Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 84
have left the nursing school. If we look at this work from the perspective of people who do not
know each other and do not agree with each other for 10 years, we will have the possibility to
understand the meaning of such a spirit in depth.
Such customs happened in our nation in ancient times. They have had a great impact on the
development of Islamic religious values in all of their personal relationships.
Historically, these programs, which have been preserved in terms of public opinion, have
been of great importance in the matter of feeding orphans, widows, and sick people. It is possible to
quote the words mentioned in hadiths for this idea.
"He is not a true muslim who sleeps very well at night knowing that his neighbor is hungry."
These ideas are the reason why young people started to become a kindergarten.
As conclusion, we can add that, it is very important to use the opinions and views of the
society during the upbringing of the youngsters and to make the families stronger. The important
conditions for the effective use of all these programs in situations of poverty and the improvement
of spiritual and educational work have been explained.
References: 1. Бекмуратова А. Быт и семья каракалпаков в прошлом и настоящем. Нукус: «Каракалпакстан»,
2. Ғайбуллаев Н., Ёдгоров Р. Маматқулова Р. «Педагогика». Т.: «Ўқитувчи», 2005 й, 75-б.
3. Отамуратов С. Ўзбекистонда маънавий-рухий тикланиш. Т.: «Янги аср авлоди», 2003 й., 64-б.
4. Xужaмурaтoв Н. Мaънaвий қадриятлaр вa миллий ўзликни aнглaш Т.: Шарқ, 1991 й., 57-б.
Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada keltirilgan barcha ma’lumotlar qoraqalpoq xalqining urf-odat va an’analarining tarbiyaviy ahamiyati, milliy va diniy qarashlari, farzand va ota-ona munosabatlari, qo‘ni-qo‘shni, qarindosh-urug‘ o‘rtasidagi munosabatlar haqidadir. Резюме: В данной статье вся предоставленная информация касается воспитательного значения обычаев и традиций каракалпакского народа, национальных и религиозных воззрений, отношений между детьми и родителями, отношений между соседями и родственниками. Kalit so'zlar: An’analar, qadriyatlar, tarbiya, hissiy, diniy qarashlar, oila, bola, ota-ona, qo‘ni-qo‘shni, mahalla.