İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Meshdi Ismailov
yes, then all the countries of the world face
only one single choice: either to follow the
Western path, or stay in the peripheries and
possibly face destruction.” [16, p. 86]
According to Panarin, in order to es-
cape the geopolitical death which is the
only possible result of the Western models,
Russia should not face incorrect dilemmas
such as north/south and globalization/lo-
calization. That is why the only way for
Russia is to be located in the East/West
geopolitical vector which represents the
true bipolar scene of the world, because
“the real meaning of being a culture or a
civilization depends on the position of that
culture in the East/West bipolar system.”
[17, p. 40] Panarin builds these discourses
of his based on the geopolitical theories of
the classical geopolitists Halford Mack-
inder and Carl Schmitt. Thus, combin-
ing Mackinder’s “earth” (continent) and
“sea” (ocean) geopolitical archetypes with
Schmitt’s “boat” (sea) and “house” (earth)
metaphors, Paranin accorded these to his
own discourses of civilizational geopoli-
tics. As in sailing, a boat also symbolizes
motion in life. House is located in the op-
posite pole to this, where it represents the
earth-centered life and stability. The ma-
rine form of life represents piracy and ap-
propriation of the rich, whereas the earth
represents sedentary and pastoral life. Pan-
arin applies this dualist outlook to explain
our modern world. “Today we are face-
to-face with the sailing-type life that has
entered its highest stage under the capital-
ism pretext… Today we are forced to fight
against the global piracy of the sea civili-
zation.” [18, p. 128]
Along his discourses mentioned
above, Panarin also uses other dualist geo-
political metaphors such as the horizontal
and vertical. Here Eurasia represents the
East, namely the horizontal vector, where-
as the West stands for the vertical geopo-
litical vector that expresses the hierarchic
approach. That is why the marine powers
under the US leadership or the Western
powers have started interfering with the
USSR geography (Eurasia) or the “Sec-
ond World”. According to him, the reason
of the Western invasion into Eurasia is to
break Eurasia into pieces and turn it into
the Third World. In order to purposefully
reach its goal, the West has drawn the Sec-
ond World into a de-industrialization pro-
cess. The purpose of this process carried
out upon the promotion and attempts of
the West, is to prevent development [19,
p. 331].
Panarin says the World War 4 started
as soon as the third World War, which he
considers the Cold War, finished. Accord-
ing to him the situation in the new war has
been manipulated. Russia should put a stop
to an illusion that it has not been attacked.
Russia is in no position to fight against it,
however as we speak of its existence, it has
to unite with the large Eurasian countries
and become the center for confrontation
against the global attack. Russia must ally
with the Eurasian countries, because the
West has to turn these countries ineffective
in order to gain control over the entire Eur-
asia [15, p. 227].
In his views mentioned above one
can observe the concrete expression of
the contradiction of civilizations. One can
also find the traces of the classical Ger-
man geopolitics. Karl Haushofer had writ-
ten that the border points of countries had
turned into war fronts as the lands did not
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Geopolitical approach to civilizations in the eurasianist thought of Alexander Panarin
suffice for these countries. Along the clas-
sical geopolitical school, Huntington’s dis-
course on “the most important actors of the
clash of civilizations are the countries” is
also accepted in Panarin’s context.
To cap all above mentioned, Panarin
accepts the Turkic-Slavic unity as the
rightest geopolitical model for the Eur-
asian civilization. Speaking in more gen-
eral terms, his Eurasianism represents an
alternative civilization model as opposed
to the Western model of develop that tries
to have the entire world accept Atlantism.
Being different from the individuality and
commerciality of the West, moral and col-
lectivist factors of origin stand in the heart
of his alternative model [18, p. 240-279].
He is much influenced by Toynbee in his
historic outlook. Following Toynbee’s
philosophical-idealistic approach towards
history, Panarin believes that a fight against
the Western civilization will begin sooner
or later. That is why history has never been
a monologue of only one power. In this re-
gard, one can say that Panarin’s Eurasian
model is of more cultural-philosophical
significance, rather than only being a po-
litical project.
1. Johann P. Arnason, Civilizations in Dispute: Historical Questions and Theoreti-
cal Traditions, Leiden: Brill, 2003.
2. Samuel P. Huntington, Medeniyetler Çatışması ve Dünya Düzeninin Yeniden
Kurulması (The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order), Çevirenler:
Cem Soydemir, Mehmet Turhan (Translators, Jem Soydemir, Mehmet Turhan), İstanbul:
Okuyan Us Yayın, 2008.
3. Norbert Elias, Uygarlık Süreci, Batılı Dünyevi Üst Tabakaların Davranışlarındaki
Değişmeler (The Civilizing Process, Vol.I. The History of Manners), Çeviren: Ender
Ateşman (Translator: Ender Ateshman), İstanbul, İletişim Yayınevi, 2000.
4. Immanuel Wallerstein, Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays On The Changing
World-System, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
5. Immanuel Wallerstein, Jeopolitik ve Jeokültür (Geopolitics and Geoculture), Çe-
viren: Mustafa Özel (Translator: Mustafa Ozel), İstanbul: İz Yay., 1998.
6. John A. Agnew, Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics, London: Taylor &
Francis, 2003.
7. John A. Agnew, Stuart Corbridge, Mastering Space: Hegemony, Territory, and
International Political Economy, London: Routledge, 1995.
8. Avdeeva L. R., “Danilevsky Nikolay Yakovlevich”, Russian Philosophy, Mos-
cow, 1999.
9. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, New York: Oxford University Press,
10. Arnold Toynbee, Uygarlık Yargılanıyor (Civilization on Trial), İstanbul, Örgün
Yayınevi, 2011.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Meshdi Ismailov
11. Arnold Toynbee, Çivilizaçiya Pered Sudom İstorii (Civilization on Trial), Mosk-
va: Ayris Press, 1995.
12. Samuel Huntington, “Stolknovenie Çivilizaçii” (Clash of Civilizations), Polis,
No.1, 1994.
13. Aleksandr Panarin, V V. Ilyin, A.S. Akhiezer, Reforms and Counter reforms in
Russia, Moscow: MGU, 1996.
14. Aleksandr Panarin, “Raskoli i Sintezi: Konkurs Çivilizaçionnix Proektov v Evra-
zii”, “Vtoroya Evropa” ili “Tretiy Rim”? İzbrannaya soçialno-filosofskaya publiçistika,
Moskva: RAN, 1996. (“Splits and syntheses: a concourse of civilizational projects in
Eurasia”, “Second Europe” or “Third Rome”? Selected socio-philosophical essays,
Moscow: RAN, 1996.)
15. Aleksandr Panarin, Globalnoe Politicheskoe Prognozirovanie v Usloviakh Stra-
tegicheskoy Nestabilnosti, Moskva: URSS, 1999. (Global Political Prognostication un-
der the Conditions of Strategic Instability, Moscow: URSS, 1999.)
16. Aleksandr Panarin, “Zabludivşchiyesya Zapadniki i Probudivşchiyesya Evra-
ziyçi”, Boris Erasov, (ed.) Çivilizaçii i Kulturi, Cilt 1, Moskva: RAN. (“Strayed West-
erners and Awoken Eurasians:, Boris Erasov (ed.) Civilizations and Cultures, Volume 1,
Moscow: RAN.)
17. Aleksandr Panarin, Rossiya i Vostok: Geopolitika i Çivilizaçionnie Otnoşeniya,
Moskva: RAN, 1996. (Russia and the East: Geopolitics and Civilizational Relations,
Moscow: RAN, 1996.)
18. Aleksandr Panarin, Rossiia v Çiklakh Mirovoy İstorii, Moskva: MGU, 1999.
(Russia in the Cycles of World History, Moscow: MGU, 1999.)
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
“Public diplomacy” from the “Nopolitics” at the intersection of the views modern world
Contemporary world politics, interna-
tional relations and the rapid changes in
interstate relations theorists and research-
ers of these processes, which primarily re-
flect the current realities of the terms and
concepts of scarcity, in most cases vulner-
able to the problem of the absence. As a
result, everybody can not understand fully
the nature and meaning of globalization,
integration, tolerance, multiculturalism
entered the lexicon of terms such as resi-
dential wins. Must admit that in the cur-
rent circumstances “, a term exporters” as
a western, and more, US researchers re-
ported. Factors like these are enough op-
portunities for them.
The dean of Tufts University School
of Law and Diplomacy in the Edmund
A.B.Fletcer Qullion circulated by “public
diplomacy” (public diplomacy). (2) The
term was a term gaining popularity at the
time. According to the author, as opposed
to the traditional diplomacy of “public di-
plomacy” one country (the United States
is supposed to) any other state that may
affect the foreign policy decision-making
mechanisms and possible means to im-
prove the efficiency of the use of purpose-
ful activity aimed at influencing the mind
of the people in their own interests, such
as aims to shape public opinion. Mean-
while, individual companies, business-
men, the media, the location is clearly
visible. “Cold War” during the implemen-
tation of such prudent policies in fact can
be considered as the transition to a new
phase in world politics.
The beginning of the new century
Baku State University
Associate Professor of the Department of Diplomacy
and modern integration processes
UDC: 327-027.21
The second half of the twentieth century and the new development trends of in-
ternational politics and diplomacy, although there were still “cold war” was going on.
Now, when “public diplomacy” as a factor that could change the real results confirmed
the view of international relations. Especially the “soft power” around the phenomenon
is much scientific considerations. The article, based on the new information age, in the
foreign policy commitment to public diplomacy investigation with nopolitics.
Keywords: “public diplomacy”, “Cold War”, the international relations system,
dialog, “soft power”, communication and “virtual diplomacy”, “information is pow-
er”, information strategy and so on.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Valiullah Jafarov
“digital revolution”, which intends to
maintain its weight in effect creating a
world order states, “public diplomacy” has
meant a fresh look. The foreign and do-
mestic policies, as well as the concept of
diplomacy perspective changed informa-
tion. Do not scientific value of these pro-
cesses still burden fell on the shoulders of
those ideas. At this point, “... information
and promotion policy should go ahead”
(Lord, Lord Beaverbrook. (1879-1964),
British politician, publisher.) Phrase came
to help determine the direction-pulp. In
this subsequent years, the information of
“public diplomacy” is as a key elements.
Behavior in relation to others in the middle
of the last century, the face of goal, which
since the late labyrinths of time to assess
the current state of scientific and theoreti-
cal manifestations. For this purpose, along
with the authors pass in stride on the road
of theory.
Note that the system of political ide-
ology in the 30s of the last century was
circulated by the American researcher
F.Barqxon “cultural diplomacy” then “new
diplomacy”, “The fourth approach to for-
eign policy” has been updated terms. To-
day, however, the “public diplomacy”, but
also “cultural diplomacy” foreign policy of
every country of the foreign cultural policy
of the phenomenon in a place like arsenals,
based on the concept of strategic long-term
cooperation and the forms and methods of
collection. Relation not disclose the exis-
tence of this type worn throughout walks
always important component of foreign
cultural policy, as well as other ingredi-
ents, but the correct name is now on dis-
play in union found.
Towards the end of the twentieth cen-
tury, American political scientist, Harvard
University professor Joseph Nye, could
solve the problem with the concept of “soft
power” (soft power) to a few managed to
trace. Former Assistant Secretary of State
in 1990, then Deputy Defense ministry
US policy, which in turn masking C. Nye,
“soft power” of the state’s foreign-cultural
identity on the basis of the phenomenon
of military power and the strength of its
economy at the expense of the impossibil-
ity of forming and believe confirmed that
“Public diplomacy” as a whole “soft pow-
er” means. (2; 3) Providing economic as-
sistance to other States, to support the cre-
ation of democratic institutions , to gain
the respect and confidence in an easier,
less costly and more effective. At any an-
gle, the “public diplomacy” does not mean
cultural collaboration with the same idea.
It’s more than a victory over the march of
culture, other cultures tactic. However, to
deny the necessity of cultural dialogue in
a globalized world and the necessity of or-
der and dictate the direction of the medium
useful for humanity. Mutual cultural coop-
eration, the foreign cultural policy of never
face a single planetary civilization human
child. This is thought to be in denial of the
truth outside, rather than joyousness.
Thus, the “public diplomacy” towards
the realization of the main purpose of the
transnational communication of ideas and
should be considered as a continuous flow
of information. From the nature of this
phenomenon is going to open a British re-
searcher Mark Leonard, show that “public
diplomacy is double corner. He co-direct-
ed a goal of “public diplomacy” (to the
other side, exchanges and joint projects),
the second goal in the competition, “pub-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
“Public diplomacy” from the “Nopolitics” at the intersection of the views modern world
lic diplomacy” (ahead of other countries in
respect of any State, he is more humane,
more attractive and thus affirm alien win
the sympathy of the audience). Changing
World “public diplomacy”, the author ad-
mits that the effectiveness of the ideas in
the competition highlights the importance
of the information. This is an interesting
approach, “public diplomacy” of the three-
stage sequence: Information - influence
and relationships. He assures that it is more
reasonable to hold. The final element in the
sequence shown in is cooperation-oriented
“public diplomacy”. Information notion of
“public diplomacy” The underlying fac-
tor. In this case, the state will be able to
form an idea about everything, including
the media outlets and the Internet, cultural
events, exhibitions, twin cities, projects,
trips, educational and exchange programs,
sporting events, film festivals that infor-
mation is included.
It must decide that “public diploma-
cy” in fact, is a form of communication,
and the information space is shaped. Such
development of events and processes in a
new direction in foreign policy strategy
nopolitic forms. Russian researchers from
the new trends in world politics and inter-
national relations while the media strategy
implemented by means of the mass media
called nopolitics. Term authors (Arquilla
J., Ronfeldt D.-American) also nopolitics
approximately the same way - as a foreign
policy strategy of the emerging informa-
tion age ideas, interests and norms “soft
power,” he called to happen. (6)
Rapid and effective implementation
of a new interchange at the beginning of
the new century ( “public diplomacy”)
to the Internet, satellite communications,
mobile operator networks, telecommuni-
cation systems superiority takes over the
“soft power” cannot be considered outside
the “virtual diplomacy”, “power of infor-
mation” as well as new definitions forms.
State policy, “public diplomacy” of infor-
mation do not ignore the role of C. Nyes
sufficient long-term strategy of cultural re-
lations and information is preparing to take
on three fronts urged
1 daily communicate - (state and its
policies, will work on the steps taken to
disseminate information on all networks)
2. Strategic communication (interest,
attempts to provide)
3. To achieve reliable communication
(seminars, conferences, donations, schol-
arships, to establish internal people, ideas,
find points of contact with the owners and
to provide access to information networks.
Americans this stage “public diplomacy”
of the “last step” is called.) (11.184-187)
The fact that access to information
networks, mass-media , “public diplo-
macy” has to win the general residential
space calculated as nopolitic strategy of
information. (5)
“Public diplomacy” explains the phe-
nomenon are others who want (Jefferi
Covan and Amelio Arseno - US) foreign
policy for more information (communica-
tion) without denying its commitment to
the monologue, dialogue and cooperation,
confirmed late stages. In general, such an
opinion is formed that the economically
prosperous states in the information space
of time, demand stems from the desire
of the leadership. In fact, in many cases,
the ideologists of the great powers in the
small states cannot hold a long-term claim
in the media and offer them access to the
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Valiullah Jafarov
services offered by the dominant powers.
International relations theory is this type
of approach how “David Effect” is called.
Semantics places in geopolitics is in the
dark, while the direction is clear nopolitics
(information strategy realized with mass
media “public diplomacy”) will no doubt
The economy of the states in which we
live and we are witnessing the formation
of global transformations and subsequent
process and meet the challenges is of the
time, which could be a “global policy”. We
call it the political space, in fact, as a space
to understand information.
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İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
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11. Redaksiyanın ünvanı: Az1114, Bakı şəh., Z.Mehdiyev küç., ev 8/6 “İqtisadi və
siyasi elmlər” jurnalının redaksiyası. Sayt: E-poçt ünvanı: journal@