İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Agalar Abbasbayli
ous stages of the third, the collective use
of statistical results of the survey. [3, 117]
Anonymity and confidentiality of test
results, as well as the organization of se-
cret voting ordinary bearer is provided
through questionnaires and development
of distribution packages (but not com-
pletely familiar with the participants of the
research into practice to ensure that there
is a bit difficult). Anonymous, confidential
method, experts fear the threat of their sci-
entific and professional reputation to give
complete freedom to determine your po-
sition. Based on the results of the survey
and its main variations are removed from
the various graphic medians. Thus, for ex-
ample, the issue of peacekeeping troops
from the conflict zone in the region can be
found in three positions: a) the status quo
(the media) protection; b) withdrawal of
troops (first variation); c) the increase of
troops (second variation).
Analysis on the results of previous
surveys on the same plot analysis and evi-
dence in detail all of the evidence indicat-
ing the position of each of the previous
survey is to provide main and alternative
opinions. This principle, which is neces-
sary in order to ensure that the research
allows the discharge of the survey main
direction eliminates feedback, but also as
experts in the polarization.
The forecast reflects the opinion of the
majority of experts in the development of
statistical indicators. Other members of
the group agrees with this opinion analyst
(or at least as an addition to their “special
opinion” is mentioned [4, 105]. In addi-
tion to this procedure, the average medians
Delphi method allowing you to discover
the extent of the spread of the ideas of ex-
perts and to establish quartiles.
During the study, the experts prog-
nostic team ( “jury”), the emergence of
important, almost essential importance.
In this case, the prognostic is not the main
focus within their organization, as well as
the business skills of professionals in other
scientific and educational centers of the
collected materials.
Depending on the humanitarian situa-
tion in the development of analytical fore-
casts (history, international law, political
economy, culture, etc.). It is not, but also
many natural sciences (biology, geogra-
phy, cybernetics, medicine, etc.). The most
famous representatives. In addition to aca-
demics, diplomats, civil servants, informa-
tion, structure, staff and others. prognos-
tic were also involved in the research. All
this work is not only the branch, but also
to the inter-ministerial level, the subjective
nature of the one-sided trends, allows you
to minimize variations. (True, the experts
forecast the extreme secrecy endangers
broad representation, “the dissemination
of confidential information” as a barrier to
the individual contacts can play clearly de-
fine the term.)
Depending on the humanitarian situa-
tion in the development of analytical fore-
casts (history, international law, political
economy, culture, etc.). It is not, but also
many natural sciences (biology, geogra-
phy, cybernetics, medicine, etc.). The most
famous representatives. In addition to AC-
ADEMICS, Diplomats, civil servants, in-
formation, structure, staff and others. also
involved in the research were prognostic.
All this work is not only the branch, but
also to the inter-ministerial level, the sub-
jective nature of the one-sided trends, al-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
About some problems of prediction of modern international relations
lows you to minimize variations. (True,
the experts forecast the extreme secrecy
endangers broad representation, “the dis-
semination of confidential information”
can play as a barrier to the individual con-
tacts Clearly define the term.)
Human society, the state and its social
institutions, political parties and the oppo-
sition, different ethnic, religious and other
associations of a certain time and can not
operate outside the legal space. Political
being limited space and territorial factor
or other specific level of interaction as a
result of this or another state, the quality of
the coalition or alliance of states, or rather,
sets out the general national or national po-
tential. Geo-strategy as any other scientific
explanation as one of the most important
areas of modern international relations is
not only in general shape, he always com-
In addition, the geo-strategic space,
the creation of complex harmony of hu-
man and natural sciences are the most
important thing. Geo-strategy diplomacy,
politics and geography, social history and
ethno-psychology, economy, transporta-
tion, and military strategy, and so on. The
unique combination of theoretical and
Geo-strategy multilayered, synthe-
sized his complex nature, universal, axi-
omatic characteristics, in order to improve
international relations, barely negotiable
basic instruments creates obstacles. At the
beginning of the twentieth century, the
earth’s surface by the European countries
and has already completed the develop-
ment of a fully distributed pre-colonial
dependence on the stage of international
relations periphery was the catalyst for the
re-division of the problem. The world’s
most powerful countries in the world to
justify the expansion of integrity and di-
versity, political and economic reasons
and the effects of the space environment of
the complex interactions there was a need
to issue a new opinion. In response to the
persistent calls time on geo-strategy was
serious. He has since the establishment
of a number of schools and destinations,
as well as active foreign expansionism, of
course, “living space” is divided into sup-
porters of the provision.
Department of historical chronology
of the formation of a minimal part of a
century. However, within the limits of the
subject itself, but also the quality of the
staff geo-strategy category enrichment
and evolution occurred, and it has become
an integral part of international relations
and diplomacy in the world. According to
the traditional base of the lithosphere and
shifts geo-strategy then the geographic de-
terminism was related hydrosphere.
The main focus of the position of con-
tinental or sea, land and natural landscape,
climate, flora and fauna, natural commu-
nication, fresh water sources, states the
nature of the border, strategic positions,
ethnic demographics indicators, natural re-
sources, social and political organization,
types and so on. directed to factors such
as the geographic area. One of the com-
plicated combination of these factors and
the projection of the political geography
caused the formation of a German scientist
Friedrich Ratsel.
Almost all of the scientific knowl-
edge of the twentieth century large areas
of progress and has found a new side of
geo-strategy. The optimal geo-strategic
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Agalar Abbasbayli
characteristics, taking into account more
fully the results of space by man and can
say that there has been universal. All of
these criteria, taking into account the stra-
tegic understanding of the future began to
radically update. Under the influence of
scientific and technological revolution and
globalization began to make more impor-
tant qualities of a geo-strategic space.
Several of the researchers are begin-
ning to become witnesses to a strange
paradox: the threshold of space, or rather
a kind of synthesis between the environ-
ment and natural intelligence Since the
traditional theory of international relations
under the framework of strategic stud-
ies Geo-strategy despite strict academic
sense, neither unconditional humanitarian,
what can not be attributed to the natural
sciences. Geo-strategy genetic foundations
of the space economy (geo-economics),
Geo-strategy, geo-culture, geo-ethnology
and others. categories such as doors. These
factors are set out in the compound, result-
ing in various degrees of national power
and influence of the almost global, conti-
nental, regional, sub-regional scale model
set of forces, in particular, bipolar, multi-
polar, uni-polar, non-polar and so on.
So Geo-strategy richer understand-
ing of the past and the present theoretical
understanding of the future become one
instrument. The development of human
society and its attributes on the interaction
of space and resources to promote politi-
cal and historical evolution over time was.
Great geographical discoveries discovery
and development of new land areas and
the expansion of capital accumulation
was the main goal. During the Industrial
Revolution, the source of a wide range
of goods and metropolitan foreign lands,
mineral resources is important as the sale
of the finished product. With the launch
of scientific and technological revolution
in the era of information-management and
geo-strategic importance of science and
technology begins to exceptional factors.
Japan, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, South
Korea and others. have been. However, the
lowest form of geographical determinism
great progress towards global intellectu-
alism geo-strategy no evidence that the
failure is not in the past. On the contrary,
globalization, covering the period of the
factor, or another state’s ability to mobi-
lize forces in an optimal way, the way it is
proved once again directing the main geo-
strategic patterns.
World theory about the nature of in-
teractions between science, politics, and
geography does not lose focus. In addi-
tion, some authors insist that the politi-
cal strategy of geographical location and
the nature and principles of the national
state as a result is certain. The main role
of the judge, in contrast to relations with
others, but rather divides the political fac-
tor. In our opinion, the correct answer will
result in the synthesis of both directions.
Geo-strategy complex interaction of the
process of developing and synthesizing
unique geographical location and function
of the law.
The internal contradictions of politi-
cal actions and in many cases inconsistent
changes in the nature of space and have an
impact on the result. Thus, the logic of a
political settlement of international con-
flicts can contribute to the solution of hu-
manitarian problems, in another case, the
degradation, regress and deepen the ele-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
About some problems of prediction of modern international relations
ments of the situation may be insoluble.
For example, you can show the events sur-
rounding Iraq. Violence in the context of
the relationship between man, nature and
characteristics of political will, apparently
contradictory, most likely will face a long
time frame post-industry civilization.
The human mind is capable of theoret-
ically prevent the destruction of the natural
environment. The key here is to describe
the role of the traditional political geog-
raphy and limited by the characteristics
of the passive object of research in the fu-
ture, driven mainly Geo-strategy play. [5,
117] of course take into account the inter-
action of government and state positions
Geo-strategy space, assessing the state
government, mainly in the area of politi-
cal geography considering the terms of the
positions. Therefore, the national security
state - the military-strategic, economic,
energy, raw materials, catering, scientific
and technology, social, cultural, environ-
mental, demographic, ethno-confessional
and others. To ensure optimum disclosure
potential is possible only geo-strategy po-
The above considerations are prov-
ing once again that it is impossible for the
progress of political development without
geo-strategy prediction. It is known that
the theory and history of international rela-
tions and diplomacy in the history of civil
society and focus, while Geo-strategy geo-
economics, Geo-strategy, geo-culture and
other areas of scientific thinking, which is
engaged in a complex of universal knowl-
edge. It is based on studies of complex
geopolitical reserv technologies, planetary
data space, world migrations, civilization
interaction and so on. It is possible to de-
tect the growing role as a global factors.
Thus, in comparison with the theory of in-
ternational relations Geo-strategy humani-
tarian broader cognitive. Indeed, a wa-
tershed line between political theory and
diplomacy, there can not be. They are in
many respects cross humanitarian knowl-
edge subjects. Geo-strategic knowledge -
quite effective weapon of diplomacy, but
rather work in the field of high efficiency
enables Geo-strategy diplomatic arsenal.
However, as opposed to diplomacy based
on international law Geo-strategy reflec-
tion of present and future acts as a kind of
It is known that during the emergence
of political boundaries, yet civilization
- the first tribal land areas during the for-
mation of the association is based. A sense
of identification with a particular area,
he was one of the key elements of ethnic
thinking. However, an infinite number of
border zones and the long, bloody wars,
was formed on the basis of changing the
ethnic balance. Only in the end of XIX -
early XX century in the world “free land”
left. However, the “pie in the colony,” the
division of countries in late XIX - early
XX century, the principle of the inviolabil-
ity of the borders of the national and state
continued to reject. National power factors
(especially land and water areas, natural
resources etc.) to comment on the unilat-
eral tendency of the uneven distribution of
the early twentieth century Germany, was
typical of countries such as Japan and the
US. Later, in the 20-30 years of the twen-
tieth century, countries such as Germany
and Italy, “living space” and tried to justify
the desecration and violent land invasions.
[6, 67]
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Agalar Abbasbayli
Depending on the distribution of the
colony and the many occupations and “liv-
ing space” was carried out under the slo-
gan. However, with the onset of decolo-
nization heated debate about borders and
disputed territories, as well as trends in
reviving and strengthening increased. This
in turn is closely related to the geopolitics
of international relations theory and prac-
tice is another proof of the existence as a
scientific discipline. Geo-strategy impor-
tant theoretical understanding of the laws
of classical tools of international relations,
as it continues to maintain its own vital
Classic geo-strategy three spatial
plot (lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (the
ocean) and the atmosphere) when work-
ing with modern Geo-strategy 1) cosmic
space, 2) human cognition, 3) reduction of
space and time, “compression” phenom-
enon, 4) globalization adopting the new
Space and science about the universe
Cosmology understanding of the ancient
Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras,
Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle and others. De-
veloped by. However, many researchers
generations stunned the political think-
ing of extraordinary space, regardless of
the settlement until the second half of the
twentieth century, or rather, man’s exit has
been in existence in the universe. Since it
is a form of cosmology geostrategic imper-
ative enters, or other strategic regions (for
example, the trans-Atlantic basin, Rus-
sia, Eurasia or East Asia continental arch
heartland etc.) compete for space in the
area to have access to the crucial advan-
tage in the world begins to assume. In ad-
dition, the cosmos-sphere(especially in the
context of the militarization), hydrosphere,
lithosphere and atmosphere than the front
gradually takes center stage in the world.
However, the above-mentioned challeng-
es, the growing threat of space (space ob-
jects, the encounter, foreign intervention,
etc.) separate the geopolitical importance
of the reduction of regional and local con-
flicts between civilizations can not be any
other than a process.
Modern geo-strategy another new
phenomenon - the concept of cognitive
science over the centuries from the time of
the Renaissance man, intuitive, feeling, un-
derstanding the cognitive ability to be used
as unlike the perfectly rational. Countless
plays a special role in society as a result of
socio-psychological studies of human fac-
tor of up to 120 have been found. Along
with scientific and technological progress
and “artificial consciousness” in terms of
intellectual capacity in all areas of life, as
well as in international relations happen
to be serious. The optimal management of
this or any other nation’s intellectual quali-
ties and self-government and territorial
and strategic factors, such as high-grade
talent as has a dominant position in com-
parison to the classical concepts. This in
turn blocks all possible strategic alliances,
“arrows”, “polygons” and is likely to sig-
nificantly reduce the role of the traditional
inter-state borders, cognition is likely to
take a dominant position in the new geo-
strategic cosmoghonichal. Previous in-
terstate barriers in terms of a reduction in
the importance of post-industry, or rather,
cleavage, but still the people who depend
on ethnicity and rare opportunity to gather
neo-sphere. Forecasting the future of Rus-
sia, the US, China, India and other large
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
About some problems of prediction of modern international relations
countries, disintegration and Africans,
Latin-Americans, Arabs, Caucasians and
other new emergence of the United States
is possible.
Geo-strategy new category of space
and time, which is made up of theoreti-
cal abstraction. [7, 1991] - Scientific and
technical progress throughout the space
and time any material substance as a form
of universal existence of the structure and
interactions of matter and the size of its
variety of interchangeable continuity and
consistency and so on. properties as a way
to gradually scale suffer more. However,
post-industry, the information society in
terms of the physical laws of probability
theory (the bodies increases the speed of
movement and direction, relative to the
weight increases and decreases in the size
of the movement) is clearly visible.
Indeed, the fundamental laws of phys-
ics can not be transferred directly to the
public events. However, the speed of the
information flow from the fact that the
second $ 300 thousand in the ideas about
one of the world’s largest “village” con-
verts only regional importance in interna-
tional relations (political) is not, as well
as global (strategic) factors continue to
assume, he says. Within a short time the
world leaders of the modern information
technologies (nuclear-missile strike facili-
ties in space during the time of flight) is
extremely critical to solving urgent issues
of war and peace, whereas, previously, in
principle, this type of problem happens
only in command of the commander of an
underground nuclear carrier the opening
of the activities carried out on the basis of
pre-defined instructions. According to the
strategic decision making in this case, the
responsibility of a leader is rising sharply.
As a result of the information revolution
wrenching when you factor in the last lim-
it of geopolitics ( “progressive rationale
The” strategy) reduces the importance of
the classical criteria, the self-reformation
of foreign policy by the countries suffer
large prop desk system. Civilization space,
“compressing” and social experience, size
and time scale, “narrowing”, along with the
theory of international relations, cultural
(local civilization and social activities as
part of the rhythm) and political time (the
rhythms of political life) carries out the
differences between the two. From time to
time the emergence of the global market
as a factor in any cultural life, from uni-
versal unprecedented “pressure” has been
exposed. Information society and industry
cycles, return, exchange, sale, conversion
of scarce resources are not available, and
the price of rare inherited n virtual money
and time. Not only political, but also so-
cial time each time it faces a sharp defi-
cit. Post-industry political elite, the “slow
down” (or rather, the history of the hands
of not being able to stop rotating back) is
based on the false attempts, and this leads
to major social and political disasters. [8,
The focus of the new history of the
concepts of society and the state have a
dominant position in comparison with the
theoretical beginning of the focus on the
individual. Thus, the process of interna-
tional relations and world history in gener-
al, special and unique features of the unity
and completeness of the disclosure. The
creator of the globalization of the interna-
tional community for the future of human
civilization and cultural progress, a kind