İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
responsibility 2 years ago. I said that, the
policy of Haydar Aliyev will be contin-
ued in Azerbaijan. The people’s interests
will be ensured. The last parliamentary
elections showed that no pressure has any
importance. In my support I rely on the
people’s support and will”. İlham Aliyev,
understanding the necessity of continua-
tion of democratic state building process
within new historical conditions, he makes
efforts to correspond the state building to
the modern international socio-political
management of modern world politics.
Ilham Aliyev during his presidential
office has been playing a big role in elimi-
nation of social problems of population.
He issued the relevant decrees and orders
about the increase of minimum salary, to
decrease unemployment. Ilham Aliyev is
a person who loves his people and coun-
try. We observed this many times in his
speeches. In one of his addresses, he said
that, “I was the president of all Azerbaijani
people”. This words are worthy, as they
come in all sincerity.
Ilham Aliyev made lots of work to
improve the standard of living of refu-
gees and displaced persons. Recently, in
order to increase the standard of living of
refugees and displaced persons, he created
new villages for them. The villages don’t
contain only the houses. There 34 schools,
24 medical centers were built and given in
operation. The construction of asphalted
roads and other utility buildings was fin-
ished. All of this was carried out by presi-
dential decree at the expense of state bud-
Generally, under his leadership more
than 1600 of schools were built and re-
paired in the Republic. The majority of
schools were equipped with new equip-
ment. Some of them are fully computer-
Always highly appreciated the educa-
tion system, Ilham Aliyev noted that, if
we look at experience of developed states,
we will see that the main reason of their
success is knowledge, literacy, moderni-
ty, rather than oil and gas. But we should
have both of these, of course, the natural
resources are also important. The synthesis
of these factors turns Azerbaijan into very
progressive and modern state.
During the presidential office of Ilham
Aliyev, improvement of social condition
of lower layers of population also is one of
the priorities. The scale of gaining success
we can see in the following factors. As a
result of his hardworking, more than 740
thousand of work places were opened, the
poor rate was reduced from 49% to 13%.
All of this is the proof to extremely right,
fair and unchangeable results of president
elections of 15 October, 2008.
The main direction of the policy of Il-
ham Aliyev, held during his office, is the
security strengthening. Paying special at-
tention to social development, he signed
approximately 20 decrees and orders, con-
cerning this sphere. In Republic, around
50 houses were built for disabled persons
and the families of martyrs. In these de-
crees and orders, the attention was paid on
the improvement of social condition of the
Ilham Aliyev by his decrees and or-
ders, created the conditions for construc-
tion of almost 40 buildings, designed for
disabled persons and families of martyrs.
In a short period of time these buildings
were constructed and given to use. Ilham
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
aliyev even participated in the granting
ceremony of houses to those persons in
Nakhcnivan, Yevlakh, Bilasuvar and other
cities and towns.
We repeatedly find in his meeting with
people of Khinalig, that Ilham Aliyev is
the person who loves his motherland and
people. During his meeting with the pop-
ulation of Khinalig region, he said that,
“How rich Azerbaijan is, because of its
natural resources, beautiful nature, good
people and nations, despite the ethnic di-
versity groups, we live together as a fam-
ily, and every single citizen of Azerbaijan
is my brother”. [9 p.2]
During the Ilham Aliyev’s presidential
period, it was signed several times the de-
cree on the increase of the salaries of more
than half a million of people working in
medical, educational, scientific, cultural,
arts and other spheres workers in the rpub-
lic, which salaries are financed by state
budget. He works diligently to correspond
to the socio-economic strategy, laid down
by national leader – Haydar Aliyev, to the
modern world demands. The commission-
ing of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline
has brought Azerbaijan to the world mar-
ket. At the same time this has brought us
closer to participation in the world global
and regional projects. Together with it, he
sees the development of Azerbaijan’s fu-
ture economy not only in oil, but also in
non-oil sector development. He several
times declared that in his addresses. He,
at the same time paying attention to estab-
lishment and development of democracy,
also focuses on the provision of human
rights and freedoms.
Ilham Aliyev together with success-
ful implementation of domestic policy, he
also pays a big attention to foreign policy
implementation. We can see this in his ad-
dresses during his visits to foreign coun-
tries. During these visits, he puts forward
his thoughts with regard to the solution of
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. During his
meetings with the leaders of foreign coun-
tries and addresses to such influential orga-
nizations as UN, OİC, GUAM, he always
promoted the notion of peaceful resolution
of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and return
of territory of Azerbaijan. At the 90th an-
niversary of the Azerbaijani army, Ilham
Aliyev said that, “I am very glad that today
Azerbaijan corresponds to the most mod-
ern standards”. Relied on the Azerbaijan
army, The Commander in Chief also not-
ed that, “If the peace negotiations are not
give any result, Azerbaijan in any way will
make this territories free from occupation”
[9 p.2]
In 2008, elections based on the demo-
cratic principles were conducted and Il-
ham Aliyev again was reelected due to
his comprehensive effective activities that
our people highly appreciate. For conduct-
ing the transparent and fair elections the
single network, consisting of 500 poll-
ing stations, the sustainable, connected to
officers, web-cameras were installed. It
was possible from any point of the world
through cites of Central Elections Com-
missions, to watch the all activities hap-
pened in polling stations during the day.
Conducted in 2008 in Azerbaijan the elec-
tion marathon can be regarded in the world
as the first right, fair, democratic marathon
in Azerbaijan. İn this marathon from the
7 presidential candidates, it was destined
to Ilham Aliyev to collect the majority of
votes. He believed that people again will
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
give their vote to him. By the way, these
elections were watched by 1258 foreign
and around 47 thousand local spectators.
Observers, watching the presidential elec-
tion in Azerbaijan, came from 55 countries.
Among this observers the representatives
of OSCE, The Council of Europe, PACE,
European Union, European parliament,
CIS and other influential organizations.
İn addition, around 92 representatives of
mass media from around 30 foreign coun-
tries’ mass media also observed the elec-
tions. Among them the representatives of
FRE of İRL (Azadliq radiosunun) Telime-
di, “Alyarzura”, TRT, National Romania,
Rustavi-2, “STB”, MTB told about the
democratic elections conducted here and
spread it to the whole world. All organi-
zations at the press conferences noted that
the transparent elections held in Azerbai-
jan were based on democratic principles.
At this time conducted democratic and
transparent elections in the republic, took
place in 5359 polling stations. Among 7
candidates Ilham Aliyev got the majority
of votes – 88.73% and was reelected as a
President of Azerbaijan Republic. This was
a repeated result of right choice of people.
In 2008 Ilham Aliyev after being re-
elected, during inauguration said that,
“Five years ago during inauguration I
promised to Azerbaijani people, that I will
work actively for comprehensive develop-
ment of Azerbaijan. I promised that, I will
continue the policy of Haydar Aliyev in
Azerbaijan. Because this is the sole policy
for Azerbaijan’s present and future. This
policy saved Azerbaijan from disaster. Un-
der the leadership of national leader Hay-
dar Aliyev Azerbaijan developed rapidly.
Azerbaijan took the great steps to di-
vert Azerbaijan from chaos, crisis, anarchy
towards development, stability. Particular-
ly under his leadership tha statehood tra-
ditions were founded I Azerbaijan. Azer-
baijan strengthened its independence. In
Azerbaijan the stability has been created
and prosperity has started. Today I want to
say repeatedly that during the next 5 years
I will be faithful to this policy and will not
deviate from it. [11 p.1]
İn the modern periond, Ilham Aliyev
plays a big role in strengthening of inde-
pendent Azerbaijan Republic and it has
aided Azerbaijan to find its decent place at
the international arena. In the recent period
the Azerbaijan has being represented as a
full legal member.
İlham Aliyev during inauguration said
that, “Azerbaijan will never agree with
separation of Nagorno-Karabakh, that is
fully Azerbaijani territory from Azerbai-
jan. Strengthening our state independence,
we will restore our territorial integrity…,
creating very strong armed forces, we
bring closer the resolution of Nagorno-
Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and
Armenia”. [11 p.2]
Looking at development of Azerbai-
jan, we can say that, today Azerbaijan is
turned into the state, which provides itself
with electric energy, oil and gas. Adopting
state programs by Ilham Aliyev has led to
the comprehensive increase of Azerbaijan.
Policy, based on the scientific principles
and flawless conception, has led to reviv-
ing of economic, cultural and political life,
to enhancement of entrepreneurial activi-
ties, to development of private sector, to
appearance of new working places and
finally, to elimination of the problem of
poverty. The successful economic reforms
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
held under his leadership, first of all, new
oil strategy, serve to improvement of peo-
ple’s standard of living.
The energy resources play an impor-
tant role in decent ranking of Azerbaijan
among the world’s countries and they also
positively influence on the development of
Azerbaijan. From this point of view, Baku-
Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum oil
and gas pipelines are very essential. There
was large attention, paid to the construc-
tion of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and to
restoration of Silk Road. The usage of
all of these will play a significant role in
achievement of successes in political, eco-
nomic and technical spheres.
Currently, operating in Azerbaijan 7
oil and gas pipelines, positively influence
on the comprehensive development of en-
ergy policy of Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev on 25 October, 2008 in
his speech renowned like “In last 5 years
significantly strengthened Azerbaijan
looks to the future with hope and opti-
mism” said: “Today, Azerbaijan, in a true
sense of the word, is a literally indepen-
dent state and we both domestically and
abroad, pursue an independent policy. Our
policy serves the interests of the Azerbai-
jani people. Protecting the interests of the
Azerbaijani people, the strengthening of
Azerbaijan’s independence for me and I
know for every citizen of Azerbaijan it is
the main task and the main goal. [12 p.2]
On the government’s final results of 9
month socio-economic development at the
designated meeting, the president Ilham
Aliyev said that: “Azerbaijan has the prin-
cipal position that relies on the historical
background and international legal norms.
We will not deviate from this position. The
territorial integration of azerbaijan is not,
was not, and will not be a a subject of ne-
gotiations. We will try, using all opportu-
nities, to restore out territorial integrity...
Occupying forces must be withdrew from
the occupied territories. The international
legal norms must be the basis for resolu-
tion of all issues, especially, issues, con-
nected with conflicts’ resolutions. We will
try, using all opportunities, to resolve this
conflict fairly, in our favor – that means to
settle it on the basis of international legal
norms. [12 p.2]
On the background of the strengthen-
ing of economic potential of Azerbaijan
and the replenishment of military budget,
the negotiation processes also enter a new
stage. The influential international orga-
nizations - Council of Europe, European
Union, OSCE, OIC, brought to the fore-
front the principle of territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan, expressed in 4 resolutions,
adopted by UN Security Council. Due to
the demands of the president of Azerbai-
jan, in recent years, the negotiations of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are based on
the updated Madrid principles.
Recently, independent Azerbaijan Re-
public has achieved the new successes in
economic development, in strengthening
of political stability, in improvement of so-
cial prosperity and other spheres.
Azerbaijan due to its developed
cultural sphere, prevailed the developed
European states, winning “Eurovision”
Song Contest.
During the 20th anniversary of inde-
pendence, Azerbaijan was elected as a
non-permanent member of the UN Secu-
rity Council. In this, Azerbaijan received
the votes of 155 states.
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
At the meeting of Cabinet of Minis-
ters on the final results of socio-economic
development of 2011 and on upcoming
activities of 2012, the president Ilham
Aliyev said that: “Last year we adopted
the Azerbaijani Youth Program. It is very
exact program… The Youth Fund was es-
tablished... From this fund and, of course,
public funds, we need to attract more young
people into creative work. The young have
a grand potential and energy, patriotism.
As every citizen, they also want to do the
useful things for the state. Though this and
other funds, we will much more attract the
youth to creative activities and work”. [14
p.2] Then, at the meeting, Ilham Aliyev
also noted that: “Current activity and ex-
perience of scientific development fund is
also very positive. That is, young people,
young scientists are actively involved in
various programs of this fund. The Youth
Fund should also build its activities in this
spirit, in this direction. [14 p.2]
All of these also will play an important
role in strengthening of Azerbaijan state.
In modern period, the independent
Azerbaijan Republic has turned into rap-
idly developing state. The increase of the
good standard of living of population has
turned into the state policy in the republic.
Successful realization of this policy by the
president has led Azerbaijan to compre-
hensive development.
Under the guidance of president of
Azerbaijan Republic – Ilham Aliyev, on
October 12, 2015 at the meeting of Cabinet
of Ministers on the final results of socio-
economic development of the last 9 month
and on upcoming activities, he said that,
“In modern period in Azerbaijan the delib-
erated policy is carried out. We pursue our
own way. This is the way of development,
progress and this way we subscribed to
great achievements. [17 p.1]
In the modern period, our Republic is
stabilized under the leadership of Ilham
Aliyev. The people of Azerbaijan live in
prosperity and safety. In modern times,
civil unity, solidarity are strong in Azerbai-
jan. The people of Azerbaijan is working
hard together for the same goal, i.e. further
strengthen the stability of the country, ac-
celerating socio-economic development.
Ilham Aliyev in his speech at the pre-
sentation noted that “Today the great coun-
tries want to expand their influence in the
world and when they see the independent,
principal country that is not afraid of any-
one, of course, it irritates them. However,
it should not bother us...our country’s se-
curity, development and stability.” [16 s.1]
As it can be seen, Ilham Aliyev pays great
efforts and skills to the development of the
government to strengthen the power.
In the modern period Azerbaijan has
set a goal to diversify and accelerate indus-
trial and agricultural production as well as
the all areas.
Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to
the creation of new work places in all re-
gions of the country to improve the social
situation of the population in the country.
In modern times, he also pays special at-
tention to the development of the transport
sector, which is of great importance for the
economic development of the country.
Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of The
Cabinet of Ministers, dedicated to the re-
sults of socio-economic development of
2014 and the challenges ahead, said “...İn
my opinion, increasing the economic re-
forms, Azerbaijan also attaches great im-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
Ismail Eyyubov
portance to political reforms”. [16 s.4]
Ilham Aliyev speaking about Sum-
mer European Games, held in 2015, noted
that “...This game has become a Europe-
an holiday. Here again, the leadership of
Azerbaijan is showed. The standards of the
European Games will be set in Baku. Up
to now, such games have never been held.
These games could be held at different lev-
els. But we want this spectacular sport cel-
ebration will turn to a grand celebration of
friendship”. [16 s.4]
The foundation of the Southern gas
corridor was on September 20, 2014, 20
years after the signing the “contract of the
century”. The successful implementation
of the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s oil
strategy is also provided today in Azerbai-
jan. After that historical event Azerbaijan
developed rapidly and began to implement
international projects like Baku-Tbilisi-
Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, Baku
-Tbilisi-Kars railway.
The worldwide famous first Europe-
an Games in Baku was held solemn fast.
Athletes from 50 European countries, the
guests, the presidents of some countries,
prime ministers and other government of-
ficials were coming along with the athletes
to Baku. Azerbaijani players have success-
fully performed at these games.
In modern times, Azerbaijan is recog-
nized as a developed country among the
world countries.
Under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev,
Azerbaijan is developed comprehensively.
In Azerbaijan, economic and political re-
forms are being realized. All freedoms –
freedom of speech, freedom of conscience,
freedom of religion, freedom of the press,
freedom of the internet etc, in Azerbaijan
in contrast to other countries in modern pe-
riod, are being realized rapidly.
Ilham Aliyev in his speeches and re-
ports notes that, “According to internation-
al law framework, the problem of territori-
al integrity of Azerbaijan must be resolved.
Certainly, taking our territory from our
enemies, we will make it free from them.
We strengthening our economy, army and
we can at any time take the necessary mea-
sures. [15 p.1]
During the one of his addresses, Ilham
Aliyev said that, “For me, the main task,
is the provision of security, development
and stability of our state. That is why, after
that, Azerbaijan will continue to follow the
path of independence”. [16 p.1]
In modern period, the Republic of
Azerbaijan has become a rapidly develop-
ing state. The improvement of good stan-
dard of living of population has become a
direction of state policy. Successful real-
ization of this policy by the president has
led Azerbaijan to comprehensive develop-
İqtisadi və Siyasi Elmlər Jurnalı. №3 (4) 2016
The role of Ilham Aliyev in the strengthening of the independent Azerbaijan state
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