Uniglobal of Journal Social Sciences
and Humanities
Vol. 1. Issue. 1 (2022) p.37-43
*Corresponding author: hendripratama.tvet@gmail.com
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Uniglobal of Journal Social
Sciences and Humanities
Journal Homepage: www.ujssh.com
The Influence of Puzzle Picture Assisted Guided Inquiry
Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of Natural Sciences
Karuniawati, Septi
, Utomo, Slamet
, Setiadi, Gunawan
& Pratama, Hendri
Muria Kudus University, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
Sultan Idris Education University, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
*Corresponding author: hendripratama.tvet@gmail.com
To Cite This Article:
Karuniawati, S., Utomo, S., Setiadi, G., & Pratama, H. (2022). The Influence of Puzzle Picture Assisted Guided Inquiry Learning Model on Learning
Outcomes of Natural Sciences.
Uniglobal Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,
1(1), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.53797/ujssh.v1i1.6.2022
Learning is a form of growth or change in a person which is expressed in behavior from
the results of training and
experience. Teaching is the activity of giving lessons to students carried out by the teacher. Aspects in learning that need
to be taught to students are cognitive (thinking), affective (attitude) and psychomotor (knowledge) aspects. One part of
cognitive aspect, namely the knowledge that needs to be conveyed by the teacher is science knowledge. The
importance of science in education is because natural science can enter all aspects of human life from the simplest in
everyday life to the complex. But in reality, according to students, science lessons are still difficult, so there needs to be
encouragement from the teacher.
Learning outcomes are changes in student behavior that include cognitive, affective and psychomotor fields (Slamet
et al., 2021). Learning outcomes are defined as the process of changing behavior in individuals due to the interaction
between individuals and their environment (Triyanti, Murtono, & Sri, 2021). A person after experiencing the learning
process will experience changes in behavior both aspects of knowledge, aspects of attitudes and aspects of skills. Among
the three domains, it is the cognitive domain/aspect that is most assessed by teachers in schools because it relates to the
students' ability to master the content of the subject matter.