“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida”
mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi
Ushbu ilmiy maqola turli yoshdagi o‘quvchilarni o‘qitish uchun darsni
rejalashtirishning ahamiyati, ta’siri va turli sabablari haqida ma’lumot beradi.
Tayanch so‘zlar:
rejalashtirish tushunchasi, boshlang‘ich, ikkinchi
darajali, didaktik.
Lesson Planning in Preschool Education in terms of design and preparation has
been approached, taking into account all its different subjects and courses. It has been
argued that such Planning incorporates some decisions regarding the sequencing of
each didactic unit. This chapter will analyze Lesson
Planning in Primary and
Secondary Education. At these stages, the teacher must face the analysis of the
as well as the goal setting, additional and reinforcement contents,
methodological strategies and evaluation.
Approaching to the concept of Lesson Planning.
This term is relevant among the educational sphere because it is one of the main
tasks assigned to the teacher. It can be stated, without fear of being mistaken, that the
task of planning is inherent to the teachers profession. Besides, an appropriate
planning must be the key factor in order to put an end
to the teaching based on
improvisation, uncontrolled activism and routine.Once this aspect has been clarified,
the focus will be based on the definition of this concept. On the one hand,
PLANNING is known as the representation of the organization of the teaching and
learning process. On the other hand, LESSON or DIDACTIC is referred as the basic
unit of organizing the pedagogic action. Therefore, planning
implies the design and
organization of the learning sphere and it can be defined as the sum of organized and
sequenced didactics units. These units are represented according to the subjects and
courses of each educational level where goals, contents,methodological
resources, assessment activities and measures to address diversity are set. This last
curricular component must be present in order to address situations where students
with learning difficulties and highly gifted students can be found.