İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Agalar Abbasbayli
of gradually climbed to heights of spon-
taneous, deviates to accept as inevitable
destiny. It mutərəqqiliyi future prospects
and active at the same time a subject of
mystery and uncertainty into human his-
tory, but the basic law of nature - human
fate progressive, specificity and recovery
inadmissibility remain unchanged. This
type of context, “the effectiveness of in-
tercultural dialogue in shaping the global
cultural space just like the other review
existence possible without my presence
can be achieved.”
In other words, persistent and con-
tinuous civilizations, cultural and social
dynamics, and optimization of human dia-
logue is the most important condition of
international relations. The timely provi-
sion of next generation peacekeeping so-
cial history of the time when no chains,
“narrowing” as well as the importance of
information and had no meaning. How-
ever, the fantastic form of socio-cultural
nature of man owed left. His life has been
an incredible continuity of the twentieth
century and still continues to grow. As in
previous ranges in the world, especially in
developing countries with economies in
transition in the new global challenges of
the political structures ready to react ad-
equately. When one side of the social, cul-
tural, on the other hand deep contradiction
between political time, are clearly visible.
This kind of conflict is always decisive
for the community, tragic character. This
social-political experience of the twentieth
century, including the power to turn back
the wheel of history and a great tyrant-dic-
tators proves the failure of attempts.
Bipolar in the international arena in
the 90s of the twentieth century, in connec-
tion with the disappearance of the univer-
sal laws of political science in the under-
standing of the development of the cultural
world are beginning to take root.
Instead of dogmatic interpretation
of the history of mankind as simple as
one-way process of gradually increasing
the previously “non-scientific” and “ide-
alistic”, which is the other methodological
schools and trends are confirmed. Sociol-
ogy of international relations such “new
trends” of great importance among the
world’s civilizations, wavy-cycle theory.
Social development around the world,
as the essence of international relations
theory, political sociology quite volumi-
nous subject wavy and periodicity. In this
respect, the basic methodological princi-
ples are just going to talk.
Modern political science from the out-
set economic science and the theory of
periodicity only internal but also external
political processes have become an impor-
tant methodological research instruments.
Splenger O. and A. Schumpeter and others
in the developed world, the science of the
main provisions of the theory of a series
of waves and the first half of the twentieth
century was created.
Any local civilization system (that
is to say, as a whole civilization), wavy-
cyclical nature of the development of the
theory of the dynamics of development
of human society in a consistent manner
to be replaced by another wave or helix as
it is to comprehend. Chain such activities
are clearly visible in the following: a) its
potential force of inertia relatively stable,
it is more or less continuous development
b) phase of the system’s crisis. In this
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
About some problems of prediction of modern international relations
case, the force of inertia is unstable and
unsustainable, traditional structures and
future prospects of the emergence of alien
elements options;
c) high leap or growth phase, or rather
the institutionalization of the community
phase of the transition to the new situation;
In the depths of this phase of the system
gives rise to the dynamics of inertia.
More wavy at the time and it’s more
or less rational consistency periodic do-
mestic and international policy is not the
result of any voluntary improvisation, the
evolution of civilization, which is subject
to the fundamental laws of purposeful ac-
Several different policy-oriented doc-
umentary information on the country in the
next ten years of this century, their devel-
opers on how they see the world in a de-
tailed and concrete picture of the structure.
Note the wavy-cyclical theory of de-
velopment of strategic studies, the authors,
regardless of whether a thing had not ap-
proved can be no doubt: the future political
structure of the world, at least in this his-
torical period (multi-polarization, mono-
polarization new bi-polarization and other
global modification scenarios) assessment
of relative consensus on the issue to be un-
der suspicion.
1. A.N.Abbasbəyli. Beynəlxalq münasibətlərin proqnozlaşdırılması nəzəriyyəsi. B,
2012, 1. 89
2. Proqnozlaşdırma və qərarların qəbul edilməsi nəzəriyyəsi. M., 1997, 1.181
3. Martino C. İngilis dilində proqnozlaşdırma texnikası. M., 1977, 1.117
4. Yanç E. Elmi-texniki tərəqqinin proqnozlaşdırılması / İng. dilindən tərcümə. M.,
2003, 1.105
5. Nikitina A.Q. Proqnozlaşdırma insan qabiliyyəti kimi. M., 2005, 1.117
6. A.S. Panarin. Qlobal siyasi proqnozlaşdırma. M., 2000, 1.67
7. Уткин А.И. Глобализация: процесс и осмысление. М., 2001, с.1991
8. Robert Harvey. Global disorder (How to avoid a fourth world). London, 2003, 1.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
Historians, philosophers and think-
ers noted that the state is the political and
moral institute, created by the mankind.
The state didn’t exist, it has been created
together with development of history.
Democritus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,
Confucius, J.Lock, T.Hobbes, J.J.Russo,
Hegel, Karl Marx, F. Engels and others
expressed their opinion about the estab-
lishment of the state. N.Tusi noted that the
state was created on the basis of the will
of people. That’s why it included nothing
more than political society and unity of
In Azerbaijan, even if the statehood
started to develop since in the previ-
ous centuries, the state started to form in
XIX and early XX centuries. The clas-
sics and enlighteners like A.A Bakikha-
nov, M.F.Akhundov, Mirza Kazim bey,
C.Mammadguluzadah, Hasan bey Zard-
abi, N.Narimanov, U.Hajibeyov played a
big role in the formation of the statehood
in Azerbaijan.
However, the formation and develop-
ment of independent statehood traditions
were done by historical figures such as
Alimardan bey Topchubashov, Nasib bey
Yusifbeyli, Ali bey Huseynzade, Mammad
Amin Rasulzadeh, Fatali Khan Khoyski,
Haydar Aliyev.
In order to strengthen the modern in-
dependent state of Azerbaijan a number of
principles including preparation of profes-
sional troops, establishment of civil soci-
ety, carrying out the democratic principles
as well as creation of norms based on the
human values, regulation of the cultural,
educational, medical, communication sys-
tems and spheres, the creation of govern-
Baku State University
The lecturer of the department of the Political science and Sociology
UDC: 323.1.,327.39
This article is dedicated to the activity of the I.Aliyev the president of the republic
on the strengthening of the nationally independent Azerbaijan state. There the author
firstly is dealing with the historical merit of the H.Aliyev, all-nation leader in creation
and strengthening of the basis of independency of our republic in rather complicated
conditions. Main attention is paid to the generalization and systematization of success
achieved in chief directions of Azerbaijan in the period of political leadership of I.Aliyev
as a deserving successor of the political course laid down by H.Aliyev.
Keywords: national, independent, foreign and national politics, political govern-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
ment’s and citizens’ support, the proper
organization of the country’s electoral sys-
tem, the improvement of the social well-
being of population, the holding the proper
internal and foreign policy and so on, were
For increasing of state level in Azer-
baijan the above mentioned conditions of
modern statehood were set and held by na-
tional leader Haydar Aliyev. Ilham Aliyev
in his turn makes the big efforts to realize
and continue the traditions of Haydar Ali-
It’s known that at the last decade of
twentieth century, in the history of man-
kind the essential turns such as collapse
of great empire of Soviet Union, elimina-
tion of Berlin wall, abolishment of War-
saw pact, expanding of NATO towards
East and particularly, the enrichment of
world community was achieved through
newly gained independent states. In this
period Azerbaijan Republic gained the in-
dependence and sovereignty, turned into
the member of world community where
it possesses the equal rights, as a result of
the successful termination of significant
political processes. For making eternal the
achieved independence, in domestic and
foreign policy the priority was given to
the national interests and for realization of
this aim all diplomatic means and methods
were needed to use effectively. However
internal and foreign forces disturbed it. In
this period the obtaining of independence
of Azerbaijan was made with the great
Since the beginning of 1988, Arme-
nian Republic exercised military aggres-
sion towards Azerbaijan Republic. Along
with Nagorno-Karabakh, surrounding 7
districts were annexed, where around one
million of people became refugees and
displaced persons. At the same time the
“20 January” incident was committed by
Soviet troops. Thousands of people were
murdered. In this period, instead of hold-
ing government measures to unite nation,
to prevent Armenian aggression, it was
engaged in domestic disputes and wars,
was involved in intrigue, that resulted in
disturbances within internal order of Re-
public. At that time acting government of-
ficials pursuing their own benefit, used any
means for staying in power.
In 1988-1993 several times govern-
ment was changed in republic. Instead
of strengthen the newly established inde-
pendence, to create democratic, legal and
secular state, to preserve territorial integ-
rity, the chaos and disorder was allowed.
For removing the dangerous situation
happened in summer of 1993 in Azerbai-
jan and for establishment of peace, Hay-
dar Aliyev was returned to power by the
will of people. Based on the strategic in-
terests of the state, it started to restore its
operation. When the Azerbaijan president
came to power, he faced serious challeng-
es. However, due to his farseeing policy,
he for a very short period of time saved
Azerbaijan from destruction and collapse.
He destroyed the internal and foreign en-
emies’ plans. Haydar Aliyev could pull the
country out of the chaos and crisis by us-
ing all his accumulated experience, politi-
cal strategy and self-devotion. He directed
his strategy towards strenthening the sov-
ereignty, independence of Azerbaijan state
and nation. This policy was enshrined in
the charter of UN, based on the principles
of international law, sovereing equality of
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
the states, non-violation of state’s border,
the recognition of territorial intergrity,
settlement of international disputes by
peacefull means, non-interference in the
domestic affairs of the states, the respect
for human rights, to implement the obliga-
tions with a good faith.
Taking into account the favorable geo-
strategic position between the East and
West, along with being faithful to the close
cooperation between the regional coun-
tries, the special attention was paid to the
broad and comprehensive relations with
influential, world leading countries.
The preparation and realization of
new oil strategy is the proof for this. On 20
September of 1994 during the opening of
the “Contract of the Century” signing cer-
emony H.Aliyev said that, “By signing this
agreement we once more demonstrate the
equality of Azerbaijan Republic sovereign
rights, the independence of Azerbaijan, the
possession and management of nation of
their own resources… This contract will
help Azerbaijan to take its decent place
within the world’s community, will closely
connect state’s economy with world econ-
omy and free market economy. The most
important is that this contract will grant
the high profits to Azerbaijani nation today
and in future, it will lay the foundation for
its flourishing”. [1 p.37]
Founded by H.Aliyev the successful
internal and foreign policy direction was
persistently conducted by his successor
Ilham Aliyev. During his office, I.Aliyev
achieved and gained significant success
in the strengthening of statehood of Azer-
baijan, the retention and deepening of sta-
bility, comprehensive integration into the
world community.
He played invaluable role in preserv-
ing of independence of Azerbaijan, in de-
veloping of statehood traditions, in forma-
tion of democratic society.
Participating and leading the drafting
of Constitution of Azerbaijan, H.Aliyev
during the discussion on constitution stat-
ed that: “I am sure that the first Azerbai-
jan democratic constitution will ensure the
following of democratic and national state-
hood principles by nation and will inherit
to future generations the civil, high level
independent state, taking its decent place
within the democratic world”. [2 p.28] Il-
ham Aliyev started to continue developing
and strengthening of this inheritance.
Before came to power, Ilham Aliyev
was the first vice-president of SOCAR, the
president of National Olympics Commit-
tee, the member of parliament, the chair-
man of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan
and so on. While serving at these posts,
because of his knowledge, experience and
outlook, his position at the political scene,
popularity and respect within the nation,
the good attitude towards the nation and so
on, he became the leader of the state.
In 1998, in his interview Ilham Aliyev
said that, “The nation needs such policy
which will ensure its security and create
the conditions for decent living. We don’t
need the policy which will spread the chaos
and disorder that adjust Azerbaijani people
against each other. The state has already
seen it. All of this will never be repeated
again.” [3 p.4] He, in addition, during the
meeting at the Near East Policy Institute
held in the famous US city – Washington
also noted that, “ Around 200 years we
have lived under the rule of others and it
has strongly bothered us. We don’t need
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
anyone’s control or leadership over us. We
want to live independently. [3 p.7] So say-
ing, he repeatedly endorsed the thoughts
expressed by Haydar Aliyev during his
first speeches before people.
Ilham Aliyev also made a lot for devel-
opment of oil strategy in Azerbaijan. This
strategy in a short period of time showed
its successful results to people. In the mod-
ern period, the Azerbaijani people get lots
of benefit from their rich oil resources.
Great benefits, got from these oil-rich re-
serves are used for satisfaction of people’s
interests through never-ending I.Aliyev’s
efforts. In one of his speeches he said: “I
am proud that I also took part and assist in
the new stage of recovery of oil production
in Azerbaijan”.
Ilham Aliyev didn’t come to power
easily and accidentally. To this post as a
political leader he did rise gradually, step
by step, gradually being recognized and
For the time Haydar Aliyev being in
Nakhchivan, he founded the basis of “Yeni
Azerbaycan Partiyası”. After that, this par-
ty was turned into the leading influential
political centers in Republic. Ilham Aliyev
also played a big role in development and
increase in membership of this party. He in
his all posts could represent and combine
all high management qualities, being a
strong, skillful, hardworking leader could
deal with all the posts he was entrusted
with. During the elections of 2003, Hay-
dar Aliyev in his address to the Azerbaijani
people told the following about Ilham Ali-
yev: “He is vigorous and initiative person,
having high intellect, pragmatic thinking,
good knowledge of world politics and
economy. I assure you that both Ilham Ali-
yev and “Yeni Azerbaycan Partiyasi” and
after that will join the most deserving chil-
dren of nation to its side, who will make
a lot for state’s future prosperity. I believe
that Ilham Aliyev together with your help
and support will finish the issues, plans
that I was not able to finish. I trust him as
myself and I hope for him. [5 p.264]
Since 2003 by the will of the majority
of voters – 77%, after being elected as a
president, Ilham Aliyev has been pursuing
and realizing the traditions of Haydar Ali-
yev. He, being faithful to Haydar Aliyev,
said that, “The future successes of Azer-
baijan are linked with the policy of Hay-
dar Aliyev. There is no alternative to this
policy. Only this policy will lead Azerbai-
jan to successful future. The life and our
activities, the activities of Haydar Aliyev’s
successors proved this… The transforma-
tion of Azerbaijan to the highly develop-
ing counry, … is connected with the policy
direction of Haydar Aliyev. We as his suc-
cessors are devoted to this policy and af-
ter that we will make whatever it takes to
make Azerbaijan more developed, power-
ful and to ensure its development”. [6 p.2]
During Ilham Aliyev’s presidential ac-
tivity, a number of programs at the state
level have been prepared and successfully
carried out. Among them the most impor-
tant are: “State Program of socio-econom-
ic development of the regions”, “State Pro-
gram of communication and informational
technology development”, “The long-term
strategic program of the management of oil
and gas profits”, and so on. Along with all
of this, in Azerbaijan in the sphere of state-
building development, new institutions,
factories, electric stations, roads, educa-
tion, health care, ecology and water sup-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
ply, the creation of the bridges, organiza-
tion of armed forces and in other spheres,
more than 50 state programs were signed
by the president. In modern period these
programs are successfully carried out in
independent state of Azerbaijan. They are
the useful programs for today and future.
Currently, people of Azerbaijan under the
leadership of Ilham Aliyev, by all means
try to implement these programs. The
main state program, adopted on February
11, 2004 was “State Program of the so-
cio-economic development of the regions
of Azerbaijan Republic”. This program,
needed like air and water, was signed at
the very right moment. In this program the
main directions of the state policy were re-
flected. The president himself controlled
the implementation of this program from
its start. According to the provisions of
this program, Ilham Aliyev made efforts
to restore the remained after Soviet pe-
riod, ruined infrastructure in all regions
of the Republic. Taking into account the
provisions of this program, the old roads
in the regions were restored. The attention
was paid to other spheres of population,
connected with social condition. In the
Republic, the building of new hospitals,
schools, kindergartens, cultural centers,
libraries, museums and so on, were accel-
erated. The parks, providing recreation for
population, were established. Interregional
roads were restored. The provision of gas
pipelines to the areas, which aren’t seeing
gas, was accelerated. It’s very important to
appreciate the aid of the Fund of Haydar
Aliyev in implementation of all this work.
The benevolent ambassador of UNESCO,
the head of the Fund - Mehriban Aliyeva
played a big role in this sphere as well.
At the same time, Mehriban Aliyeva also
participated in the implementation of sev-
eral large projects and charity events, in
improvement of conditions of orphans
and aged people. She helps to realize them
with big desire and love. She also helped
the president to carry out the activities in
other spheres.
Within the framework of socio-eco-
nomic development of regions, the sig-
nificant measures were held to ensure the
effective spending of time of youth includ-
ing the building of modern Olympic com-
plexes in the regions. The benefit of this
we clearly saw during Sydney and Beijing
Olympiad, when they proved there their
successes. The youth also gained success
in European tournaments and raised there
the flag of Azerbaijan many times. All of
this happened because İlham Aliyev took
care of them.
In December of 2005 in Nakchivan,
during his speech Ilham Aliyev said that,
“The development is provided to all re-
gions of Azerbaijan. To ensure it we adopt-
ed and realized very significant programs.
Of course, the new issues also arise, be-
cause it is impossible to reflect all issues
within one program. The programs have
conceptual character, and of course, in it
the exact activities are adopted. But the life
goes on. New issues appear… New issues
requiring solution emerge. [8 p.5] As it
can be seen here, Ilham Aliyev constantly
thinks about people’s present and future.
He tries to solve the emerged problems
quickly. It is the obvious evidence to his
close relation with people and attempts to
strengthen the statehood.
During one of his speeches Ilham Ali-
yev stated that, “As a president, I took this