Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
atılmış daşın sahibi oyunu birinci başlayır. 13 ədəd şüşə daş dairənin içərisinə toplama və ya
dağınıq şəkildə düzülür və uşaqlar öz daşları ilə növbəli şəkildə dairənin içərisindəki daşları
çırtmaqla vurmağa başlayır, daşı dairədən kənara çıxara bildikdə daşı həmin oyunçu özünə
götürür. Beləliklə, dairənin içərisindəki daşlar bitənə qədər oyun davam edir.
Macəra və top oyunları da ingilis uşaq oyunları arasında sevilən oyunlardır. Top oyun-
ları arasında futbol, voleybol, basketbol üstünlük təşkil edir.
“Kraliça, kraliça” oyununda bir nəfər kraliça seçilir, arxasını digər oyunçulara çevirərək
çiyni üzərindən topu atır. Uşaqlar topu tutur və əllərini arxalarında gizlədir ki kraliça topun
kimdə olduğunu bilməsin. Kraliça üzünü çevirdikdə uşaqlar ona qafiyəli suallar verirlər:
Kraliça, kraliça, topu kim tutub?
Alçaq, yoxsa hündür?
Saçlı, yoxsa keçəl?
Sən bilmirsən, çünki top səndə deyil…
Kraliça topun kimdə olduğunu tapmaq üçün oyunçuları bir-bir kənara çıxarır, əgər top
sona qalan oyunçudadırsa, həmin oyunçu kraliça seçilir.
“Beş daş” oyunu kiçik ölçülü yumru daşlarla oynanılır. Oyunu birinci kimin başlayaca-
ğını təyin etmək üçün daşlar bir əllə havaya atılır, əlin arxası ilə isə bacarıldığı qədər çox daş
götürülməlidir və ya ovucun içərisindəki bir daş havaya atılır və o daş düşənə qədər yerdəki
digər daşları yığmaq lazımdır. Birinci dəfə bir daş, ikinci dəfə iki daş, üçüncü dəfə üç daş,
dördüncü dəfə isə dörd daş atılıb tutulur. Uşaqlardan biri heç bir daş tuta bilmədikdə növbə
digər oyunçuya keçir.
“Portağal və limon” oyunu eyniadlı ingilis musiqisi nəticəsində yaranmış oyundur. İki
uşaq əllərini birləşdirərək arka qururlar, biri limon, digəri isə portağal olur. Digər uşaqlar isə
onların əlləri ilə qurduqları arkanın altından həmin musiqi oxunaraq keçir. Musiqi bitdikdə əl-
lərini aşağı salaraq uşağı tuturlar və gizlincə limon və ya portağal seçməyi tələb olunur. Uşaq
hansını seçsə həmin komandaya daxil olur. Oyunun sonunda hansı komandanın güclü olduğu-
nu seçirlər.
“Qırmızı məktub” oyununda bir nəfər lider seçilir və arxasını 10 metr məsafədə dayan-
mış oyunçulara çevirir. Lider əlifbanı söyləməyə başlayır, əgər oyunların adlarında həmin hərf
varsa həmin oyunçu bir addım irəli gəlir. Addımların sayı onun adındakı hərflərdən asılıdır.
Bir nəfər ona yaxınlaşana qədər lider əlifbanı söyləməyə davam edir.
Görünən odur ki, uşaq oyunlarından bəziləri qədim mənşəli, müəyyən ayinlərlə bağlıdır.
Oyunların çoxu süjetli olur. Bəziləri öyrədici, bəziləri əyləndirici mahiyyət daşıyır. Müəyyən
mövsümlə, bayram şənlikləri ilə əlaqəli olan oyunlar da var. Uşaqlar tərəfindən oynanılan
oyunlardan bəziləri böyüklər tərfindən də sevilə-sevilə oynanılır.
Qafqaz University
Culture shock happens when a person visits and sees a completely unfamiliar and
different traditions, lifestyles, religions, cuisine, places. The size of culture shock depends on the
distance between person’s country and the country he/she visits. For instance, an Azerbaijani
person gets less shock when he/she visits Turkey rather than visiting other countries like
Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
Australia. Because there are so many similarities between Azerbaijani and Turkish traditions.
However, there is no similarity between Azerbaijani and Australian traditions. Sometimes this
shock has deep impression. For example, if you visit some African countries you can see
completely different lifestyles. Even there are some communities that live in primitive
lifestyles. Even some of them don’t centralize government.
The Government is ruled by different tribes. My friend visited one of the states in the
USA three years ago. He saw that most of people’s home is in the forests. In addition, he saw
that the people there feed gazelles, deer and some other types of herbivorous animals and
there were high skyscrapers that they aren’t usual in our country and he got in culture shock. I
remember that after his return to Azerbaijan he got psychological advice. General signs of
culture shock are dimmed, lack of attention and feeling discomfort and being homesick. The
solution is getting advice from professional people. The best solution is that you can get
advice from a psychologist and learn the differences between your and country that you will
visit and prepare yourself for any differences beforehand. The main reason this case is a
stereotype. Sometimes we are getting used to our lifestyles so deep that we can’t think about
other types of lifestyles. My personal advice is reading books or other materials about other
countries, nations and their traditions, religions in these areas and other important points.
It also extends your worldview. Sometimes there are two or more different cultures in
one country. Even if we can observe that in one religion there are different styles of praying.
There are several phrases of culture shock. At the first phrase new culture can be very
interesting for you and you may like the new one. In another step you will compare your and
new, culture and you start missing for your own traditions. After this you will feel
uncomfortable yourself in a new community and you will be excluded by new community and
your mental stress will start.
In addition, it wakes your homesickness. At the last phrase you will get crazy for your
own country, traditions, meals and other things. In past years when the USSR and USA sent
spies to each other they envisaged such kind of problem. In addition, their spies were trained
by professionals how surpass this mental problem and feel yourself asa hometown. As we see
from the examples it is a simply mental problem that arises from differences and with little
effort we can solve this problem as others.
Азербайджанский Университет Языков
Цель работы – подчеркнуть важность эффективности обмена информацией в
процессе бизнеса и менеджмента.
Самым убедительным доводом в пользу выделения
важности данного вопроса является тот факт, что общение — это многоплановый
процесс развития контактов между людьми, порождаемый потребностями совместной
деятельности. Одним и тем же общим знаменателем в бизнесе и в менеджменте явля-
ются люди и отношения с людьми. Бизнес-коммуникацию правомерно определить как
науку, объектом исследования которой являются аспекты общения людей в деловой
сфере, факторы обеспечения эффективности деловых контактов. Общение -связь меж-
ду людьми, в ходе которой возникает психический контакт, проявляющийся в обмене
информацией, взаимовлиянии, взаимопереживании, взаимопонимании.
Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
Это взаимодействие двух или более людей, состоящее в обмене между ними ин-
формацией познавательного или аффективно-оценочного характера. Обычно общение
включено в практическое взаимодействие людей (совместный труд, учение, кол-
лективная игра и т. п.), обеспечивает планирование, осуществление и контролирование
их деятельности. Вместе с тем общение удовлетворяет особую человеческую потребность-
контакт с другими людьми.
По содержанию можно было бы считать понятия “коммуникации” и “общение”
синонимами с той только разницей, что общение — это больше психологическое явле-
ние, а, говоря о коммуникациях, мы должны пояснить, какой из аспектов коммуника-
ции мы имеем в виду: психический, информационный, технико-технологический или
Общение — это многоплановый процесс развития контактов между людьми,
порождаемый потребностями совместной деятельности. В едином процессе общения
можно условно выделить три стороны: коммуникативную (передача информации), ин-
терактивную (взаимодействие) и перцептивную (взаимовосприятие). Удалось выяснить,
что эффективностью коммуникаций в организации часто определяется качество реше-
ний и их реализации. Различают: 1) формальные коммуникации, осуществляемые
между элементами формальной структуры организации: межуровневые коммуникации
(нисходящие и восходящие), горизонтальные коммуникации (между подразделениями
одного уровня в иерархии организации), коммуникации “руководитель–подчиненный”,
“руководитель–рабочая группа”; 2) неформальные коммуникации (связанные с не-
формальными группами и неслужебными вопросами, а также распространение слухов о
служебных вопросах).
Также было выявлено, что принципы эффективных бизнес-коммуникаций можно
представить следующим образом: объективная необходимость при решении проблем
коммуникативного характера учитывать единство рационального и эмоционального в
поведении человека; иногда речь может идти об иррациональном, особенно с субъек-
тивной точки зрения; ситуативность, включающая необоснованность ожидания именно
той реакции на коммуникативное воздействие, которая является желательной, возмож-
ность нахождения объекта воздействия в состоянии напряженности, которое трудно
распознать, и субъективность в интерпретации ситуаций; стремление к повышению
уровня объективности представлений о партнере по взаимодействию, недостаточности
своего мнения и опыта для трактовки и прогнозирования поведения партнера по
гуманизм в построении коммуникаций; научность; опора на закон.
Научное поле гуманитарных дисциплин, исследующих человека и общности
людей, достаточно обширно и многообразно. У каждой науки есть своя цель — познать
нечто новое в некоторой области индивидуального и социального поведения, выявить
закономерности, причинно-следственные связи и на этой основе повысить прогнозиру-
емость поведения.
Итак, подведя итоги своему исследованию, необходимо подчекнуть, что комму-
никация представляет собой взаимодействие двух или более уникальных и сложных
систем, происходящее в различных ситуациях с использованием различных средств и
каналов общения. Характеристики, параметры взаимодействующих систем, ситуации,
выбираемые средства в каждом случае будут отличаться от другого акта коммуника-
ции, поэтому типологизация видов общения может осуществляться на разных основа-
ниях, по различным критериям.
Все выделяемые типы коммуникаций находятся в сложном взаимодействии, вли-
яют друг на друга, и выявление типов нужно только для систематизации накопленных
Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
знаний, углубления познания в узкой области, в данном виде коммуникаций. Класси-
фикация и систематизация знаний позволяет нам определять сходство и различия меж-
ду явлениями, возможность применения знаний из иных областей, выдвигать гипотезы,
моделировать процессы. Реальный же процесс коммуникации включает в себя одновре-
менно множество выделяемых типов, содержит признаки разных видов, при этом выбор
средств, каналов, стиля коммуникации зависит от эрудиции и от личностных особен-
ностей субъектов коммуникации. Личностные особенности влияют и на восприятие, и
на оценку условий и ситуации коммуникации.
Qafqaz University
No Greater Love is a fantastic and enjoyable romantic story, which keep us very much
engrossed from start to finish. Carren Lewis from “A Californian Magazine” writes:”As you
read deeper into the book, you see how the author captures your attention and brings the
characters to life by making the story very realistic.” It’s not just a romantic story that teaches
to remain faithful to your family, but it also teaches to be responsible in every sphere of life.
We can see the burden of life in the face of Edwina Winfield. If you are strong and
determined you can bear everything, but it’s not a job of just a strong and determined man to
bear the loss of parents and fiancé and to raise 5 children. Of course, material side helped her,
but a little. A little, because no money can cure the wounded morality. How she loved
Charles, to be revealed of love, she thought, was to give up a terrible burden. But she never
stopped to love him. Not every woman of 20 could carry it on her shoulders, Edwina’s heart
was biggest and purest one, as Marie Sabillo told:” The purest of heart often carries the
heaviest burdens.”
Sometimes we expect from people whom we love act as we planned for themselves, as
in the case of Philip and George. Edwina wanted them to develop the family business and
Philip was ideal one for it, but a terrible war ended Philip’s life and Edwina’s wish. The lost
of a lovely brother for a miserable sister was not just a shock, but also the lost of the most
responsible man in the family. George following his wish didn’t take this business and went
to Hollywood. It was another unjust side of life, however, to carry the burden of life was her
fate. As Danielle Steel quoted in her “The Gift”: “Maybe some people just aren’t meant to be
in our lives forever. Maybe some people passing through. It’s like some people just come
through our lives to bring us something a lesson we need to learn.” There is usually “no
greater love” for a mother than for her children, but in this case it is the eldest child toward
her younger siblings. Does she really understand why her mother put her in such a responsible
position? I’m not sure. But even at her young age, she emopsulates the responsibility of
motherhood so charmingly. She takes her siblings through an imaginable disaster, tremendous
grief and just the trials of life. She does this with the courage of someone much older, but
with the heart of her age. Could their mother have done any better? I think not. Publishers
Weekly considered this novel the amazing one, announcing:”Steel shamelessly plucks her
readers’ heartstrings in this predictably sentimental novel.” My aim is not to blame Edwina’s
mother, but can a husband be an equal to 6 children? She chose the easy way, to die with him,
but however we are all going to die.
Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
We all are born to this world to live according to our duties and then die. Kate’s duty
was to raise all 6 children including Edwina. She gave up. For me, a real mother is willing to
give up her life for her child. But how many mothers would give up everything that they love,
everything that they will never be able to do in the future for the “possibility and not the
guarantee” of getting their child better. Edwina lost not only parents, but also her fiancé
Charles on the board of Titanic. To bury her love there forever and carry that heavy burden
was really hard. So it is true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love-this
is the famous quote from E.A.Bucchianerik of a Godfly. Love hurts, love bleeds, love makes
you cry at nights, why at nights? Because you don’t want anyone hear your cry. You try to
stand straight before their eyes, you want them think about you as lady of steel. That was
Edwina’s situation and thoughts.
A woman of 20 who was newly beginning to see the life in its colors before Titanic but
was obliged to see its only dark sides after Titanic. Edwina sacrificed her youth, her personal
life. At an every age there was a proposal, even her father’s friend proposed her. You think he
wanted to marry her because she was young and beautiful? No, he loved her because she had
a great heart. Maybe she could ease her load by marring him, he was a good man. Who
knows? The feeling of responsibility was there in every piece of her heart, besides she
promised to herself not to marry anyone, she could betray the spirit of Charles. To let go the
people whom you love is the hardest thing, you think you will never recover from this. It has
been said:”time heals all wounds”. I don’t agree, the wound remain. In time, the mind
protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and pain lessens, but it’s never gone. So
Tennesse Williams once said:”Time is the longest distance between two places: The remedy
is patience.” Years made Edwina wiser, stronger. She believed her siblings go in right way.
But we can’t say it about Alexis, she desired more, but took a little. I don’t care at what cost
Alexis understood it, I care what pains Alexis gave to her elder sister. We can’t ignore this
misfortune as the part of fate, because of it Edwina met Charles’ cousin and fall in love with
him. Of course, it was a little love affair, but only this connection could make her understand
that it’s time to let Charles’ spirit go off. This taught her to love again, to live again. What I
think of this novel? For me, taking of those you love should never feel like a burden to you.
As in the movie “Me Again” says:” It should never be a burden to you. If it is, you don’t
have the right heart about it, and you’re taking all those beautiful things around you granted.”
Sure, everything won’t always be roses, but a family is one of the most precious things you
can have. You might have to work your fingers to be bone. You might struggle. You might
have to get up and smile, even when you don’t feel smiling. You may have to tell your family
that things will be ok, even if you feel like you’re falling apart. However, you are not the only
one who sees what you are going through. You are never alone and happiness is something
you can change even when things are going in the opposite direction of where you think you
need to be headed. Choose to see blessings around you, instead of the bad things. It’s a
privilege and something you may not always have, so treasure it. Cherish every moment like
the gift it is, because in fact, it is a gift.
Qafqaz University 17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz University
William Sydney Porter, who achieved success under the pseudonym of "O Henry", is
one of the greatest short story writers of all times. Notwithstanding arduous language of his
stories which is quite challenging for non-native speakers, two significant elements in them
entice readers' attention. Twisted endings keep readers aflutter through the story while moral
lessons can be taken from it keep them under influence for a long time after reading. Many of
his stories convey positive messages such as love, honesty, friendship, modesty and so on.
“Roads of Destiny”, a short story written in 1909, also carries distinctive features of O Henry
creativity with twisted ending and moral lessons.
The story offers three different plots for readers all of which concludes with the death of
young poet David. David, the main hero of the story, is a shepherd wanting to abandon his small
town, Vernoy for Paris, where he can find great fame as a poet. In first two plots he chooses left
and right paths leading him to his dreams. While following first path, David encounters a cart
immersed in mud. Unbeknownst of consequences, he helps to propel the cart out of sludge.
Strangely enough, owner of the cart,
Monsieur the Marquis de Beaupertuys, urges David to
marry his beautiful niece. Being amazed by her beauty, young poet immediately accepts his
offer. However, his happiness doesn't last long since feeling humiliated by Monsieur's words
David invites him to duel. Soon after he gets married, Monsieur's bullet sends him to eternity.
In second plot, again David is struck on a beautiful lady who is part of a team hatching a
plan for assassination of king. Noticing his affection, the lady decides to abuse him for
realizing their secret plan. She sends David to the palace to convey a message for their
supporters. However, he fails to accomplish task and is caught by palace guards. In turn, king
uses David to rollback murder plan. They send him to the church in king's cart. Monsieur, this
time the leader of assassination team, kills David assuming him as king.
Unlike the first two, third plot is not so complicated. Realizing his mistake, David turns
back to his hometown and happily marries to Yoanne. However, desire of being poet doesn't
evade him. David spends his time by writing poems and neglects his sheep inherited by his
father. It continues till the time old and caring Papineau puts an end to this situation. He sends
David and his poems to George Brill, an intelligent man with good knowledge of poetry.
Unfortunately, Brill disapproves his poems and advices him to go back and take care of his
animals. Disillusioned David decides to return home and continue raising sheep. En route he
buys a weapon in order to protect his herd from wolves. Interestingly, this weapon belongs to
Monsieur, who was going to kill the king before being arrested and sent to prison. Though,
his intention was to commit a suicide rather than fighting against predators attacking his
flock. Accordingly, once more he loses his life by means of Monsieur’s bullet.
Consequently, we learn two moral lessons from the story. First is that we can't escape
our fate. Thus, all those three ways led to David's death by means of different scenarios.
Second, following our dreams doesn't always bring happiness. David, who is unaware of his
incompetency in poetry, leaves his hometown to pursue his dreams and becomes the victim of
mischievous people eventually. Here author wants to portray negative consequences that can
be faced by pure peasants who desire to realize American dream. Presumably, O Henry had
seen many similar life stories before writing "Roads of Destiny" and decided to write it to
make people comprehend realities of the world. By writing this story, he gives advice to
gullible people leaving their hometown to achieve a better life in the west.