of its intraluminal position, IVUS permits visualization of
the aortic wall from the inside. This intraluminal perspective can pro-
vide information that supplements the other imaging modalities.
Using the pullback technique, luminal diameter, cross-sectional area,
and wall thickness can be measured. In addition to providing mea-
surements, IVUS also provides qualitative information on nearly all
aortic pathologies, including aortic aneurysms, aortic dissections,
atherosclerosis, penetrating ulcers, and traumatic lesions (
Figures 13
and 14
). Unlike TEE, IVUS can also determine the dissection
characteristics in the abdominal aorta.
1. Limitations.
The normal aorta appears on IVUS as a circular cross-
sectional image with an intact wall and a clear lumen. The ultrasound
catheter and the guidewire are seen within the lumen. In some in-
stances, it can be difficult to obtain complete cross-sectional images
of the aorta within a single frame of the image display at the arch
and locations where the aorta is significantly dilated, because of diffi-
culty maintaining the ultrasound catheter in a central and coaxial orien-
tation and because of the limited penetration with high-frequency
transducers. This limitation can be partially overcome by periodic reor-
ientation of the ultrasound catheters. There are also concerns with
IVUS measurements. Off-center measurements or those taken in
tortuous portions of the aorta (tangential measurements on a curve)
do not reflect a true centerline diameter, may provide an oblique slice,
and are less accurate than centerline computed tomographic measure-
Another major limitation of IVUS is that it lacks Doppler
capabilities (color Doppler can detect flow into small arteries, false
luminal flow, and endoleaks). Last, the high cost of the disposable trans-
ducers and invasive nature of the technique limit IVUS for most clinical
applications other than guidance of endovascular procedures.
Multidetector computed tomographic scanners (
$64 detector rows)
are the currently preferred technology for aortic imaging. Computed
tomographic aortography (CTA) remains one of the most frequently
Figure 15
Volume-rendered image from an electrocardiograph-
ically gated thoracic computed tomographic aortogram in the
presurgical study of a patient with ascending aortic aneurysm.
Note the excellent quality of both the aortic and coronary ves-
sels, with calcified atheromatous plaques of the coronary ar-
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Volume 28 Number 2
Goldstein et al 131
used imaging techniques for diagnosis and follow-up of aortic condi-
tions in acute as well as chronic presentations. This popularity reflects
its widespread availability, accuracy, and applicability, even for critically
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