ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali 2021/4-son
модальность в описании характеристик персонажей - черт характера и моделей поведения - имеет различное вербальное
представление в тексте. В статье также анализируется авторский стиль в описании влияния общества на жизнь детей-
social life, orphan, orphanhood, realist, literary theme, character, novel, adjective modality, verbal modality, cognitive
modality, conscious action, concept, the concept of morality.
Kalit so‘zlar:
ijtimoiy hayot, yetim, yetimlik, realist, mavzu, qahramon, roman, sifat modalligi, verbal modallik, kognitiv modallik,
ahloq tushunchasi.
Ключевые слова:
социальная жизнь, сирота, сиродства, реалист, тема, характер, роман, адьективальная модальность,
вербальная модальность, когнитивная модальность, осознанные действия, концепт морали.
It is well known that the Victorian age
of English literature has produced many
works in the novel genre. Among them,
the novels of the English writer Charles
Dickens deserve special recognition. A
number of the author's
novels are among
the masterpieces of world literature, and
there is a motif that unites almost all of
Literary scholar B.Hochman states that
“Orphans and orphanhood is everywhere in
. The fact that the protagonists of
a number of Dickens's works, such as Oliver
Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Hopes,
are orphans, proves how true this idea is.
In particular, in his novel The Experiences
of Oliver Twist, the author exposes the
injustice of homeless orphans, one of the
shortcomings of
society at that time, and
the attempts of malicious people to lead
them in various evil ways. able to evoke
a feeling. As we analyze the work, we
see that young and innocent children like
the protagonist, Oliver Twist, are skillfully
captured in their ability to maintain their
purity in spite of the humiliation around
them, their great faith in goodness, and
their bright future.
In almost all of his novels, the great
writer, who described various aspects of
the lives of orphans, mostly orphans, tried
to find his heroes
on the streets of London
and shed light on their past.
Therefore, these works are considered
to be bright examples of realism not only
in English but also in world literature. They
portrayed the famine, poverty, and negative
consequences of domination over the weak
that prevailed at that time. Commenting on
1 Hochman Baruch and Ilja Watchs. (1999) Dickens: The Orphan Condition. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, P. 225.
2 Ahrorkulov A, Rahmonkulov A. (2012) Representatives of world children's literature. Fergana, P. 92.
3 Mirabidov Erkin, Translated from Russian into Uzbek. Charles Dickens. Experiences of Oliver Twist. From Russian. (1984) Tashkent Gafur Gulam Publishing House of Literature and Art.
P. 302.
4 Mirabidov Erkin, Translated from Russian into Uzbek. Charles Dickens. Experiences of Oliver Twist. From Russian. (1984) Tashkent Gafur Gulam Publishing House of Literature and Art.
P. 302.
the writer, Mahkam Mahmudov described
him as one of the most profound writers
of "these contradictions of development"
in capitalist society
In her article, Sanna
Oscarson comments on Dickens' images:
“... the characters of Oliver and Monks
were created by Dickens to show the
hardships of the Victorian society as well
as the possibility of another, better society”.
(Dickens's portrayals of Oliver and Monks
are designed to show the challenges of
Victorian society and the opportunities
that lead to a better society.)
Oliver Twist was inspired by the
plight of orphans in Dickens' day, their
helpless and miserable condition. The play
depicts the plight of hundreds of children
abandoned in the House of Labor, their
plight, and the fact that the children living
here have never had enough to eat and are
involved in hard labor.
As a result, some
children died of hardship and some from
starvation. Many of them were suffering
from anemia, and young orphans and
homeless children were dying because of
this disease. It's not hard to see this in a
conversation with Oliver's young friend
-... How pale your complexion is. "I
heard the doctor say I was going to die."
…… I know, Oliver, the doctor was right,
whatever you say, often the angels of
heaven, and then the kind faces that never
come into my dreams
The anguish of the boy Dick, who
uttered these sentences, and the fact that
a young boy was waiting for his death
without complaining about his fate, shook
the human heart. The author also openly
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