İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Specific different features between ethics and policy
scale meets this or another public demand.
In this regard, forms of expression of the
moral norms are not external principles of
expediency(which focuses on the achieve-
ment of certain results), but the imperative
requirement that a person must comply
with while carrying out his various objec-
tives. Moral norms do not reflect the de-
mands of human being and society within
the framework of certain special condition
and situation.
The politics is the life and work of the
community and it regulates the life of so-
ciety and control it. Morality has the same
functions, but it also controls politics. Un-
like ethics, morality stands outside and
above politics. In this sense, their combi-
nation is so complex and unstable.
Althought politics does not control
morality, it can influence spesific morals
of concret political activites. Unlike ideal
moral consciousness it reflects the charac-
ter of concrete situation, and creates this or
other public, political, as well as ethic and
moral conditions.
Moral debt norms and ideas about debt
in politics are not unequivocal and consis-
tent. While in the sphere of ethics, debt is
considered as the high principle and crite-
rion of morality, in the sphere of politics,
it is considered as the method of achieving
desirable results.
Mutural relationship of morality
and politics has always been a matter of
great importance In the history of politi-
cal thought, attempts to isolate of politics
from other organizational and regulatory
systems of the society have always been
ineffective. Politics must be in mutual re-
lationship with morality as it is with ide-
ology, law, economics, culture and sci-
ence. As two-headed spheres of society,
mutual relations of politics and morality
are objective requirement of public devel-
opment. As the weakness of politics and
the government is morality, they both try
to move away from the ethics and ethical
Mutual relationship of politics and mo-
rality in social life is assessed in terms of
four positions in scientific literature: The
first of these positions is called exhorta-
tion. According to the exhortation position
politics must not only possess supreme
moral aims, but also prevent the violation
of honesty, noble attitute towards people,
purity and other moral principles.
According to second position on the
relationships between politics and moral-
ity, they both have auntonomus character
and do not interfere in each other’s author-
ity. As the morality is related to the civil
society, it is a private responsibility, while
politics is a field of conflict of interests of
the groups, it is a sphere which is free of
morality. According to Machiavelly mo-
rality is a regulator of special life of politi-
The third position on the relationships
between politics and morality reflects the
issue of their relativity. This position em-
phasizes such view that, misintepration of
politization of moral norms expresses non-
morality of politics. In real life, emancipa-
tion of politics from morality is a wide-
spread phenomenon. This feature serves
to substantiate the fact that, politics and
morality are uncompromising poles, in
other words, morality is goodness, politics
is evil. According to anarchism politics is
the most negative event. Because its nature
is rooted in evil. M.A.Bakunin, who is
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Afandiyev Madjid
considered the father of Russian Anarchy,
wrote that the politics and its main carrier-
state is violence, government by violence.
[6, 27].
The fourth poisition on the relation-
ships between politics and morality is
an approach to their relativity in terms
of compromise. Such a position is more
widespread among modern politicians and
taking into account the specificity of the
politics, it embodies the inevitability of
impact of the ethics on morality.
Weber is one of those who substanti-
ated compromise approach to the relativ-
ity of the politics and the morality. He
believes that it is not advisable to attempt
to completely separate politics and the
morality from each other, but there is a
need to consider carefully the nature of the
politics. Weber, first of all, accepts the le-
gal use of violence for political means on
condition that, opportunities of the moral-
ity to influence the politics are restricted.
Negative attitude to politics in the relativ-
ity of the politics and the morality draws
the attention of liberal philosophers as
well. in the liberal thinkers attract atten-
tion. Famous philosopher N.Berdyayev
writes: “I hate politics, because it is the
most despicable form of the objectivity of
human existence, it is nothing but a fiction
which rules people [7,101]. Of course,
moral side of the politics should not be
beyond law and public control. Otherwise,
the politics may be demoralized. Institu-
tionalization of moral demands envisages
their consolidation within first of all, law
and then political organization norms and
reflects a provision of certain guarantee to
preserve moral principles. Such an institu-
tional consolidation of the morality is one
the most important conditions for human-
ization of the politics.
As german politician B. Sutor said
for the humanization of the politics and
consolidation of the morality, one can not
call the system which wants its citizens to
adopt higher or maybe the highest moral
demands a good one. One can only call
a good system the one which first of all
meets a human character and at the same
time opens maximum opportunities for
the rights and wills of the people, imple-
ments self-development for the sake of
good deeds of the people. [8.68].
In the modern world, main direction of
the institutionalized moral demands is hu-
man rights. In accordance with the docu-
ments adopted by the international com-
munity human rights act as the universal
criterion to assess the humanism of the
In general, the impact of morality in
politics must be and can be carried out in
several directions. These directions em-
body selection of the real methods and
instruments which correspond moral aims
which are set, taking into consideration the
activity process of moral principles, the
ensuring the effectiveness of the politics.
Of course, implementation of all of these
requirements in real politics is a difficult
issue. In practice, the humanism of the
moral demands depends more on the meth-
ods and the instruments which are used to
achieve goals, than on the triumph of the
goals. Saying with one word, the morality
of the politics is an expression of its holi-
The structure of the political activities
which is the main content of the political
life, first of all, however, is characterized
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Specific different features between ethics and policy
by the fact that its carriers differ in political
morality. For example, in a group morality
and in a group moral relations are more
complex than individual moral. Therefore,
it is possible that the morally impeccable
individual participates in the unethical pol-
icy of the group. In other words, such an
individual may be involved in the activi-
ties of political institution, party organiz-
tion, government body, army and etc. In
this case the collision of double morality -
group and individual morality is observed
Morally defective individual has an ability
to control morally imperfect group or can
outshine moral glory of the latter. An in-
dividual is not always in competition with
ethical politics. Groups and inter-group re-
lations are politics, which means they are
morals as well. Therefore, there is a politi-
cal and moral paradox: Massive protection
of flawed leader and regime, participation
of masses in the activities of criminal orga-
nizations are related to this.
The morality that envisages various
political functions is also available. The
moral responsibility of the government
and the politics is an evidence of this. So
the moral authority can be compelled to
pursue unethical policy and vice-versa,
morally flawed government can carry out
an ethical policy because of the historical
necessity. However, such a policy normal-
ly does not triumph.
Any political system’s viability is de-
termined largely by the compatibility of
state institutions and the whole system
with the moral ideals and values that exist
in the society as a whole. Indeed, the po-
litical system and the ethics, the morality
system condition each other mutually and
they have a significant impact on the con-
tent and the character of the processes that
influence them.
There is a special science – eth-
ics which is about moral sphere, ethics
and morality that explain moral relations
among people, their behaviour, motives of
their activities.
In each historical stage there is a cer-
tain set of moral values in the society. Ac-
tions and behavior of people are assessed
in terms of this position on system of val-
ues. There are philosophical theories that
envisage the sum of moral factors which
are regulated by concrete moral norms,
traditions and other values and that forms
behavior rules of people and social groups.
These theories always touch upon this is-
sue: What is the meaning of good and evil,
good and bad, how must an improper thing
be understood. In this respect it is impor-
tant to differentiate moral norms from
the religious, legal and political norms.
It should be emphasized that the moral
norms penetrate in this or other form into
different aspects of public life. As a sci-
ence the ethics reflects the teaching about
dignity, conscience, debt awareness, code
of conduct and other moral values. The ac-
tions of people should meet the very quali-
fications. In this sense, ethics is a science
about the codes of conduct and norms of
people and is based on the categories such
as “supreme happiness”, “goodness”,
“truth”. At all times activities of people
in every sphere of life have been assessed
within the framework of moral category.
Naturally, it is also possible to have moral
approach to politics. The research object
of the political ethics which is a special
sphere of scientific knowledge is moral
values and norms which pertain to the
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Afandiyev Madjid
realm of politics and its institutions, rela-
tions of society members in this sphere and
the sum of their behaviour.
Political ethics touches upon such is-
sues as fair social structure, mutual rights
and obligations of managers and citizens,
fundamental rights of humans and citizens,
healthy ratio of freedoms, equality and jus-
tice, as well as other problems. Is it right to
use moral norms and ethical categories in
the sphere of politics while speaking about
political ethics? This issue has long been
existed in the history of political thought
and there is not any concrete answer to
this question. In the very beginning politi-
cal events and processes have been stud-
ied in connection with the complex of all
public events. Those who considered that
the main aim of the politics is ensuring of
“supreme happiness” to citizen by a polis
(state) did not miss its moral, educational
importance either. Aristotle noted in a spe-
cial way that, “happiness of a state rests
upon its fairness”, in other words, its ser-
vice to the overall interests [9,508].
Antic tradition which began with Plato
and Aristotle consider morality and poli-
tics as a unity and assess this unity as the
event which is oriented for the achieve-
ment of justice as a whole.
I. Kant’s doctrine common moral rules
– final imperatives played a special role
in the conduction of effective research on
the problem of mutual relations between
moral and politics. According to the com-
mon moral law a human being must com-
ply with the global rules, regardless of his
origin, social status, even conditions. From
here we can come to an important conclu-
sion about position of every human being
not on method but on aim. The criterion
of the common moral law later spread in
political and legal spheres.
Based on the “golden rules of the mo-
rality” another German philosopher A.
Schopenhauer significantly expanded the
circle of moral rules by saying that: “Do
not do things which you do not want oth-
ers do to you”. He proposed a new moral
norm: “Do not harm anyone, help every-
body as much as you can”. This simple
phrase expresses the acceptance of the
identity; equality of human’s special rights
with rights of other citizens. Thus, politi-
cians, scholars and ideologues gradually
start to believe in unbreakable relationship
between morality and politics.
Politics and morality should not be al-
lowed to carry one another too much dam-
age. In other words, political profession-
alism must not contrast morality and vice
versa, moral rules must not disrupt the law.
Behavior of people is closely linked with
their political activity. Behavior envisages
the mechanisms, the structure of political
activity. [10, 167]. We must not forget that
if every political action turns into a tense
square between government and morality,
it will touch upon the fortunes of much
people. It envisages the correct introduc-
tion of the ratio of morality and politics
in the alternative form of “either politics
or morality”. There is a second aspect of
the problem of the relationship between
morality and politics. Thus, guidelines
implementation of which is necessary and
that were precisely drafted for the efficient
functioning of the state apparatus require
strict professionalism and management
mechanism. It leads to the formation of the
bureaucracy which is special category of
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Specific different features between ethics and policy
officials in the system of political execu-
tive authority of administrative ruling ap-
paratus. Activities of the burecracy turn
high professionalism and specialization of
functions it implements into vital require-
ment. Without sense of responsibility and
personal discipline which is strengthened
by moral norms, action of any apparatus is
impossible. The politician or statesman is
responsible for his every practical action.
This feature, along with high ability, de-
mands highly developed moral conscious-
ness, permanent moral motivation of be-
havior, moral belief in the fair, humanist
character of his actions.
So, the development of the moral as-
pect of the politics helps politician in se-
lecting right moral direction, moving away
from serious mistakes. Finally, the third
aspect of the ethical policy, to put it more
precisely, in the ratio of morality and poli-
tics emerges. Historical development pro-
cess must not happen through convincing
but by peaceful and legal means. When
even the highest moral beginning has po-
litical meaning, if connected with victims
this politicization cannot be acknowledged
as the embodiment of morality. All kinds,
as well as the high and noble purposes must
be implemented on the basis of people’s
suffering and unhappiness. Essentially it
applies to political goals too.
1. Əfəndiyev M. Siyasi elm. Bakı, 2010.
2. Пугачев В.П., Соловьев А.И. Введение в политология. М., 2003.
3. Гаджиев К.С. Философия власти. М., 1993.
4. Вебер М. Избранные произведение (пер. с нем.). М., 1990.
5. Политология: энциклопедический словарь. М., 1993.
6. Вакунин М.А. Государственность и анархия. Полн. Соб. соч. т.2. М., 1907.
7. Бердяев Н.А. Самопознание. М., 1996.
8. Сутор Б. Политическая этика. Полис. 1996. №1.
9. Аристотель. Политика. М., 1985.
10. Политология вчера и сегодня. М., 1990.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Agalar Abbasbayli
The theoretical arsenal of modern
prediction has provided several meth-
odological tools for examination public
opinion:1) expert survey - identified by
experts in the various surveys, filling in
an international event; 2) DELF method
- a multi-stage main differences to con-
sider in discussions and decision-making
by subtracting the average of the results
of such procedures; 3) As a rule, a vari-
ety of well-known analysts, reflecting the
views of a particular political movement
intuitive prognostic value judgments; 4)
The historical analogy – projection formal
perspective of an imaginary past experi-
ence with some adjustments; 5) contex-
tual transfer to map - the future of all pos-
sible events consistent selection, analysis
and synthesis means (for example, the
threat of security breaches search for a
transition from armed conflict to peace
and then confrontation); 6) network and
graphical data analysis - the most intense
political development, which allows to
identify the critical points; 7) imitation -
logical and statistical prognostic decisions
based hardware to optimize the search for
causes; 8) The game theory - the world of
politics or the other allows you to define a
hypothetical scenarios of possible action
and others. [1.89]
As highly complex modeling expert
analysis is divided into several stages: a)
information and training; b) the analyti-
cal; c) lowered the common denominator
of many intermediate phase synthesis.
In this case, any international event
(for example, a regional conflict) is not
any prognostic and expert analysis, com-
prehensive information database derived
from many sources based. In addition,
forecasting is an international expert on
the qualities of the object or situation in
the event of the primary and second grade
- logical, intuitive information is equally
Baku State University
The Chair of the Department of the Internatioanl Relations
UDC: 327.,930.22
In the article of A.N. Abbasbeyli «About some problems of prediction of modern
international relations» is studied the development of modern relations in the theoretical
and practical plane. The author examines the state and prospects of international rela-
tions from the theoretical and conceptual positions.
Keywords: Prediction, analogy, method, expert, analysis, imitation, graphics, sta-
tistics, diplomacy, geostrategy, different.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
About some problems of prediction of modern international relations
One of the main features of the com-
plex as forecasting analysis, research
methods, many of which have been men-
tioned above is based on a combination of
established research note. After that, the
country’s top political leadership on the
basis of this work is extremely concise
(2-4 standard pages), written in a letter to
the analyst.
It should be noted that the expert-an-
alytical forecasting is one of the most im-
portant tools in Delphi method. In connec-
tion with the standards of his own personal
views and opinions of the experts include
a single focal point. Similar positions were
presented to the coordinators of the proj-
ect, as well as a comparison of the most
important differences (for example, on is-
sues of strategic and conventional arms)
are found. After that, the contact group’s
focus to include new information search of
ways to overcome significant differences
and focus on consensus, at least relative to
the capital base is more important to put
considerations of prognostic purpose of
their previous demands individual expert
The most important advantage of this
method of collective knowledge and ana-
lytical-scale and important conclusions of
expert analysts is that individual approach-
es. Experience proves that, even with high
qualifications and an expert in predictive
part of a group, including former diplo-
mats, military personnel and others. so
that it does not exclude the possibility of
discussing and correcting the position of
the question. In other words, there is a kind
of society, and it is a new quality in the
expert-analytical considerations, in turn,
results reveal the potential of the natural
scientific laws, which were previously un-
known reveals itself.
Analysis ( “pictorial mental pressure
group”), another significant advantage
of the predictable plots required for a re-
searcher on the human factor, especially
the interaction of internal and external en-
vironments and subjective collect detailed
information relating to various aspects of
the work it is almost impossible. Analysis
to such shortfall in domestic policy and
international development enables us to
provide a combination of factors, more in-
tense. [2, 181]
The third point, which determines the
shape of the group on the one hand the
advantage of predictability in forecasting
individual to individual and collective so-
cial psychology on the other hand is asso-
ciated with features. Investigation of the
analytical group of independent experts
dealing with situations in which a higher
degree of risk that important decisions of
the ruling elite of the imagination and po-
sitions sharply conflicting opinions in this
or prognostic ready to take responsibility
for. Made by any independent figures such
non-popular decisions can lead to damage
to his professional reputation, the opposi-
tion could lead to other research groups. In
addition, the analysis of the documents in
the practice of “minority” does not exclude
the reasonable position.
Analysis of the performance of the
method is widely used in the DELF C.
Martino academic professional intuition
is based on highly qualified analysts and
expert work of the three main features of
prognostic notes. First, the anonymity and
confidentiality and, secondly, on the re-
sults of the study are based on the previ-