Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 351
Five guests. A bitter, cold day between summer and autumn. The names of five guests are related to
the forest calculation: the first guest is March 31, April 21, spring holiday, Labor Day according to
the current calendar; second guest May 31, available June 22 - summer vacation; the third guest -
June 31, now 22 Chilla - the day of the poet, art, khirad; the fourth visit was on July 31, now August
22 is the day of the holiday of language and national programs; the fifth guest - August 31, now
September 22 - autumn holiday, Sabantoi three guests. In Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples, the
concept of time arose from dividing one year into three. Otherwise, there is a lack of time due to the
economy. Accountants have a 120-day peak period in the year to adjust agriculture with the
Five days means limited time. "Five days" remains in the meaning of "short" and refers to
the time from the birth of the false world to the departure of the person into the world. In one sense,
this compound noun means "religion" and "religious time". Therefore, it is necessary to understand
the language and cultural knowledge of the Kazakh population in measuring associations with five
digits, such as the five daily prayers. In the names of the months: "kók" - the time of the return of
the bird, "mair" - the period of renewal, "otamalı" - the goods are fed to the maximum, "kazan" - the
end of the grass, "janvar" - the shortening of the day, the beginning of January. So, time categories
include seven-day weeks, four-week months, twelve-month years, and twelve-year lunar cycles.
The "living chronology" method of time was used for events that did not fit into a single era.
CONCLUSION In conclusion, any horse appeared when necessary. Language is made up of nouns. However, since
each language is the language of one nation, each of its names, each ethnolinguistic sign represents
the language of that population and, as is known, satisfies one need. Therefore, people see the
information offered by the shores of their experience, recognize its legitimacy, discover new things
and appreciate them. Therefore, the ethnolinguistic name of the category "time" still requires a
thorough study.
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Rezyume : Maqolada etnolingvistika bo'limi qanday qilib,qadimiylik sirlari va tarix sahifalariga kirgan til orqali qozoqlar haqida yozadi, shuningdek, birlik qanday aniqlangan ko'chmanchi qozoq xalqi tushunchasida vaqt.