Referințe bibliografice:
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High Time for High School Reform: Early Findings from the Evaluation of the National School District
and Network Grants Program. American Institutes for Research (AIR) & SRI International. Prepared for the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation.--Seattle: WA, 2003.
Lemeni, G., Miclea, M. Consiliere şi orientare – ghid de educaţie pentru carieră. -- Cluj-
Napoca: Ed. ASCR, 2004.
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Moldoveanu, G. Analiză și comportament organizațional. -- București: Ed. Economică, 2005.
Neamţu, C. Devianţa şcolară. – Iaşi: Ed. Polirom, 2003.
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CZU 37.091 : 316.42
PhD student,
Institute of International Relations of Moldova
Kaye College, Beer – Sheva, Israel,
Teacher education and training or teacher training refers to the overall policies of the administration, procedures,
and trajectory designed to equip teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they need to effectively
carry out their tasks in the classroom, school, and wider community. It should be noted that the professionals,
academics or professional, who engage in this activity are called teacher educators (or, in some contexts, teacher
trainers). This article will attempt to present the overall picture of teacher training in the age of globalization and the
essential structural changes of teacher in the economic system.
Key words: economic, globalization, teacher training.
Institutul de Relații Internaționale din Moldova
Kaye College, Beer – Sheva, Israel,
Educația și formarea cadrelor didactice sau formarea cadrelor didactice se referă la politicile generale ale
administrației, procedurilor și traiectoriei concepute pentru a dota profesorii cu cunoștințele, atitudinile,
comportamentele și abilitățile de care au nevoie pentru a-și îndeplini eficient sarcinile în clasă, școală, și o comunitate
mai largă. Trebuie menționat că profesioniștii, academicienii sau profesioniștii, care se implică în această activitate sunt
numiți educatori (sau, în anumite contexte, formatori profesori). Acest articol va încerca să prezinte imaginea de
ansamblu a pregătirii profesorilor în era globalizării și schimbările structurale esențiale ale profesorilor în sistemul
Cuvinte-cheie: economic, globalizare, pregătire pentru profesori.
Introduction. Training is an action of teaching a
person a particular skill to perform their roles
effectively and efficiently. Training is a vital part of the
human resource development. Most employees have
some weaknesses in their organizational skill [7]. Like
employees in any organization teachers also need
training to enhance their teaching skills [12]. Training
not only helps teacher performance but also the
students’ learning out comes. Training framework is
designed in educational institutions to facilitate the
teachers’ skill [1]. Deficiency among teachers’ skill lead
towards the deficiency among students learning
behavior and outcomes. Subsequently, it leads towards
the shortcomings in overall organizational performance
Materials. Diverse needs of students can be
addressed by providing suitable trainings to staff in
educational organizations worldwide [3]. Teachers of
all fields ought to create themselves in accordance with
the necessities and prerequisites of the establishments
they work in when they begin to play out an occupation
professionally. The necessity of this improvement
establishes in numerous elements, for example, to have
the capabilities to satisfy the insufficiencies, to adjust
with working environment, to have a superior expert
execution and to progress in the profession. The
advantageous training opportunities for teachers which
can build up every one of these aspects likewise. It also
helps to develop the nature of the individual and the
efficiency of the establishment.
Educators likewise need to refresh their insight and
abilities on educational module, brain science, and
instructional method of the students and new research
on instructing and learning; henceforth they require
suitable in-benefit and timely trainings also [5]
expressed that policymakers focus on educators’
proficient advancement to spread the essential data and
give direction to instructors [9]. Demands for fruitful
trainings are increasing day by day at all levels with the
advancement in the society.
As training has also relationship with monetary
advancement hence, sometimes it becomes difficult for
the organizations to arrange frequent sessions [10].
Bando Grana & Li [4] checked on the related writing
and brought up 4 insignificant conditions for an
instructor beneficial training program keeping in mind
the end goal to limit the conceivable issues and make
these trainings more powerful:
(1) It ought to be sufficiently concentrated to
cause an adjustment in educator conduct.
(2) It ought to be associated with training.
(3) It ought to be consistent.
(4) It must be lined up with instructor motivating
forces [4].
Wood [17] additionally recorded the prerequisites of
an expert advancement process as:
(1) Center on a solitary subject.
(2) Center on members' needs.
(3) Be progressing and managed.
(4) Draw in members in the quest for answers to
real issues and interests.
(5) Accommodate
commitment enable members to create collegial
(6) Urge members to think about their educating.
In Turkey, the Directorate of Teacher Training and
Development in the Ministry of National Education sort
out in-benefit preparing programs. Along these lines,
instructors are given to enhance their insight, aptitudes,
and capacities. One of the objectives in 2017-2023
Teacher Strategy Document arranged by the Ministry of
National Education, Turkey is to make the individual
and expert improvement of the instructor’s constant. In
this sense, it was intended to create execution evaluation
framework to decide the change needs of the instructors
and to expand the nature of individual and expert
advancement exercises.
Pre-benefit instruction and acceptance programs are
essential and additionally in-benefit preparing is. These
three measurements of the educator preparing complete
one another, and this case may be eluded as the
fundamental arrangement of being a qualified instructor.
In Turkey, chosen people, who complete a 4-year school
instruction preparing, are designated as learner
instructors in the wake of passing particular composed
and oral exams. Tenderfoot instructors take an interest
in enlistment projects to acquire handy experience and
to make their classrooms more advanced. As a piece of
the acceptance program led in 2015[5] dated Regulation
of Appointment), in and out school exercises and in-
benefit preparing likewise occur. Especially the in-
benefit training module is vital in term of supporting the
required proficient abilities, adjustment process and
applying basic practices for the beginner instructors.
The training has different impact on different areas
[6].Every teacher training is conducted to achieve a
specific objective contributing towards organizational
Teachers are key performers for any educational
institution; hence they need to be equipped with proper
skill [11].
Innovation in teaching skill increases the learning
experience of students [12]. Teachers’ lack of
knowledge and skill should be addressed through [9]
training to increase the students’ performance [2].
Teachers’ training helps teacher and supervisors to
overcome many learning limitations, such trainings
should be combination of desired techniques to be
Harris, (2008) studied the impact of teachers’
trainings on student’s performance. However, a
universal system is required for designing teachers’
trainings to provide students with better learning
opportunity. Teachers’ training enhances the teacher
competences to interact with the students in a better way
to increase the students’ attitude towards learning.
Teacher training (TT) enhances the students cognitive
learning strategies encouraging the adoption of a deep
learning approach and have been shown to be effective
in enhancing students’ achievement [11] Teachers
training enhances the student learning abilities and
constructs related knowledge of students.
Teacher training can help students in better
understanding subject matter. It also increases students’
cognition. Training comprises on utilizing vast
procedures for learning and speaking skills, which helps
to enhance students’ learning attitude. Diagnostic
feedback to teachers is also part of teacher training. It
can improve the quality of education by increasing
students learning abilities and it can also improve the
attitude of students towards learning. Training design
for teacher also help change the teachers’ behaviors
towards students learning approach. It helps teacher to
assist students in a way [4] suitable for learning
improving students’ knowledge. Teachers’ training can
mold a student behavior towards activity-based learning
and cognition. It can be achieved by designing a teacher
training program enriched with activity-based learning
approaches. A trained teacher can make up a student’s
cognitions towards learning and knowledge.
The relationship between teacher training and
economic benefit. As the supply of labor increases in
the economy, the downward pressure is exerted on the
average height and the minimum wage rate. If the
demand for work by employers does not keep pace with
the labor supply, wages will usually fall due to
mismatches of work teams. On the other hand, an
excess supply of workers is particularly detrimental to
employees working in industries with low barriers to
entry, meaning that they do not have any degree or
special training.
According to Bretagne [7], higher-education and
training employment sectors tend to pay employees
higher wages. The increased wages result from a
smaller supply of work capable of operating in these
industries, and the education and training required
incurs significant costs.
The success and excellence factors in the
relationship between education and human capital:
• The knowledge and skills of employees
available in the job supply is crucial to both business
and economic growth.
• Industries with higher education requirements
tend to pay workers higher wages.
• Differences in training levels are a significant
factor separating developed and developing countries.
• Economy productivity increases as the number
of educated workers increases because skilled workers
can perform tasks more efficiently.
Teacher training system and income of workers
in the economy. Some countries that successfully
combined openness and investment in learning and
education have created a virtuous cycle: openness
creates a demand for education, and learning and
education make the country's export industry more
competitive. Knowledge accumulation affects the
country’s trade and competitiveness performance;
Trade, in turn, improves the accumulation of
knowledge, especially through imports. Baker [4] states
that in order to sustain any kind of accumulation of
knowledge, a country must be outwardly and
significantly exported. Grossman, & Elhanan [13]
reveals that trade itself cannot be the engine of growth,
but must operate throughout any mechanism, such as
human capital formation, to influence growth. A study
from the World Bank found that economic growth rates
in a sample of 60 developing countries from 1995-2010
were particularly high when there was a combination of
higher education and macroeconomic stability and
The effect of trade openness on long-term growth
therefore depends on the extent to which people are able
to absorb and use the information and technology
offered through trade and foreign investment. It is
widely accepted that in order to adapt to the
environment of stronger competition and the world that
emphasizes the role of information, knowledge and
skills, an advanced economy is required to continuously
upgrade the overall quality of their workforce.
How education is beneficial to the nation?
Globalization and international trade require countries
and their economies to compete with each other.
Economically successful countries will hold competitive
and comparative advantages over other economies,
though rarely one country specializes in a particular
industry. A typical developed economy will include
advantages and disadvantages in the global market.
Education and training of the country's workforce is a
major factor in determining the state of the country's
For summary, the teaching processes are important
and specific to each country. The teacher's training
process will have a significant impact on various areas
of economics, including the employment component.
Within the employment economy, the knowledge and
skills of workers available in the job supply is a key
factor in determining both business and economic
growth. Economies with a substantial supply of skilled
workers brought in through formal education as well as
vocational training are usually able to take advantage of
this through the development of higher value-added
industries, such as high-tech manufacturing.
Bibliographic references:
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УДК 331.103.3
преподаватель кафедры управления
предпринимательской и туристической деятельностью,
Измаильский государственный гуманитарный университет, Украина
В данной статье рассмотрены основные теоретические аспекты нормирования труда на предприятии,
проанализирована продолжительность времени труда и отдыха работников, выявлены основные причины
потери времени, определена необходимость планирования рабочего времени на предприятии.
Ключевые слова: управление персоналом, рабочее время, трудовой процесс, анализ, нормы,
нормирование, планирование.
Lecturer, Department of Business and Tourism Management,
Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine
This article discusses the main theoretical aspects of labor regulation at the enterprise, analyzes the duration of
labor and rest time of employees, identifies the main causes of loss of time, and determines the need for planning
working time at the enterprise.
Key words: personnel management, working hours, labor process, analysis, norms, rationing, planning.
составной частью управления производством и
включает определение необходимых затрат труда на
выполнение работ, изготовление продукции как
отдельными работниками, так и коллективами
работников (бригадами), и установление на этой
основе норм труда. Расчеты норм труда широко
предприятиях, где вопрос нормирования является
основой эффективной организации планирования.
планированию и анализу, снижению трудоёмкости
выполняемых работ, росту производительности
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