Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 347
the basis of an electronic information and educational environment, including both the latest
information technologies and innovative e-learning didactics [5, Robert at al., 2017; Robert,
Neustroev & Goncharov, 2018; Robert, 2018a; Robert, 2018b; Robert, Polyakov & Kozlov, 2018].
The electronic information and educational environment allow students to independently form their
own curriculum, including choosing necessary courses and sequences in their study, and to master
new knowledge at an individual pace. Thus, the electronic information and educational environment
provide all opportunities for taking into account the cognitive characteristics of each individual and
the individual need for new knowledge.
Designing new types of classes and combining them into dynamic intellectual systems-
robots to meet the educational needs of each student after the diagnosis of his/her cognitive profile
becomes an urgent task when building a modern educational environment [6,Karpenko et al., 2015;
Karpenko, Karpenko, & Fokina, 2016].
When individualizing education in a mass distributed university that implements e-learning,
large volumes of information must be processed to meet and manage students’ individual appraisals
in the educational process. In a traditional university, this causes a corresponding increase in the
number of training and support staff, which is constantly engaged in collecting and processing
information. Moreover, the centralization of educational process management in the presence of
university branches is almost impossible.
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Rezyume: Ushbu maqola filologik bo'lmagan fanlar talabalariga ingliz tilini o'rgatishda yangi usullardan foydalanishga bag'ishlangan. Shu bilan birga, ta’limni individuallashtirish texnologiyasini takomillashtirish bo‘yicha fikrlar keltirildi va misollar yordamida tahlil qilindi. Резюме: В данной статье речь идет об использовании новых методик в обучении английскому языку студентов нефилологических дисциплин. При этом были представлены и проанализированы на примерах идеи по совершенствованию технологии индивидуализации обучения.