ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali 2021/4-son
behavioral models
or scenarios that define
sequential the reality of thoughts, desires
and feelings”
So, examples of Oliver's reaction to
an offense are most often – tacit patience,
tears, strong emotional experiences
(“turned pale”, “was regarding with mingled
expression of horror and fear”, “began to
cry very piteously”, “fell to the floor in a
fainting fit”). Thus, its behavior can be
called passive, because, as a child, he
felt the impossibility of resisting the evil
manifested in force an adult. This is also
due not only to Oliver's age, but also with his
sensitivity, meekness, impressionability,
We are dealing with an author's
modality, which finds its manifestation.
in the description not only of Oliver,
but also of his offenders. For example,
when talking about the undertaker's wife
we find three kinds of
description. This is a portrait description:
“a vixenish countenance” (noun +
adjective). The text also gives description
of her behavior towards the boy: “pushed
into”, “replied pettishly”, ie in actions
expressed by a verb or verb combined
with an adverb. In her direct speech, the
modality is manifested at the level of the
whole utterance: “I see no saving in parish
children, not I; for they always cost more to
keep, than they’re worth”
In the behavioral
characteristic of
Oliver, it is interesting that for the whole
novel, he shows unexpected activity
extremely rarely - when it was not about
protecting oneself, but another - a person
closes to him. Here, not only the author's
modality manifests itself when describing
active action, but also
modality in the
speech of the hero. (“You’d better not”),
comparative degree from the adverb “well”
- “better”, “That’s enough” - in the meaning
of the command to stop speaking. At this
the author describes Oliver's expression,
which is usually not his own: “Oliver’s color
rose as he said this; he breathed quickly;
and there was a curious working of the
12 Romanova T.V. Modality as a text-forming category in modern Memoir literature: Diss. ... doct. philol. sciences. SPb., 2004. P. 418. URL: http://www.dissercat.com/content/modalnost-
kak-tekstoobrazuyushchaya- kategoriya-v-sovremennoi-memuarnoi-literature.
13 Likhachev D.S. The concept of the Russian language // Izvestiya Rossiyskiy Academy of Sciences. Ser. lit. and lang. M., 1993. T. 52. No. 1. P. 3–9.
14 Popova Z.D., Sternin I.A. The concept of "concept" in linguistic studies followings. Voronezh, 2000. P. 30.
mouth and nostrils”
. However, when Noe
Claypole continued his offensive speeches,
Oliver went over to to take decisive action;
the author's modality lies in the consecutive
use of the corresponding verbs: “Crimson
with fury, Oliver started up; overthrew the
and table; seized Noah by the throat;
shook him, in the violence of his rage, till his
teeth chattered in his head; and collecting
his whole force into one heavy blow, felled
him to the ground”.
Thus, the elements of the concept
sphere "morality", depending each time from
the author's
choice when characterizing
positive / negative are expressed at the
level of word / phrase / whole narration.
The semantics of both positive and
negative, quoted in a literary text in specific
manifestations, not includes at the same
time the verbal expression of the core of
the conceptosphere - proper "morality" and
the Abstract concepts that characterize it
"Good" / "evil", "emotionality", etc.
The modality of the manifestation of
morality is most
often expressed in three
1) portrait description (permanent
and temporary qualities) - more often
everything in adjectives, as well as in verbs
like “crimson with fury”;
2) a description of the conscious
actions of the heroes (more often the verb
modality) in the author's discourse;
3) in the speech of heroes of a positive
or negative nature.
Charles Dickens led the course of
events in the work
with such care that, as
a result, the reader unknowingly changes
his attitude to reality. Each of the chosen
heroes in some sense serves to reveal the
character of the main character. The writer,
who lived in a society that believed that
orphans and stepchildren would not do
good and that only criminals and swindlers
would emerge from them,
was not afraid to
oppose the views of his time. managed to
shed light on the fact that it is in the hands
of society.
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