Finland, Helsinki international scientific online conference "SUSTAINABILITY OF EDUCATION SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCIENCE THEORY " 119 is sufficiently provided in terms of audio, video, multimedia, simulators, film projectors,
slide projectors, video projectors, the availability of a set of technical tools, etc.);
- the creation of a socially and educationally-technologically favorable environment
(teachers, students, leaders and students, as well as the content, direction, unity of goals,
etc. of students' mutual relations);
- consistent, continuous and systematic implementation of organizational and
educational-practical activities.
Summarizing the definitions and descriptions given to the concept of "professional
competence of a teacher", it can be interpreted as follows: Professional competence of a
teacher is one of the important aspects of professional competence in the activity of a
pedagogue. liq represents all needs, abilities, skills, knowledge and interests. For this, he
must: - tend to manage the process of creative research; - one should remember that the
effectiveness of creative research depends on the pedagogical, psychological and theoretical
preparation of the teacher.
I.V. Robert identifies the following main pedagogical goals of using modern
information technology tools:
1. Intensification of all levels of the educational process through the use of modern
information technologies:
- increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process;
- increasing the activity of cognitive activity;
- deepening of inter-project relations;
- increase the volume and optimize the search for the necessary information.
2. Development of a student's personality, preparation of a person for a prosperous life
in the information society:
- development of different types of thinking;
- development of communication skills;
- formation of skills to make the best decision or offer solutions in a difficult situation;
aesthetic education through the use of computer graphics, multimedia technologies;
- formation of information culture, ability to process information;
- development of task or situation modeling skills;
- formation of skills to carry out experimental research activities.
3. Work on fulfilling the employer's social order:
- training of an educated and literate person;
- training of users with the help of computer;
- implementation of professional guidance in the field of informatics.
The use of technological innovations in the educational system leads to the
improvement of all levels of the educational process and ensures the following:
- increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process by introducing new
information technologies;
- providing motivating motives (incentives) that require the activation of cognitive