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Education Surgery Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University

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Education Surgery Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University 

Information has been given by Mr. Sedreddin Mammadov head of the sanitation department 

household waste is stored in black bag, clinical waste is stored in red bag, sharp pointed waste is kept 

in boxes. It is carried by Caspian Logistic Group Company. (Mammadov, the head of department, S. 

interview, 2015).  

Municipal Services Enterprise (MSE) 

Municipal Services Enterprise which has been functioning since February 2013 carries all of the 

waste of governmental organizations including medical, educational organizations in 12 districts of 

Baku. It is a licensed organization. The total weight of Clinical waste in Baku is about 2.3- 2.8 tons a 





Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 

day. The waste is carried by carts. These carts are divided into 3 kinds. A cart for household waste, the 



 one is defined to carry clinical waste, and the 3


 one is for solid waste. The specific feature of a 

cart which carries clinical waste is no other waste can be carried or mixed here. The carts are 

disinfected everyday by chemical means. The waste is taken at nights once a day from the hospitals. 

According the Tariff Council 1 m3 waste is estimated 80 AZN. (Hashimov, the head of department, H. 

interview, 2015).  

Hazardous Waste Polygon 

Eventually wastes were transported to National Centre for Hazardous Waste Management in 

Sumgayit which is the under control of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Finally, all the 

clinical wastes are incinerated there. (Mekhdiyev, the head of executive body, Ch. Interview, 2016).  


Sharp pointed waste are stored i the yellow boxed in the worlda and in Azerbaijan. Human and 

animal tissues are stored in yellow bags, while they are kept in black bags in Azerbaijan. Other clinical 

waste is kept in red bags. This rule is followed in Azerbaijan too. These bags should be tied by special 

means, but it is not followed in Azerbaijan. A line is on the bags it covery ¾ of them. It is limit line. 

There must be a special space for nkeeping clinical waste in the hospitals. Unfortunately, such kind of 

containers don’t exist in the hospitals of Azerbaijan. And Clinical waste is mixed Municipal waste in 

grey containers.  

Visited hospitals on map GIS  

Some hospitals are visited in order to find out the situation of clinical waste management 

througout the country. Clinical waste is concidered dangerous one, because it consiss of infectious 

materials. Such kind of waste must be labelled. The situation in Azerbaijan is not so good. Because the 

required standarts are not followed very often. Even in some hospitals clinical waste is mixed with 

other kinds of waste. Medical Staff and waste handlers Should be trained in order to avoid any 

problematic situation.  







Qafqaz University 



1. What is weather, climate and climate change?  

Weather - the current state of troposphere layer of the atmosphere closest to the ground. The 

weather can change at any moment, at short term. Weather changes we can see and feel from day to 


Climate - repetition of statistical indicators of air elements for long-term for any area. Climate 

can be different for seasons. If weather can change in short time, changes in climate need more time, 

as 100, 1000... years. There is a term as "Earth climate". It is the combination of all climates all over 

the world. 

Climate change 

Climate change is a change in the statistical dispensation of weather models when that change 

lasts for an enlarge period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may touch on to 

a change in average weather situation, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average 


2. Climate change and factors. 

Natural factors. Global climate changes were existed at the period without human impact to the 

environment. Natural factors that cause climate changes are - astrophysical, geophysical factors. They 

includes periodically physical processes, changes at imaginary axis of Earth and orbital motion around 

Sun, volcanic eruptions, geophysical processes. 





Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 

Modern researches proved enough impact of volcanic eruption to climate change. During the 

volcanic eruptions large quantities of aerosols and gas particles discarded to atmosphere, they prevent 

falling of solar radiation to Earth surface and causes sharply changing of climate indicators and 

radiation balance of Earth  

Tectonic processes basically impact on climate changes during long geological era. There are 

gradual rises and declines on surface of Earth, that change for million years orographic structure of 

place and accordingly to this climate system. 

Main power source - solar radiation set in motion climate change. The changes or stability of the 

radiation balance of the Earth firstly closed with physical processes taking place in the sun, secondly 

with changes at the orbital motion position of Earth relatively to sun. 

As a result of solar storms sun spots on the surface of the sun increase or decline at the certain 

periods, during this periods solar activity increases. Incoming flow energy to the earth surface being 

changeable, changes climate in different ranks. 

Anthropogenic factors. Swedish scientist Arrhenius put forward an idea, increasing in the burning 

of coal and carbonate-type fuel, lead to the increasing in the concentration of carbon dioxide in 

atmosphere and these will strengthen greenhouse effect. 

Important greenhouse gases - carbonic acid gas, methane, nitrogen oxides, atmospheric gases- 

stream and ozone prevent radiation of part of absorbed by surface layer sun beam in space. This 

factors are transparent for short-wave beam of Earth, but swallowing long-wave radiation reflected 

from earth surface, irradiates in all directions. Consequently, created additional warming effect, at 

earth surface and lower layer of atmosphere, called "greenhouse effect". 

3. Climate and climate change in Azerbaijan 

The geographical position and relief of country, Caspian Sea are fundamental causes that change 

climate of Azerbaijan. Here we found Semidesert, Subtropical, cold and mild climate types. It was 

determined that from 11 Earth climate here are 9 climate types. Humid subtropical climate is typical 

for only Talishmountains. Dry subtropical climate is specific for Kur-Araz Lowland and Absheron 


During 2008-2012 years the average annual temperature was high 0,2-1,3 C due to rate of climate 

in Azerbaijan Republic. In this year's 2001 was the coldest with a 0,2C positive anomaly and 

2010,2012 years were the hottest with 1,3C positive anomaly. 

Last years in Azerbaijan has been done enough affairs for adaptation to climate change and 

mitigation the effects of climate change. Azerbaijan has big potential in mitigation of climate change 

impact. Areas which have strong potential are - oil and gas, electroenergy and transport fields. 

The priorities of country in this branch: 

1.Updating climate scenaries 

2.Application of the best methodologies for determination of sensitivity of to climate change. 

3.Preparing programs as mitigation the effects of climate change and adaptation to climate 


In Azerbaijan republic we have meteorology stations in Shaki, Alat, Khinaliq, Aghsu, Neftchala, 

Cilov, Tartar, Xaltan, Kinz, Goychay, Yevlakh, Samukh. In 2008-2012 years the amount of automatic 

meteorology stations increased to seventeen. This automatic stations receive data from internet and 

send surveillance data to center. 

Meteorological observations in Azerbaijan began in 1830's, with surveillance of Caspian Sea 

level. In 1920created first government agency- Hydrometeorological Service Bureau, in 1991 

Azerbaijan Republic Hydrometeorology committee and in 2001 within Azerbaijan Ministry of 

Ecology and Natural Resources - National Hydrometeorological Department. 

At various points of republic installed web-cameras. By means of them along with acces 

operational data, every citizen can watch areas lively. The report refreshs every day at 09:00 , 12:00, 

15:00, 18:00. Here you can find out humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure and wind speed for 

each station. 








Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 




Qafqaz University 





1. What is environmental assessment? 

Environmental assessment (EA) is the term that used for plan, policy, project's positive and 

negative environmental result assessment before the implementing of proposed actions. 

The purpose of the assessment is providing to consider environmental impacts before carry out 

the project. The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) characterizes an 

environmental impact assessment as "the process of determining, predicting, evaluating and reducing 

the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions 

being taken and commitments made." 

So, environmental assessment is a planning and decision-making tool and a process to predict 

environmental effects of proposed attempts before they are performed. 

An environmental assessment: 

  identifies potential harmful environmental effects; 

  offers measures to eases noxious environmental effects; 

  predicts whether there will be substantial injurious environmental effects, after mitigation 


measures are implemented;  

  includes a tracing program to confirm the precision of the environmental assessment and the 


effectiveness of the mitigation measures. 

By considering environmental effects and mitigation measures early in the project planning cycle, 

environmental assessment can support better decision making and result in many benefits, such as: 

  preventing or reducing of adverse environmental effects; 

  chances for public participation and Aboriginal consultation; 

  enhanced conservation of human health; 

  minimized project costs and delays; 

  reduced risks of environmental damage or disasters; 

  rised government accountability and harmonization; 

  diminished probability of trans boundary environmental effects; and 

  informed decisions that contribute to responsible growth of natural resources. 

2. Assessment of water, air and soil quality 

Assessment of water quality 

1. Microbiological parameters: basic microbiological tests should be included thermo- tolerant 

coliforms (a group of bacteria that grow at 44°C) and fecal streptococci. Additionally, physical and 

chemical parameters, such as disinfectant residuals, pH and turbidity, influence the microbiological 

quality of water. 

2. Physical parameters: moreover to turbidity, ascribed above, conductivity, color, taste and odor 

might cause water rejection. 

3. Harmful chemicals: nitrate, iron, arsenic, fluoride, lead, cyanide, metals (aluminum, cadmium, 

chromium, copper, manganese, mercury), selenium, organics (including pesticides and disinfectant by-

products), alkalinity and corrosivity. 

Assessment of air quality 

Air quality assessment encompasses a few components, including: 

gathering and validating air quality and meteorological data; 

compiling emissions inventories; 

modelling air quality and meteorological data; 

analyzing the data, inventories and models in common with other health and environmental data. 

 The aim of this assessment is to identify the accumulation of air pollutants, the sources of air 

pollutants, the impact of air quality on the environment and the risk to human health from air pollutants. 





Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 

Assessment of soil quality 

Soil quality cannot be measured directly. Because of it is a wide, integrative, context-dependent 

notion. In lieu of, a diversity of proxy measurements is analyzed that together insure clues about how 

the soil is functioning as viewed from one or more soil-use perspectives. These evaluations are called 

soil quality indicators. A sequence of low-cost easily measured indicators that precisely forebode soil 

functions of interest is called an efficient indicator set. Indicators of soil quality may contain 

characteristics of soil solids, soil solutions, soil atmospheres, vegetation, and other soil biota and 

possibly even economic analyses of land-uses or ecosystem services. 

3. Key Factors That Affected Water, Air And Soil Quality 

 Factors that Affect Water Quality 

Water quality is determined in terms of the chemical, physical, and biological compound of 

water. The water quality of rivers and lakes changes with the seasons and geographic areas. This 

change takes places even when there is no pollution present. It is impossible to constitute the quality of 

water good. Water quality bases ensure basic scientific information about water quality parameters and 

ecologically appropriate toxicological threshold values to protect special water uses.  

Many factors affect water quality. Some of them are followings: 




  Dissolved oxygen 



  Decayed organic materials 


  Toxic and hazardous substances 

  Oils, grease, and other chemicals 


  Litter and rubbish 

Factors Affected Soil Quality 

The formation, location of the soil, buildings, time, human and animal interaction, chemicals, 

other substances and water, harvesting, water diversions and desertification are critical to soil The 

essential chemicals that impact water quality are fertilizers, industrial and military waste, human and 

animal waste, dead organic matter and solids, such as dead plant material and soil that wash down into 

waterways. Also added in water pollution is an entry of water that is too cold or too hot for aquatic life 

to evolve. Temperature pollution usually comes from dams and industrial waste water. 

Soils form from the interaction of 5 major factors namely Parent material, Time, Climate, Relief 

and Organisms.  

Factors Affected Air Quality 

It is possible to identify the degree of air pollution in a specific area. That's why it is important to 

know amount and kind of pollutants. But, other factors are involved, mainly:  

topography (terrain), such as mountains and valleys;  

weather, such as wind, temperature, air turbulence, air pressure, rainfall and cloud cover; and  

the physical and chemical properties of pollutants. weather, such as wind, temperature, air 

turbulence, air pressure, rainfall and cloud cover; and  

the physical and chemical properties of pollutants.  









Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 





Qafqaz University




At first look can appear the question, why Bucharest’s waste management is chosen in 

comparison with Baku’s. The answer is that Bucharest is close to Baku, since both of them were 

parts of post-soviet country. Economics of Romania and Azerbaijan are close, if we look at some 

numbers like GDP (PPP), average wage and other statistics. According to World Bank, GDP of 

Romania constitutes 19401/capita (2014), GDP of Azerbaijan 17516/capita (2014). Average wage in 

Romania equals to 447 € (2014), in Azerbaijan 324 € (2014). Territory of Bucharest is 228 km


, and 

population is approximately over 1,920 mln. Annual generation of waste in this city is 335 kg/capita. 

The city is divided into 6 districts. Waste of each district is transported by different logistic 

companies, for example one of them is RomPrest. Baku city, territory of which is 2150 km



population over 2.5 mln. people, annually generates 350 kg of waste per capita, consists of 12 

districts, where the waste is transported by The Executive Power of Baku City and received by 

“Tamiz Shahar” JSC. 

One of main waste management companies in Romania is “Greengroup”. “Greengroup” started 

their work in 2002 with building in Buzau. They have plants listed below:  

“Greentech SA”. Main scope of work of this plant is PET recycling. Plant sorts PET bottles by 

their color: transparent, blue, green and brown. Annual recycling equals to 48.000 tons of PET 

bottles and 6.000 tons ofpolyethylene.  

“GreenFiber International SA” was created as a partner of Greentech SA. In this plant 

GreenGroup produce fiber material from sorted PET bottles in Greentech SA. 

“GreenWEEE International SA” – the scope of work of this plant is utilization and recycling 

of electronic waste. Annual recycling power of plant is 50.000 tone of electrical and electronic waste. 

“GreenLamp Recycling SA” – this plant utilizes luminescent lamps.  

“GreenGlass Recycling SA”. The plant has power of recycling 110.000 tons per year. The 

plant is fully automated. The final product of this plant is 98% clean product. It provides recycling of 

glass in different dimensions: 0-3 mm, 3-8 mm, 8-15 mm, 15mm-5 cm. Plus sorting is done by the 

color of glass (green, transparent, brown and etc.). 

“IRIDEX – Chiajna” (regional center for municipal waste) – center receives waste and disposes 

it in landfill. The area of landfill is 17 hectare, consists of 7 cells. Landfill tax for entrance is 14 

euro/tone. Overall capacity of landfill is 5 mln m


, which is calculated for 20 years of usage. The 

landfill has drainage system, which allows to recycle 16.5 m


 of waste water with reverse osmosis 

system. In 2010 landfill started to catch landfill gases that equals to 1.300.400 m


. Complex also has 

in its area one sorting plant with capacity 120.000 ton. Plant accepts 40% of waste from 300.000 tons 

of waste from landfill. 50% of waste consists from humid waste, which is used for composting. 

Capacity of composting is 42.000 tons. They use this compost as an inert material to cover the top 

layer of landfill. “IRIDEX – Chiajna” group also has one incineration plant for hazardous waste. It 

can incinerate 500kg/h of hazardous waste. 

In Baku utilization of waste is provided by “Tamiz Shahar” JSC. The company has in its 

balance 2 plants, 1 landfill and 1 industrial park. These are: 

Balakhani Material Recovery Facility – allows to create second cheap raw materials. 

Approximately 40% of the received waste are recyclable raw materials after sorting process. With 

the annual capacity of 200 thousand tons, this plant has such advantages as: reduction of negative 

impacts on the environment and human health; saving natural resources and energy; cheap and 

recyclable raw material market; stimulation of the recycling industry;reduction of the amount of final 

waste; new workplaces. 

The plant consists of two lines. Each line`s capacity is 25 t/h.  





Qafqaz University                                                                                          29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan 

Balakhani Waste to Energy plant – The biggest WTE Plant in Eastern Europe and CIS 

countries. Plant operates 24/7. Main principle of operation of this plant is boiling system. It consists of 

2 incineration lines, each line with 250,000 ton capacity and a turbine producing electricity. The 

amount of electricity obtained as a result of burning of waste will be equal to 231.5 million kWh/year. 

In addition plant is capable to utilize 10 thousand tons of medical waste, without the involvement of 

the labour force. 

Balakhani Municipal Solid Waste Landfill – The area of landfill is 120 hectare. Currently 5.5 

ha of landfill territory is used. 

Balakhany Industrial Park - The main advantages of Industrial Park with total area of 7 ha 

(production area – 23460 m


, infrastructure area – 3000 m


): to create unique infrastructure in one 

area; to reduce environmental impact as a result of activity of green business; to establish enterprises 

of recycling/reusing and production; sale of obtained raw material and extension of market of 

produced goods. 

Right now industrial park has 4 residents (but they aren’t functioning right now):  

  “Ekokat” LLC – Scope of work: recycling and reuse of used engine oils 

  "Eco Tire" LLC – Scope of work: Restoration of tires by cold methods 

  “Az.Ekol” LLC – Scope of work: recycle of PET bottles 

  “Chapar Poliqraf” LLC – Scope of work: production of printing material 

Plus one potential resident “Matanat A” company – Scope of work: production and enrichment of 

quarts sand. 

To compare Baku and Bucharest’s waste management system at first it needed to mention that in 

Baku with annually 350 kg/capita of waste is generated while in Bucharest population is over 1.920 

mln people and annually 335 kg/capita is generated. What comes to tariff system in Romania one 

person is obliged to pay 1,95 €/month, while in Azerbaijan this number is 0,30 AZN/month. This 

amount with today’s currency makes 0,1719 €/month. Accordingly, in Romania it costs 70 euro/t to 

one household (statistically 1 ton of household is generated by 3 people). In comparison with plants, 

Balakhani Material Recovery plants capacity is 200 thousand tons while “IRIDEX – Chiajna” groups 

sorting plants capacity is 120.000 tons. Production of Balakhani Sorting Plant (Material Recovery 

Plant) is higher. The difference between incineration plants is significant too. Balakhani Waste to 

Energy plant incinerates 500 thousand tons of municipal waste and 10 thousand tons of medical waste 

per year. “IRIDEX – Chiajna” groups incineration plants capacity is only 500 kg/hour, while 

Balakhani WtE incinerates 11.415 kg/hour. This is only medical waste. For municipal waste BWtE has 

two processing lines, each has capacity of incineration 35.000 kg/hour. 

In conclusion, it’s appropriate to specify that Green Group have done lots of work for 14 years. 

They succeeded in recycling business, holding a significant position in the production of fiber. The 

main role in this success was played by EPR (Extended Producers Resposibility). What comes to 

“Tamiz Shahar” JSC, having 2 big plants in balance, succeeding in such projects as Rehabilitation of 

Boyukshor Lake, “Tamiz Qala” waste sorting project is a big deal for 7 years of operation. The only 

absence of EPR system makes it difficult to raise the recycling business. But, today EPR model for 

Azerbaijan has been prepared by The Ministry of Economy of The Republic of Azerbaijan; has been 

reviewed by relevant government agencies and is in the stage of submission to the Parlament of 




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