Finland, Helsinki international scientific online conference "SUSTAINABILITY OF EDUCATION SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCIENCE THEORY " 118 occupies the main place in the continuous education system, allows to analyze the activity
of the student and give him prospective directions.
Professional competence is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and qualifications
necessary for professional activity by a specialist and the ability to apply them in practice at
a high level.
The types of teacher's professional competence are as follows:
1. Professional
2. Personal
3. Universal
4. Cultural
5. Special
Professional competence:
- having knowledge of pedagogy and psychology;
- work on oneself; - being able to plan, evaluate and establish feedback on the
educational process;
- to be able to understand the needs of students;
- formation of students' motivation;
-Knowledge of ICT; -innovation of the educational environment;
- to know his subject perfectly; - knowing one of the foreign languages.
Stages of formation of professional competence:
1. Self-analysis and understand the essentials;
2. Determining the goal and task of self-development;
3. Self-expression and correction of shortcomings.
The penetration of modern information technologies into the field of education allows
pedagogues to qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of
teaching. The purpose of these technologies in education is to strengthen the intellectual
abilities of students in the information society, as well as humanization, individualization,
intensification of the educational process, and the improvement of the quality of education
at all levels of the educational system.
The following can be recognized as important pedagogical conditions for training a
future teacher:
- normative and educational-methodical documents that can meet modern
requirements (state education standard, model curricula, working curricula, model
curricula, working programs, textbooks, educational availability of manuals,
methodological recommendations, additional special literature, instructional tools, lesson
plans, projects, etc.);
- high level of knowledge, skills and qualifications of scientific and pedagogical staff
(professors, associate professors, teachers, qualified teachers, technicians), sufficiently
developed level of professional competence and having scientific potential;
- material and technical aspects of the educational process (educational buildings,
educational auditoriums, educational workshops, practical-laboratory equipment),
information technologies (radio, television, computer, copiers, laboratory equipment, that it