III bob bo’yicha xulosa
Dissertatsiya ishimizning uchinchi bobi asosan adabiyot va she’riy tahlillarga boy bo’ldi. Ona Vatan mavzusini bu yo’nalishlar orqali ochib berish uchun asosan o’zbek adabiyoti manbalari xizmat qilgan bo’lsa, ingliz va jahon adabiyoti namunalari bu yo’lda ko’maklashuvchi vosita vazifasini o’tsb berdi. Xususan, taniqli o’zbek shoiri Erkin Vohidovning o’zbegim qasidasi va ingliz adibi, William Ernest Hellenning ‘England, my England’ she’rlari qiyosiy aspektda tahlil qilindi, hamda ingliz shoirining ushbu, ‘Angliyam, Mening Angliyam’ she’ri qisman, ya’ni to’liq bo’lmagan holda, o’zbek tiliga tarjima qilindi. Shuningdek, ingliz va o’zbek tillarida Vatanga atab yozilgan eng sara she’rlardan namunalar keltirildi. Buyuk bobokolonimiz, shoh va shoir, Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur, Ona Vatan kuychisi bo’lgan adibimiz Muhammad Yusuf she’rlari va adabiyotshunos mutafakkir Ozod Sharofiddinov fikrlari bilan Vatanga bo’lgan yondashuvlar tahlil qilinib ochib berildi. Shu o’rinda Vatan haqida yana biroz o’z fiklarim bilan o’rtoqlashsam, xo’sh Vatan bu qalbdan otiladi bu so‘zmi, yoki har qancha takrorlasam ham ohori to‘kilmaydigan zaminmi. Balki u ulkan kuchdir, cheksiz qudrat, tayanch mavjuddir bu ulug’ so‘zda. Vatan deya, vatan uchun yashayotgan odamgina shu go‘zal so‘zni mehr bilan, muhabbat bilan tilga oladi, dilida viqor, ruhida salobat sezadi. Vatan, sen uchun nima qildim? Umrim bino bo‘lib, eng uzun hayot kechirsamda, sen menga bergandek buyuk ne`matni senga hadya etolmasman, sendagi qarzimni uzolmasman. Sen buyuksan, vatanim! Shoirimiz Muhammad Yusufni xalqona yozadi,- deyishadi. Sababi u vatanini onasi siymosida ko‘radi. “Vatanni men shunday tasavvur qilaman – u onamday go‘zal, onamday xokisor. Onamni yaxshi ko‘rganlarning hammasi mening do‘stim. Lekin mening onam haqida birov yomon gapirsa, unga tosh otsa uni qo‘lini urib sindiraman. Vatan deganda men shuni tushunaman”. Nodar Dumbadzedan “Vatan nima?”, deb so‘rashganda, “ Vatan – shunaqa narsaki, uni aytganingda odam jonini berishga tayyor bo‘lishi kerak, nomini eshitishing bilan joning chiqib ketishi kerak”, deb javob bergan. Uchinchi bob xulosasi yakunini ingliz tilidagi fikrlarim bilan yakunlashga qaror qildim:
“We should consider our attitude to the state language as a relation to our independence, devotion and respect for it - as devotion and respect for the Motherland,” emphasizes the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Our native language is our culture and invaluable wealth, so we will protect it as the most precious legacy for future descendants”
A motherland is a place which someone views as his or her country of origin. It may be someone's native land, as in the place where that person was born, or it may be the home of that person's ancestors. Many people living in foreign cultures feel a strong attachment to the motherland, even people who have never actually set foot in their own motherlands. Motherland is the only one thing that is difficult to describe with few words. Its the place which cannot be compared to other ones. Its the place where your heart beats faster. Motherland is our home, study and workplace, our neighbors and friends. When we are far from them we often miss them. It means we miss our own motherland. Even though person lives in luxurious places he always thinks about his own motherland where he was born and grew up. There is no border and time to stop speaking about the description of the motherland. This is simply because it is the place where we are grown up, nurtured does not matter whether in peace or in a state of war. One can be agree that we cannot live far from the homeland forever, even so this may happen at times. However, this person lives in an abundoned life.
In conclusion, it will be logical to say that “Motherland” is free. We don't try to shut people up because we disagree with them, and we don't accuse them of being unpatriotic because they have a different opinion.
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